Not tested on MP yet.Bt in SP yes it does.and yes its patched but still the same problem.Infact without the patch it worked well.Blackouts were there but less frequent.During SP or MP? or both?
Awesome! Almost in the middle of the game.I am not denying the fact that UC2 have its moments too but this one is quite different.Till now loved all the chapters.But visual wise there are some flaws.Like when you meet elena for the first time at the airport.That scene looks worst.It feels like you are playing a game by keeping everything to low and upscaling a 480p video to 1080p.But still its alright of we overlook it.
The biggest 1.13 addition is that of the Tournament System. Each week, you're awarded 10 tickets you can use to enter Team Deathmatch, Three-Team Deathmatch or Hardcore tournaments. However, these aren't tournament brackets like you might be expecting. Instead, you redeem one of your tickets before a match begins and then your individual performance earns you points in the tournament standings -- if your team wins; players on the losing team are awarded zero points.