To all atheists here

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Ask yourselves two questions.

1. "Did the egg come first or the chicken?"

2. Do you believe in Heaven and Hell.

Type "Syberia Diggings" in Google and report back.
Atheist's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in god. If there is no god, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent god, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him

I'd rather people did the above than believe in god , and then do all the bad shyte they do instead, because god will forgive/protect/whatever
manu1991 said:
To all non atheists , if possible check this movie out :
Religulous (2008)

someone in the comments on that page left this beauty
Atheists don't need to disprove your god...
by cavALier1138 (Sun Sep 21 2008 20:10:50)
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Alright. I'm sick and tired of debates over the existence of a higher power devolving into "Well, you can't prove that my god doesn't exist." We are born atheist. Religion is added on to us by society. Thus, the natural state of things makes us inherently not believe in a higher power (until, of course, we are told that one exists). The burden of proof is, in fact, on the people making outlandish claims- in this case, that their god exists. Don't believe me? Try this one on for size:

There's a unicorn behind you. Right now. No, don't bother looking- he's invisible. You won't get too far trying to hear him either- inaudible. And don't try touching him- he's intangible. In fact, you'll never sense anything that would give you a clue that this unicorn is there. But he is. He's watching your every move. And his name is Fred. Prove me wrong.

Of course, the above demand is ludicrous. You can't prove there isn't a unicorn behind you, and you never will. And an invisible, intangible, inaudible unicorn is much more probable than an invisible, intangible, inaudible, omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent eternal being that has nothing better to do than watch and judge every action on earth. So please, stop asking me to prove you wrong. Try proving yourselves right.
food for thought!
^ I don't know about the sounds but the diggings were real and I actually have a radio conversation of one of the scientists who was interviewed by BBC. Do a little more research , that site was buncha Atheist's.
Thanks for points bought up so far, and keeping it civilized more importantly.
The main idea is here, suppose you belive in a God, any god, and lets suppose he/she/it is not petty enough to quibble over how you address he/she/it as long as you believe.
So one fine day, you die and you are an athiest (a non-believer), Wouldnt it be difficult for that person then? This versus say, you are spiritual. belive in something supernatural and you die. However there is nothing there and thats that. No God to pass judgement or hell or whatever.

I truly believe that the latter has no cons expect that you believe in something supernatural. However, Is it even possible for a atheist to be spiritual?
I feel it would take nothing short of a miracle (a fantastic unrefutable one at that) to make one believe, which I dare say, are hard to come by now a days :)
Here we go again,

God and religion are man-made. Too many lives have been lost and will continue to be lost in the name of God/religion. I wonder when will the world realize this fact and start living peacefully.

If there was God, would he/she/it allow all the treacherous and gruesome things happening all over the world and just sit back and enjoy the show?

Also i dont give a shit what happens after my death, if i cant live my life the way i want to as long as im not doing any bad things in life on purpose. Screw this heaven n hell bullshit crap that is stuffed down our throats. U can make ur own heaven n hell here on Earth if u want to and work hard towards it.

Science flies us to the moon.

Religion flies us into buildings.

Nuff said. Peace.

PS - U gotta be kidding with those Siberia diggings voices frm hell BS.
sharekhan, the problem with pascal's arguement is that he makes too many assumptions.

What if there is a god, but who is not the way you have assumed/believed him to be
greenhorn said:
@ 6pack, usually the burden of proof is on the atheist.
Argument for
Why the Burden of Proof is on the Atheist
and against
Do Atheists Bear a Burden of Proof?

frankly, way over my head :ashamed:

something even more interesting Atheism, Agnosticism, and Burden of Proof

it becomes a chicken egg question.
believer to save himself asks non believer to prove otherwise. likewise with non believer who wont bother to give any examples to prove, since he knows its pointless to argue.
greenhorn said:
@ 6pack, usually the burden of proof is on the atheist.

very quickly, as i did not read your links but...

how does one prove a negative ?

You cant :)

Common tactic if you want to corner someone.

Logically speaking the one making the positive statement is the one that offers the proof.

The other point and this for Mr.Khan

An atheist does not believe there is any life after death so question of finding out after is moot.
All my friends who say they are religious have never read the holy book of their religion. I am pretty sure ppl here who say they are religious have never read their holy book.
blr_p said:
The other point and this for Mr.Khan

An atheist does not believe there is any life after death so question of finding out after is moot.

What if there is life after death? This would hold true for a religious person as much it would for an atheist. Same again if there is no life after death. I don't assume that the after life is only for religious people.
God or no God? This will just go on and on and on endlessly. The fact is neither can be proved.

I have always and will always be a strong non-believer in God. :P
SharekhaN said:
What if there is life after death? This would hold true for a religious person as much it would for an atheist. Same again if there is no life after death. I don't assume that the after life is only for religious people.

But only religous ppl believe in a life after death :)

You are starting from that premise and then asking what-if an atheist finds himself in this situation.

Another way of putting it is if person of religon 'a' does not follow the dictates of religon 'b' he might be in trouble. You can see the fallacy here so why not with the atheist ?
Here's my take on it.

I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of God because I have concrete proof for neither.

I will not not go to the trouble of defending Gods existence or power before others or hurt people physically/mentally in his name, if an almighty God really exists, he/she can surely take care of defending himself/herself.

All humans who try to defend (their) God (especially the ones who go to extreme lengths for this) are the ones who have the least faith in him and his power, They believe in what they are doing, not in God's existence or power, so they are atheists.

I do not depend nor wish anything from God. If God exists and is the way as claimed by holy books, God knows what you need and will give that to you without asking. What I want, I earn for myself though hard work.

I try my best to help people around me who I think are in need of help, but I don't worry about what happens to be after death. I have enough to worry about in this world. If there is an after life and a hell and I go there, then so be it. I will think about it when I have to go there.

You can't rely on someones power to bail you out of trouble when you don't even know for sure if he exists. Would you try jumping off a cliff even under the direst of conditions with the hope that someone would be there to catch you, now would you? That's what is defined as faith. If people who lack blind faith is an atheist, then I don't know anyone in this world who is not an atheist.

In the end, I would just say that I would not depend/rely on God's existence and power to get me what I want. If God exists and he is almighty, then good, even if there is no almighty God, no problem for me.
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