Two questions on Love Aj Kal

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I have two questions on Love Aaj kal

1. Who is the singer of the song Aahun Aahun (apart from Neeraj Shredhar). I suppose it is either Jazzy B or Master Salim (Teri Sajni fame). Because at different places on net i found different details.

2. What is the runtime of the movie. Any seen in theater, please answer :ashamed:
the original kade na hass bol ve was by punjabi singer maddan matti

from whose songs the lines r picked by Pritam - The Chor

added ahun ahun and it becomes- pritam's :D
whatever be it..but aahun is currently in repeat mode on my mp3 player :ohyeah:

Are but run time to confirm karo :S
The movie is good if you have a good company. Otherwise its noway near the likes of salam namaste or humtum.
Dont trust the TOI ratings these days..

once the media partner thing is set, the TOI fellas make the movie a Hit overshow (not overnite mind u)
They year started with so many quality movies from bollywood but I guess its back to business as usual now.
chich flick movie....One of the only hindi movies I could bear to watch through till the end...which means its good
^theek hai maharaj

aap ne kehdiye its good then it surely must be good

if u had said bad, it wud have been surely bad

Yeah now TOI rating has been compromised on marketing and funding by the Movie makers to them!!!

Honestly the movie is not great......
In the beginig part of movie, you may feel disgusted like what is happening, some slideshow is going out or what....
And the relationship b/w Saif and Deepika ad g/f, b/f has been depicted very unnaturally and strange with no emotion...

Sometimes movie tends to take the grip with story, but it doesnoy tend to keep you along with for long time..

Though I liked Saif as a SARDAR ROLE....... And I liked the song, specially the climax song---- "" Ahun"" and the video is great as well...

So I say its a one time watch with company, and ypu will definetly like the songs and picturisation of same!!!!
Well who said pritam..its salim sulaiman..and u can see them at many places in songs...

(note:::Just checked its indeed Pritam ..salim sulaiman are in background scores)

BTw its some sort of typr os salam namaste......but becoz of the actress it couldnt reach that level...

I would say its a simple complicated movie......As the saif-Deepika angle was too confuse to understand..after deepis marriage with RK...

I like the SAIf(sardar) and the other gal role more than the main leads..whos is that new lady.....deepika shd learn some acting frm her rather than skin shows

Movie is good if watching with its like gf talking with his bf on story just i like u-u luv me type....

Strict no with family(which i did)...i wont say its adult one...but u wont like it raa emotions are romantic

And ya whts the other gal name...who married with saifu sardar???

got it Giselle Monterio(harleen kaur)
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