Audio UniqueMelody: Miracle - Initial Impressions

Its simple is it not ! , if you want that extra bass go for JH16, ( why not a JH3A, though ?)

Miracle's bass has no bumps or dips its very natural extends very low, very very low. JH16 must also extend this low but it will have much more of the bass.

I have aneldo D1 in mind. what say? any suggestions. ( i dont really need a portable setup)
Vasishta.Sushant said:
To tell you honestly, I am more envious of Amarbir than you. Because of geeks like you, he is digging the gold :p
Dont look at how much GOLD he is digging , Rather be thankful to him to provide some of the best audio gear at the best possible prices . He works like a true businessman . Reasonable profits are worth having and its his right to have them .

Yes . its cause of we (all) the geeks , that he keeps getting more and more killer stuff .

Expect a few more GO and FS from him in Dealers Paradise , Real Soon :D
strategy said:
Its simple is it not ! , if you want that extra bass go for JH16, ( why not a JH3A, though ?)

Miracle's bass has no bumps or dips its very natural extends very low, very very low. JH16 must also extend this low but it will have much more of the bass.

I have aneldo D1 in mind. what say? any suggestions. ( i dont really need a portable setup)

It's not that simple unfortunately. Bass is not the only thing, I'm not a basshead at all actually, but JH has that warmth/sparkle in the mids, which I enjoy. But at the same time, I don't know which I'll enjoy more. I guess, when the time comes, I'll have to take my pick & live with it. One thing I will know though, is that either one will serve me brilliantly well!

Aneldo D1? What is that? :O

What budget are you looking at?
Superfrag said:
It's not that simple unfortunately. Bass is not the only thing, I'm not a basshead at all actually, but JH has that warmth/sparkle in the mids, which I enjoy. But at the same time, I don't know which I'll enjoy more

Same confusion here. All I need to do is to wait a couple of months max. Joker should be getting his soon. He's somebody with very similar preferences as mine (barring minor differences). By that time, strategy could (hopefully) have a better DAC-Amp combination. So, I'll have two reviews to get an even better idea of Miracle :)

Aneldo D1 - IIRC, saw it in Project86's review.


Wow! That tall a sound stage. Nice! As much as I like FX700, there's no denying that it's 'balance' is achieved by more emphasis at both ends of the spectrum. Miracle seems to be much nicer in comparison. FWIR, JH13 has a bump below 60Hz and JH16 bumps it up a little more (+6dB?). From my experience with bass-heavy and bass-light IEMs, I usually like the (quantity wise) bass heavy signature initially, but over time prefer quality to quantity. With customs I cannot take a chance (besides the huge sum involved). So, will wait before deciding.

PS: As much as I try, I can't keep my hands off sub-$100 IEMs that are VFM. That's one weakness I have that you don't. So, I may never get a custom :ashamed:
The only problem I have with universals, is their somewhat average comfort, and narrow soundstage. The spacial improvements of the customs is unimaginable, it's as good as headphones..

I saw the Anedio(not aneldo) D1 DAC there.. seems good.. although I have no idea how good it is. Plus, it costs $1270. lol.

The only thing that makes me tip towards JH is the local support. It takes a week for the product to reach them, and a week for it to come back. Plus, they already have my molds with them, since I got the JH5.
I am basically looking for a Extraordinary DAC, The review says the Amp is also good, i think it will work great with my K702.

and he says it pairs pretty nicely with miracle.

i was looking at the burson audio HA160d , but the DAC is OKish ( for the price ofcourse)

Yulong D100 looks promising also.

I have looked in to HRT MSpro , it also seems to be good. But i dont have money right now so i want to aim at the TOP :p

any recommendations!

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esanthosh said:
Same confusion here. All I need to do is to wait a couple of months max. Joker should be getting his soon. He's somebody with very similar preferences as mine (barring minor differences). By that time, strategy could (hopefully) have a better DAC-Amp combination. So, I'll have two reviews to get an even better idea of Miracle :)

Aneldo D1 - IIRC, saw it in Project86's review.


