To all atheists here

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I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of God because I have concrete proof for neither.

Sums up pretty much my position as well. Quite a few in the agnostic camp here i see.

But this is also a flawed statement, because there is no proving or disproving but feeling :)

Its like asking you to prove to me why you think track A is better than track B.

The only answer you can give is you feel it. No other objective statement can be made.
Lord Nemesis said:
Here's my take on it.

I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of God because I have concrete proof for neither.

I will not not go to the trouble of defending Gods existence or power before others or hurt people physically/mentally in his name, if an almighty God really exists, he/she can surely take care of defending himself/herself.

All humans who try to defend (their) God (especially the ones who go to extreme lengths for this) are the ones who have the least faith in him and his power, They believe in what they are doing, not in God's existence or power, so they are atheists.

I do not depend nor wish anything from God. If God exists and is the way as claimed by holy books, God knows what you need and will give that to you without asking. What I want, I earn for myself though hard work.

I try my best to help people around me who I think are in need of help, but I don't worry about what happens to be after death. I have enough to worry about in this world. If there is an after life and a hell and I go there, then so be it. I will think about it when I have to go there.

You can't rely on someones power to bail you out of trouble when you don't even know for sure if he exists. You would not try jumping off a cliff even under the direst of conditions with the hope that someone would be there to catch you, now would you? That's what is defined as faith. If people who lack blind faith is an atheist, then I don't know anyone in this world who is not an atheist.

In the end, I would just say that I would not depend/rely on God's existence and power to get me what I want. If God exists and he is almighty, then good, even if there is no almighty God, no problem for me.
Nicely put, exactly how I feel about it.

here's something funny I found ...
sorry could not go through all the posts.

would like to point of some things..

1st thing...

the fear people carry about
'if god will punish me for being a non-believer(and not worshiping it)..thus i believe..!!'

i find it complete rubbish.

If the God is so great then he wont be so immature to punish his own children just for not believing and not worshiping.

2ndly...One can not prove God exists... also One can not prove it Doesn't exists...

thus...taking either extreme ends as the stance is equally stupid in my opinion.

As far as what i understand... god is a matter of faith..have it if it helps you...but DO NOT preach/force it on others if they are stronger without it.

i do not believe god exists (not same as 'i believe god doesnt exist'

but that does not make me an atheist.. neither a theist.

its just that my knowledge about the universe is not vast enough to take either side.
The problem with Atheist's is that they think they can do everything on their own . They think they don't need any help from someone from above rather considering themselves as a God.
Something funny that happend a while back.

An atheist friend of mine put up a status message

" I was an Atheist until I found out that I was God" :devil:

Another Friend's status message

"I wasn't an Atheist until I found out that he was God":P

My opionion is that there is a god, who himself/herself/itself does not believe in religion. There is no such thing as a true religion because had there been a true religion, there would have been no scope for a listful of religions. The really 'true religion' would have been the only one, without the scope of any doubt.
hash said:
The problem with Atheist's is that they think they can do everything on their own . They think they don't need any help from someone from above rather considering themselves as a God.

most of the atheiests do not believe in god because the existance of god is not so obvious to them.. its nothing like they are super confident..its just that they believe in good deeds rather than thinking 'we shall do good deeds so that god will do good to US'..

and about
They think they don't need any help from someone from above rather considering themselves as a God.
This is really ridiculous... so you believe and praise god for self well being n profit ??
whom does it render problematic?? a theist following a cult for better life(perhaps an after life) OR an atheist who is committed toward good deeds for others as well as self without any external phenomenon forcing him do that 'spiritually' ?

As others have mentioned...
Proving 'God Doesn't Exist' is impossible...
why? because its a negative.. (same way as one can not prove 'Darkness does not exist' there is nothing as darkness..its just the absence of brightness)

I can make an assumption that God is Homer Simpson and you can not prove me wrong (Please pardon me if there is already a religion praising Homer Simpson)

Most theists have wrong idea about theists...they think that atheists are anti-god / satanic etc...but it is as simple as believing 'God does not exist'

and most of the atheists do not believe in god's existence just because it is unknown to them... it is not like something which has been proved n still they are not believing it.
hash said:
The problem with Atheist's is that they think they can do everything on their own . They think they don't need any help from someone from above rather considering themselves as a God.

what experience made you come to that conclusion?

i think the problem with believers is the very mention that someone does not believe in god is enough to flare their tempers. It gets hard for atheists to have normal conversations in such circumstances.
6pack said:
what experience made you come to that conclusion?

i think the problem with believers is the very mention that someone does not believe in god is enough to flare their tempers. It gets hard for atheists to have normal conversations in such circumstances.

