UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder - Looks like everyone is celebrating

So basically top 4 explanation is "The richer a country is XYZ.....The US is just rich."
We are not ready for any conversation at all. Because that involves understanding there is a problem and trying to resolve it but we like to put blame on each other so that will never happen.
There is a desperate need for recognition that capitalism is the best solution for healthcare and most other things, but only if regulators and governments don't get captured by corporate lobbyists. Also that solution to problems isn't always about throwing more government money at it. It will probably take things to get worse before the recognition solidifies and leads to changes though.

Until then, it is likely that simple but misleading narratives will keep ruling the direction of healthcare.

In 1959 the Marxist scholar Eric Hobsbawm introduced the concept of “social banditry” into the historical and sociological lexicon. Social bandits were sometimes fictional, sometimes real figures who operated outside of the law and were widely revered for their efforts to mete out justice in an unjust world — like Robin Hood, the legendary English outlaw who lived in Sherwood Forest and, with his band of Merry Men, “stole from the rich and gave to the poor.”

Hobsbawm’s theory, which historians continue to debate, rested on a fairly specific Marxian analysis of power and economic relationships in agrarian societies, with bandits (or the idea of bandits) providing a form of resistance in the face of rampant inequality. But such characters transcended different geographies and times, ranging from the fictional Robin Hood in 14th century England, to brutally violent, real-life outlaws like Jesse James and Billy the Kid in the post-Civil War era United States, to Pancho Villa in early 20th century Mexico.
As Hobsbawm proffered, when people lose faith in the state’s ability to address their concerns and grievances, they sometimes look to outlaws who offer themselves as an alternative

Closest example I can think of in an Indian context is Phoolan Devi

Or the 20% MPs (avg) in parliament with serious charges against them
It's true with every country which doesn't have universal healthcare. India is a better example of it than the US. The real India, which is not Mumbai-Bangalore, is afraid of healthcare. It's common to let family members die by not giving them adequate healthcare on time. In the countryside, people are an expandable commodity.

Next time, ask your carpenter, plumber, watchman etc who hail from a remote village from Rajasthan, mp, up, Bihar where were they delivered? hospital or home?
It's true with every country which doesn't have universal healthcare. India is a better example of it than the US. The real India, which is not Mumbai-Bangalore, is afraid of healthcare. It's common to let family members die by not giving them adequate healthcare on time. In the countryside, people are an expandable commodity.

Next time, ask your carpenter, plumber, watchman etc who hail from a remote village from Rajasthan, mp, up, Bihar where were they delivered? hospital or home?
Good Healthcare, education, nutritious food, clean water/air etc should really be considered absolute basic needs and be provided in cost effective way.

I have read that multiple countries such as japan/Singapore do have good quality cost effective solutions. Nordic countries have i think whats called social capitalism with high quality govt services, paid via high taxes, and people are happy to pay high taxes in return from what i read.
So its possible, atleast should be something to aim for and adapted instead of horrible US style of work.
I find insurance system for health care disgusting, filled with uncertainties ( we will only know when the time comes) and incentivizes the wrong thing in name of profit maximization for most parties involved in it.

Who funds it? Obviously everyone and rich and super rich pay the most. Tax rate is already somewhat high in India, but loopholes are there too. Capital gains is a convenient loophole left for the rich with very forgiving taxation ( I have benefited from it too and will in future, but its still wrong and richest benefit the most from this by far - ask Buffet who himself criticized it ). Agricultural income in India too among other things. From what i read, our investment in healthcare vs gdp is pretty abysmal.

This is the ideal, but India is pretty corrupt everywhere, so god help us. Instead of actual development we got a cult leader.
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Next time, ask your carpenter, plumber, watchman etc who hail from a remote village from Rajasthan, mp, up, Bihar where were they delivered? hospital or home?
With my mother's family, it was 'home delivery' for all her siblings. There were no hospitals nearby in those days but she had me at the hospital.

Let's face it, this was the norm for 99%+ of the time we've been on this planet.
This is the ideal, but India is pretty corrupt everywhere, so god help us. Instead of actual development we got a cult leader.
Compare India with the US :D

See the gap with Singapore.