Wow! That tall a sound stage. Nice! As much as I like FX700, there's no denying that it's 'balance' is achieved by more emphasis at both ends of the spectrum. Miracle seems to be much nicer in comparison. FWIR, JH13 has a bump below 60Hz and JH16 bumps it up a little more (+6dB?). From my experience with bass-heavy and bass-light IEMs, I usually like the (quantity wise) bass heavy signature initially, but over time prefer quality to quantity. With customs I cannot take a chance (besides the huge sum involved). So, will wait before deciding.

PS: As much as I try, I can't keep my hands off sub-$100 IEMs that are VFM. That's one weakness I have that you don't. So, I may never get a custom :ashamed:
THe thing is the real improvement with top tier gear comes in Timbre, Soundstage and Imaging, s i think you are missing a lot.

also I would never call it bass light, just not bass heavy. i could not rate it because there is no scale to rate , FX700 has great bass, hits hard , sometimes not when requird. miracle can hit as hard sometimes , just it never upsets the Mids and Highs while doing so.

And , i earlier said the body of RE262 is the best i find among everything i have heard ( except for LCD-2) now i change that The miracle are really great 1.5:1. with lcd 2 being tad better.
THe thing is the real improvement with top tier gear comes in Timbre, Soundstage and Imaging

And , i earlier said the body of RE262 is the best i find among everything i have heard ( except for LCD-2) now i change that The miracle are really great 1.5:1.

Hmmm..... ths is not good for anyone's wallet

congrtas on ur buy and gud impressions
so when r u selling ur fx700???? :)
I can extrapolate the improvements between say a RE0 and FX700/SM3 and can understand that customs will be that better than universals. The issue is that RE-262 can be had for 8K, FX700 for around 13K from FS / other sources, but Miracle is at 41K. It better be better for that cost :p. Besides, even if I get a custom, I am still going to retain a few universals as they are much safer and cheaper to use outside. I've plenty of time though. I'll give it a thought if I manage to clean up my collection at least by a bit.
Santosh, you dont need to sell your gear to get a new one , you just have to stop yourself from getting another universal! for around 4-5 months thats all!

Mukul, FX700's wont go for sale Sflo2, HM602, Maverick audio D1 might go for sale! :(

now recommend a new dac
I know you wouldn't really consider for being to cheap for ya supabulous rig but the best dac i've heard till date has been the HRT Streamer MS2.

If your wallet is too heavy for ya then go for the MS2+, everything else is just too coloured.

Coming back to your customs.... Congratulations on your elite purchase. I admire your passion and loathe you simultaneously(if that makes any sense).
I have only one, million dollar question that can make it or break it as for custom remolds are concerned......Can you sleep with them?? Lol.
DAC, go for Gamma-2(DIY), serves me very well. Other good options are the DAC's, Lavry. But there are many other good one's as well, just not coming to my mind.

In amps, my personal desktop favorites are : WA6, WA6SE & Phonitor. Nothing beats WA6 for overall VFM though. Many people have used WA6 with JH13 and loved it, should be same with Miracle. These transformer coupled tube amps are great for low impedance headphones/earphones.

Portables, easily the Protector. That DIY amp by Titana also seems like a great choice.

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bennysachdev said:
I have only one, million dollar question that can make it or break it as for custom remolds are concerned......Can you sleep with them?? Lol.
Easily. I sleep with them every night, and my phone alarm plays through them. Perfect way to wake up. lol.

i Admire you guys who give me the sense to work like a dog ,I reckon that .I Am totally focused On Portable Audio And Its Expansion Here in My Area ,Today i have spend the entire day trying to get Main board for the shop ,Have a Look At The Main Logo you will Love It i think .Do Give Me your Suggestions .By March 31st Lynx Will Be A One Stop Shop For Quality audio In India .We will Have Unbeatable Collection And this is not possible without you all suggesting and helping built the image i have now .


infact the cable is very very manageable and thin. But it feels durable somehow , till now with RE262, S4 tf10 and FX700, i was worried that i will break cables internally if i sleep withe them on , but really on the first day i slept with my miracle ON !

its not too big it fits in ears, is comfortable, but my ears sweat ( thats now exactly sweat is it?) more with them :(

As for the DAC: @ benny, i have absolutely NO weight on my wallet now ( i have rs. 40 with me, but thats in my pocket.) But i will if i am upgrading I WANT TO UPGRADE, The HM602's dac is very good IMO, a lot better than D1, thats why i am looking to spend around 30K on the DAC, IF its really worth it. thats why i stumbled up on the Aneldo D1 , cause the review on head-fi says its worth a lot more and is very transparent , the DAC s well as the amp. i want a neutral DAC. Amp is not very important as of now. if i get the Aneldo D1 i get a VEry good DAC + a Good Amp , both natural, thats why i was looking at the aneldo D1. HTR MSII and Pro both are on my list , as well as the Yulong D100 and HA160D.