I think the reverse is true too!
I am somewhere in between being an atheist and a deist. It isn't that I do not believe in God, it is more like I do not care one way or the other.

If God is what all religions say he is supposed to be, then being good should be enough and praying and all that bullcrap need not matter and if praying matters then he is not what he is potrayed to be and therefore not "God". So I come back to my conlusion: I do not care.
Ok so here's what my colleague has to say:
I personally dont know whether God or any other supernormal being exists or not (it is not that I dont believe in one either). However, I believe in the truth. I believe in that which I personally experience. I believe that there is a law of nature. Something that governs the universe. Just like a country has its own man made laws, I believe that there is the "law of nature", the law of "cause and effect" which simply governs the entire world, our existense.

For eg when one plants a seed of neem (and waters it regularly ofcourse), then one can very simply expect the tree to grow into neem. When one plants the seed of mango, one can expect a mango tree and expect the fruits on that tree to be mangoes. One does not plant a neem seed and pray to whomsoever (whether God or the wind or rain etc) and expect mango tree with fruit to be mangoes. Similarly our own actions will very well result in the fruits that we shall get in the future. It may be called Karma or whatever you like.

Honestly speaking it does not matter whether one believes in the existence of God or not. It does not matter whether one calls himself the follower of this religion or that religion. However one must be ready to face the consequences of ones actions (whether good or bad). Just like whether one believes in the law of gravity or not is immaterial. But it is a clear fact that we are subject to walking on earth and not floating in the air or jumping at a height of 50m at a stretch like superman. Though the law of Gravity was discovered by Newton, this law existed even before him, during his time and even after his death. Similarly whether the law of nature is accepted or not, it continued to exist in the past, it continues to exist in the present and will continue to exist in the future. The sooner we understand this law and learn how the law wants us to live (rather learn to live in accordance with the law), the sooner we shall come out of our suffering and live a peaceful and happy life.
I believe that there is a law of nature.

Problem is there are so many interpretations of this "law of nature".

Being an atheist is an attempt to strip away some of the more irrelevant in search of what tangibly remains.
My thoughts are somewhat similar to that of Gannu's friend quoted above.But then there are conflicts between the mind and the heart :P

I do believe that weather one believes in Religion or not , believes in god or not.. just following the right path and seeing to it that one does not cause any harm to others is the best thing.But then again ,it makes me think Who defines what is right and what is wrong ?

Also I believed that one always pays for their bad deeds and one always gets the fruits of his good deeds.But If I kill someone , the supreme power might punish me giving me a brutal death . What about a person who is responsible for 1000's of innocent lives ? How will he be punished ?

That at times makes me think there has to be supreme power which is governing the whole universe, everything that's is and will be.And maybe that person will punish you /reward you for your doings after death.

Also Science has advanced to a great extent in all the fields , yet we do not have answers to a lot of questions like ..Where did life evolve from ? Yeah it is said that first living organism was found in water and all .. but then where did that come from ?

Also the whole evolution of a baby in the mother's womb is the think that amazes me the most , reading N number of scientific answers doesn't convince me.Maybe that's one of the reasons Ive noticed a lot of doctors usually believe in God ,cause there are some things beyond Science and explanation,proofs etc.And when science gives up they leave it upto God :P.

I don't exactly support any religion or god as such , These all are made up by us . Just believing in doing right , and believing that there is someone up there watching you works for me .

All of the above is just my opinion, infact the topic is so sensitive that it makes one think a lot .So I am myself confused and I doubt anyone will have a definite answer any day :ashamed:
All we can do is Believe in ourselves ..cause atleast we know we exist :rofl:
FaH33m said:
My thoughts are somewhat similar to that of Gannu's friend quoted above.But then there are conflicts between the mind and the heart :P

I do believe that weather one believes in Religion or not , believes in god or not.. just following the right path and seeing to it that one does not cause any harm to others is the best thing.
But then again ,it makes me think Who defines what is right and what is wrong ?
All we can do is Believe in ourselves ..cause atleast we know we exist :rofl:

Yes, its possible to justify so many things. We can justify theft. When we can justify eating animals, killing insects, using animal hide etc, then burglary, surely can be justified. Why should our lives be any more valuable than that of any insect?

When we detest the evil characters in movies like "Texas chainsaw massacre" and "The Hills have Eyes", little do we realize that we are worse than that in the eyes of the animals...

I think Il stop :p
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