Or maybe lack of training, a sealed HDD is there, toss it in with the others. Or maybe a Co policy too who knows, not all buyers are aware of these little nuances of a business. While I have vigorously advocated FK on this same thread, I would not put it past them affirmatively without any solid information. All said and done, India is still a buyer beware country. (though its changing)
None, of that matters. None of it. Training, lack of it, tossing it with others, buyers being educated about their rights, inspection protocols at the final leg. The selling point has no rights to do this, or assume it, nor should we be thinking up excuses. Yes, if a war happens tomorrow, or half the nation is flood-gated with water, I can understand. Venturing into the e-model, yes, companies like FK will have to deal with fraudulent buyers (after all we all want a free-lunch); but that is part and parcel of the game, and the consumerism model does not function with the start point being "doubt the buyer".
Is it not the duty of sellers to educate buyers, the end costumers...? I just remembered, I picked up a replacement battery for a DELL INSPIRON 1545. Have any of you done this. The packaging is like....believe me, it was stellar. That ~6" x 2" battery was embedded in a fully sealed cardboard box: ~15" x 5" box. With foam inside. And the battery was inside two zip lock bags. When the person bought the battery (in this box), to me at the node, I was like "this is not my product". Looked like a laptop box...! LOL. That is way it should be done.
Dunno if I am on pot or not, you certainly seem like you have come from Lala land or shall we be blunt and say the cuckoo house. Which rock have you been hiding under ? THIS IS THE NORM IN INDIA .. DENIAL
While I appreciate your comments about packaging, they are irrelevant to the subject at hand.
I am from Lala-Land, which is India, but at least I am not behaving like one...!

Also not from the cuckoo house, but anyone who is reading this thread will say three things: Either you are working for FK, are nuts in your head, or plain dumb-troll. I have too been under a rock, but came out of it long back. That is what my posts are reflecting. See your attitude and mannerisms to defend a company. You are plainly saying, that FK should deny consumer complaints. Is that the way to set up businesses, God knows what ethics and morals you posses. Soon you will say, we should just deny receipt of merchandize and ask for refunds. Shut up.
Thanks for the appreciation around the packaging, but it is pertinent to this thread. If you do not find them so, stay out, and stop your useless rant and tangential movement of the thread.