@super, yeah the gamma-2 is interesting, i will have to read more about it. AND the low end audio-GD dacs are not that good (as good as HRT Music streamer II/II+/Pro, yulong, ) and the higher end , well they cost a bomb! , and shipping Costs a lot !!

How i envy you, i could have demoed all the stuff i wanted if i was there ! :p
strategy said:
infact the cable is very very manageable and thin. But it feels durable somehow , till now with RE262, S4 tf10 and FX700, i was worried that i will break cables internally if i sleep withe them on , but really on the first day i slept with my miracle ON !

its not too big it fits in ears, is comfortable, but my ears sweat ( thats now exactly sweat is it?) more with them :(

As for the DAC: @ benny, i have absolutely NO weight on my wallet now ( i have rs. 40 with me, but thats in my pocket.) But i will if i am upgrading I WANT TO UPGRADE, The HM602's dac is very good IMO, a lot better than D1, thats why i am looking to spend around 30K on the DAC, IF its really worth it. thats why i stumbled up on the Aneldo D1 , cause the review on head-fi says its worth a lot more and is very transparent , the DAC s well as the amp. i want a neutral DAC. Amp is not very important as of now. if i get the Aneldo D1 i get a VEry good DAC + a Good Amp , both natural, thats why i was looking at the aneldo D1. HTR MSII and Pro both are on my list , as well as the Yulong D100 and HA160D.

@super, yeah the gamma-2 is interesting, i will have to read more about it. AND the low end audio-GD dacs are not that good (as good as HRT Music streamer II/II+/Pro, yulong, ) and the higher end , well they cost a bomb! , and shipping Costs a lot !!

How i envy you, i could have demoed all the stuff i wanted if i was there ! :p
Well ,

Not Only you Many Think That Maverick Is a Lousy DAC ,We Are Just About To Get Reselling Rights For a competitive brand Soon .I Do not think you should sleep with these is you are doing it ,You might snap the cable imho .
Just a clarification..

I notice the connectors are exposed & Not flush/seated into the IEM, Does it have any disadvantage. Like bending of pins, oxidation of copper, moisture etc...
thirumalkumaran said:
Just a clarification..

I notice the connectors are exposed & Not flush/seated into the IEM, Does it have any disadvantage. Like bending of pins, oxidation of copper, moisture etc...
Thiru Sir ,

Oxidation Can Happen even in flush/seated copper .I hope he got the point thats what i was also saying DO NOT SLEEP WITH THEM .Lol
So far the only places I have been to for demoing is either Stereo/Jaben or probably some guy's place when I strike a deal for some audio purchase. So far i've been very lucky, the guy who I bought some stuff from owns a HD800/AD1000 and a DIY Dac/Amp.

I am at a point in my life where I have an interest for these things, i really do, but I can't find the time for it anymore.

I have two TF10's lying with me BNIB but I haven't had time to create a FS thread(which is gonna fund my remolds, now that you've said that you can sleep with them) Otherwise it was done and decided to get the CK10.

Sorry for going OT, do you think the Miracle needs an amp to shine, or can it be well driven through a portable player?
IT does not need an amp to shine . without an amp its a lot better in every thing ( soundstage, imaging, Mids , treble, bass) then any o my gear.

But i do think it will improve exponentially if i pair them with a good DAC. as for amp , they are quite sensitive, same as TF10 , slightly less than FX700, but amp upgrade also will improve it as well !priority is DAC though.

HD800 , Hmm , you have heard the Ed10, RS1 and GS1000 right ? have you had the chance of hearing the LCD2 or the HE6 , can you compare them . i would like some impressions.

Amarbir, as i am wearing them over the ear i dont think there is any chance of the IEM housing -connector getting damaged and the cable is darn light , its looks very durable , still i will try to avoid sleeping with them on ! :p