UNOFFICIAL IRC Chat Channel - Techenclave

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<SharekhaN> I had 17 Sheep, All but 9 survived. Quick, tell me how many of them survived Darthcoder's midnight beastiality sprees ?
<Darthcoder> none
<Darthcoder> i ate the ones who survived

lol XD
wtf! why am not able to connect :S.. am using irc after a longggg lonnnngggg timeeeee!!

But neways.. it keeps on showing me Disconnected.. retries and then Disconnected @ 6667.

I did port fwding for it.. same issue
I tried disabling Firewall..s a m e issue? :S wht the fudge!
b00gieMan said:
wtf! why am not able to connect :S.. am using irc after a longggg lonnnngggg timeeeee!!

But neways.. it keeps on showing me Disconnected.. retries and then Disconnected @ 6667.

I did port fwding for it.. same issue
I tried disabling Firewall..s a m e issue? :S wht the fudge!
tried with
Anyone on the channel about now? I'm getting "Unknown: ERROR Closing Link: (Bad user info)" when trying to log on I don't know if the problem is on my side though...
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