To all atheists here

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I was going through a documentary by the BBC. It showed how man in history followed spiritualism and now science in the present.
In midst of the three part documentary, there were some discussion on men of importance in history and their beliefs. One such example was Louis Pascal ( the mathematician ) who tried to come up with a formula for determining "how spiritual is a person" and also the impact of believeing in a supernatural being.
Putting the odds of finding out post our death, the answer to the truth of " Is there a God?" at 50 -50, He said, the risks of not believing in an almighty when there is a presense of one may be too much.
I would love to hear your views on this.
note to the mods: This is not aimed at people belonging to any faith nor is this thread created to insult/ flame anyone of any faith or without. If you feel its inappropriate please do delete this. People who feel this is offending may report this thread. Thanks.
^ no.

If u have heard of freemasons they have a similar belief in a superior being but may or maynot belong to religion.

Ithink religion was just a way of networking and still is in some ways.

@ sheru - just yesterday i saw the two part series 'root of all evil'

And as for man following science now well thats not completely true otherwise we wont have nutjobs blowing everything up. There is something about religion that makes some ppl on the brink of crazy go past that border of crazy and become supercrazy ! LOL.

U have got to see The Atheism Tapes.
Not bothered with religion or god at the moment, though technically I'm still a Hindu. I don't believe that god doesn't exist either so I am not an atheist :P

lol, wikipedia says that 85% of Swedish population are atheists. So I guess 15% are pagans, pirates and satanists.
SharekhaN said:
Putting the odds of finding out post our death, the answer to the truth of " Is there a God?" at 50 -50, He said, the risks of not believing in an almighty when there is a presense of one may be too much.
I would love to hear your views on this.

So its like saying better to believe than not ?

..based on something we might find out after we die.

Taliban do it in a much simpler way, either you start believing real fast or you die NOW!

SharekhaN said:
Putting the odds of finding out post our death, the answer to the truth of " Is there a God?" at 50 -50, He said, the risks of not believing in an almighty when there is a presense of one may be too much.

I feel that believing in an almighty where there isnt presence of one is a greater risk .

Its very simple , if there is a god and is what he/she is made out to be by the various religions then he/she wont mind someone not believing in them , on the other hand , if there isnt one and you believe in it , you re just wasting your time .
I have views somewhat similar to Zhopudey and Chiron.

I am not a very religious or spiritual person and i don't practice my religion(Hindu). I hardly visit Temples or participate in any religious functions(including Deepavali) with my family(Despite i had been brought up in very Orthodox Brahmin family).

But i do believe in one person that is Shirdi Sai Baba. I don't know whether it's Miracle or just Coincidence most of the time when I pray to him sincerely I do get my wishes fulfilled.

Am i Agnostic?
Was reading Jurassic Park yesterday. It has a nice viewpoint about the danger of blindly believing in science.

Science has attained so much power that its practical limits begin to be apparent. Largely through science, billions of us live in one small world, densely packed and intercommunicating. But science cannot help us decide what to do with that world, or how to live. Science can make a nuclear reactor, but it cannot tell us not to build it. Science can make pesticide, but cannot tell us not to use it. And our world starts to seem polluted in fundamental ways -air, and water, and land-because of ungovernable science.

Science has always said that it may not know everything now but it will know, eventually. But now we see that isn't true. It is an idle boast. As foolish, and as misguided, as the child who jumps off a building because he believes he can fly.

We are witnessing the end of the scientific era. Science, like other outmoded systems, is destroying itself. As it gains in power, it proves itself incapable of handling the power. Because things are going very fast now. Fifty years ago, everyone was gaga over the atomic bomb. That was power. No one could imagine anything more. Yet, a bare decade after the bomb, we began to have genetic power. And genetic power is far more potent than atomic power. And it will be in everyone's hands. It will be in kits for backyard gardeners. Experiments for schoolchildren. Cheap labs for terrorists and dictators, And that will force everyone to ask the same question-What should I do with my power?-which is the very question science says it cannot answer.
Well I am Agnostic. I don't go to any specific place of worship neither do I deny going if some one asks me to accompany him be it a Temple, Mosque, Church or a Gurudwara.

But existence of God, this is something which I would never understand.

Sadly everyone feels that someone not believing in god is a blind follower of all things scientific , things are not always in black and white
I'd say I'm an agnostic theist.

85% of Sweden are atheists. If that's correct it should give the rest of the world some kind of lesson. Have you seen the statistic of Sweden? Read up on Wikipedia(scroll to the bottom). That country rates high in so many of the world International rankings. Not to mention the great bands from there.
chiron said:
Not bothered with religion or god at the moment, though technically I'm still a Hindu. I don't believe that god doesn't exist either so I am not an atheist :P

lol, wikipedia says that 85% of Swedish population are atheists. So I guess 15% are pagans, pirates and satanists.
vij said:
Fear/Love of god cultivates discipline.

I agree. Need not be god though. We should feel accountable to some higher power. Problem occurs when people think that higher power is the leader of their favorite political party or the high priest of their religion.
Rather than questioning the existence or non-existence, I prefer to ask, what is the point of God, and I don't really see the point of having a divine being.
manu1991 said:
Sadly everyone feels that someone not believing in god is a blind follower of all things scientific , things are not always in black and white

The other point is one does not 'believe' in science. Science makes the case.

In fact science that cannot be tested is false science.

Good science is always falsifiable ie can be tested, reproduced etc.
I dont believe in god. I'm not a blind follower of anything else too.

If there was god, society would have been much different now than it is. Why hide from your believers if you want to make them believe in you?

Countless butchering take place in the name of god.

one terrorist organization massacres innocent people in name of god's holy war? holy? by killing other innocent people?

If god was really present he would have stopped this. just a click of his fingers and the mad people could see some sense?

insecure people believe in supernatural beings. believing in something bigger, stronger than you to get discipline is cowardice. Believe in your own mind power to control yourself. You are an adult, and can make choices to stay away from vices.
soggy316 said:
Rather than questioning the existence or non-existence, I prefer to ask, what is the point of God, and I don't really see the point of having a divine being.

To give a ray of hope where everything else has failed.

Personally, I am an agnostic simply because there are things in this universe which are beyond human understanding.
We cant say 5000 years of "belief and devotion" = bullshit.
I havent read "enough" abt relegion(any) to understand what they mean so I will refrain frm commenting against relegion or GOD etc....

But I have seen enough corrupt paractices @ holy places to make join atheist club.

Religon is for man, man is not fr relegion:D
6pack said:
insecure people believe in supernatural beings. believing in something bigger, stronger than you to get discipline is cowardice. Believe in your own mind power to control yourself. You are an adult, and can make choices to stay away from vices.

Your take on the so called holy war did get me thinking. Maybe believing in God doesnt just breed goodness and discipline...

But still, for most people, believing in God/supreme being and being in the illusion/reality of being answerable for your deeds breeds self discipline and goodness in general.

I would like to believe in the possibilty that God exists. I believe in God...
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