23k is sample size and the year is 2024

Confirms what I intuitively felt was the reality


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Let's face it, this was the norm for 99%+ of the time we've been on this planet.
You are right. But so was 10-20% child mortality / stillbirth rate. Human babies are weirdly shaped. Regardless of that, my point was, if people didn't take medical care for childbirth, they certainly won't take it when they catch a pneumonia.
You are right. But so was 10-20% child mortality / stillbirth rate. Human babies are weirdly shaped.
Still get miscarriages these days
Regardless of that, my point was, if people didn't take medical care for childbirth, they certainly won't take it when they catch a pneumonia.
Cousin of mine contracted pneumonia when he was in the hospital for something else. Took well over a week to recover.

The spread and scope of justification for murder have significantly eroded what was once the monopoly of fringe communities in supporting violence and glorifying shooters online. This shift underscores the urgency of initiatives aimed at reinforcing the bonds of civic trust and restoring civility. Such efforts are essential not only in countering the tide of extremism but also in fostering a resilient society where dialogue and mutual respect prevail
Disturbing findings by a study of social media trends around thid case

Justification by age.jpg

78.8% of 18-27 year old morons think murder is justified

Duration of social media use.jpg

This one is interesting. The more time a user spends on social media per day the more radical the views.

By platform.jpg

Hehe. The most radical people are found on Bluesky. Beating out Gab & 4chan

One of the most striking revelations in the NCRI study is the role of mainstream platforms like Bluesky in fostering permissive attitudes toward violence. Bluesky, widely lauded by political progressives as a kinder and friendlier alternative to X/Twitter, now exhibits the highest justification rates for the UHC CEO’s murder (78 percent), surpassing even extremist platforms like Gab and 4chan.

Psychological drivers

The NCRI study identifies three key predictors of support for the murder: authoritarian tendencies, heavy social media use, and diminished personal agency.
The combination of authoritarianism, an external locus of control, and social media’s amplifying effects appears to be a perfect storm for radicalization.

The interaction between these psychological drivers is particularly pronounced among younger demographics, who are both heavy social media users and more likely to experience anxiety or disillusionment with traditional systems.
The NCRI study reveals that among users aged 18-27, those with high authoritarian tendencies and heavy social media use were the most likely to justify violence.
Young, heavy social media use and authoritarian tendencies more likely to justify violence :nailbiting: :mad:
Disturbing findings by a study of social media trends around thid case
What was the use of the Second Amendment? Granted, he wasn't able to overthrow the establishments with this tiny act, he'll have to face time.

This is analogous to the famous trolley problem. Killing a few greedy mfs now will have such a ramification that will end up saving thousands, if not millions down the line.

And, about young vs. oldies. I think that might have to do with the fact that most non-young population is sitting in managerial or executive roles with faat salaries. They want to feel safe while being greedy.

I agree with you, I really don't understand this young generation. They don't have jobs, money to afford the house or even healthcare. Everything is made expensive for them. Why can't they be happy like old people who have everything?

Anyway, I don't have a skin in this game.
Not condoning violence, but i just don't understand how people can care enough when one person is murdered, but then find justification for murder of 1000s(both sides..) in war, - and - be disappointed when there is a cease fire. This topic isn't for me, there is bias always anyway.
What was the use of the Second Amendment?
About the right to keep and bear arms.
How was this affected? It wasn't.

Because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state.

Was he part of militia let alone a regulated one? No, so far he's acted on his own accord and wasn't coerced by anybody into doing so.

And this right to bear arms is for lawful uses. Does shooting an innocent man in the back apply?

So on all accounts there is no violation of second amendment is there.
This is analogous to the famous trolley problem. Killing a few greedy mfs now will have such a ramification that will end up saving thousands, if not millions down the line.
You're thinking of the 'Fat villain' use case.

Villain put the people on the track and sent a trolley to kill them. So it's justified to kill the villain by catching him and tying him to the track to be runover by the trolley and this saves the people he put there.

By whose definition is that healthcare CEO a villain?

And, about young vs. oldies. I think that might have to do with the fact that most non-young population is sitting in managerial or executive roles with faat salaries. They want to feel safe while being greedy.
Old were young once upon a time and worked their backsides off to reach their present position. Same problems then too maybe even worse than now
I agree with you, I really don't understand this young generation. They don't have jobs, money to afford the house or even healthcare. Everything is made expensive for them. Why can't they be happy like old people who have everything?
No jobs is their problem. There is no great depression going on.

Not making enough so can't afford a house. Decide where you want to live and act accordingly. Otherwise rent. Share an apartment. If you're working there are options. I know. Been there done that.