Upgrading unlocked iPhone from 1.0.2 to 1.1.x

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I just got an iPhone which is still on 1.0.2. Unlocked. How would I go about upgrading it to 1.1.x??? Also, this piece has wifi non-functional at the moment. Under General > Network, Wifi is grayed out and shows No Wifi. So any methods involving connecting to a wifi network go straight out the window! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Edrill said:
I did find this site Unlock the iPhone - the simple tutorial! but I believe they require a working wifi connection. Can't really try anything right now though since I'm at work.

update to 1.1.3 using itunes.........then use ziphone 2.1............u shud be fine............ur baseband is messed.........1.1.3 will upgrade it and ziphone will jailbreak, activate and also unlock ur phone.......all at once.......lemme know......
look around for the wifi greyed out problem tutorial ..its there somewhere.

other method would be to use edge/gprs

download and run the revirginizer tool from installer app, then update iphone fw in itunes by shift clicking restore tab and choose any fw after that just use ziphone 2.0 or newer version.

use j,a,u,v commands to complete.
Hmmm... Sounds simple enough. So I virginize it to a locked state, then iTunes updates it like a normal locked iPhone and then ziphone unlocks it like an OTB 1.1.3?!!? Have I gotten it right??
Ragin_Ice: Was going through the tutorial and it says not to update to 1.1.3 using iTunes in big bold letters! Lol. What do you make of that?? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm a total n00b as far as the iPhone is concerned!!
Wait, just saw your edited post. So you're saying that I don't need to virginize the phone first???
Well, I got home a while back and just couldn't wait for people to reply!! So I upgraded to 1.1.3 using iTunes, crossed my fingers and ran ZiPhone and I now have an unlocked 1.1.3 phone! But still no wifi. :( Thanks Ragin_Ice and zibalingz.
Edrill said:
Well, I got home a while back and just couldn't wait for people to reply!! So I upgraded to 1.1.3 using iTunes, crossed my fingers and ran ZiPhone and I now have an unlocked 1.1.3 phone! But still no wifi. :( Thanks Ragin_Ice and zibalingz.
Hi Edrill can you describe the steps in detail even i am having a 1.0.2 iphone everything was working fine but now not able to access my sms,so was planning to upgrade
Edrill said:
Well, I got home a while back and just couldn't wait for people to reply!! So I upgraded to 1.1.3 using iTunes, crossed my fingers and ran ZiPhone and I now have an unlocked 1.1.3 phone! But still no wifi. :( Thanks Ragin_Ice and zibalingz.

What version is your bootloader? Try re-virginising your baseband back to 1.0.2, then restore iPhone back to 1.0.2 and then update to 1.1.3.
@yogi: There is nothing to explain! I connected the iPhone to the PC (Duh!) Fired up iTunes. I had already downloaded the 1.1.3 firmware file from Unlock the iPhone - the simple tutorial! so instead of having iTunes download 160MB all over again, I pressed shift while clicking on restore and it allowed me to select the file I downloaded. After upgrading, it gave me the unrecognized SIM error. I then ran ZiPhone, waited with bated breath, and when it was done I had an unlocked 1.1.3! :D All of this barely took ten minutes, although it seemed like eternity for fear of bricking the phone!! Lol.

@tracebullet: How would I find out the baseband version?? My modem firmware says 4.03.13_G. It was 3.xxx before the upgrade. And more importantly, how would I revirginize without wifi?!?!
Edrill said:
@yogi: There is nothing to explain! I connected the iPhone to the PC (Duh!) Fired up iTunes. I had already downloaded the 1.1.3 firmware file from Unlock the iPhone - the simple tutorial! so instead of having iTunes download 160MB all over again, I pressed shift while clicking on restore and it allowed me to select the file I downloaded. After upgrading, it gave me the unrecognized SIM error. I then ran ZiPhone, waited with bated breath, and when it was done I had an unlocked 1.1.3! :D All of this barely took ten minutes, although it seemed like eternity for fear of bricking the phone!! Lol.

@tracebullet: How would I find out the baseband version?? My modem firmware says 4.03.13_G. It was 3.xxx before the upgrade. And more importantly, how would I revirginize without wifi?!?!

ur baseband version is the modem firmware....i.e. 4.03.13_G.........i currently dont own an iphone.......i have always used the installer with wifi.......logically you should be able to able to access the files on the installer app using an EDGE connection...........though I am not sure..........could the iphone owners confirm?......tracerbullet.....can u ?.....if u can.......then is very simple......

get the 1.0.2 from iphone.unlock........use the virginiser tool from installer and your are set.......then upgrade back to 1.1.3 and use ziphone 2.1
Chill, yogi! Ragin_Ice's instructions were for me because of my non-working wifi! You just follow the instructions I gave you and you should be good to go!

@Ragin_Ice: Will check out with EDGE and see what happens.
well did what you said Edrill even got the operation complete confirmation but it is not connecting to the mobile network top left on my iphone it shows no service
Get any iPhone, upgrade to the latest firmware with iTunes.

You obviously don't need to do this if you have an OTB 1.1.3

Next get the ZiPhone Application.

Connect your phone to your PC, doesn't matter if iTunes pops up, just minimize it or something. Get ready to run ZiPhone.

If you have a 1.1.1 OTB or before iPhone just select Activate & Jailbreak.

Then from the installer run anySIM for 1.1.3

If you have one of them newer phones i.e. OTB 1.1.2 & 1.1.3 select unlock, jailbreak & activate.

You should have a unlocked & jailbroken iPhone at the end of this.

It doesn't get any easier than this.
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