Upgraditis - what did you get today ?

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kumar said:
Hmmfinding a GF is just a temporary solution to the problem....after a while ull have the itch to upgrade the GF too !!!! ;-)

So my advice is to just borrow other ppls comp/GF and when u get bored dump the thing and search for a new one.What do ya say?
oooh, it wont work, if u start borrowing GFs, u'll have to cough up more medical bill...to set your bones right that is...
I thought I have cured my upgraditis when I bought a PS2,,,,,

Alas....Now am planning to get a 6800GT

There is this oft quoted pithy on smoking..."QUitting smoking is so easy that I have quit a thousand times"

I guess it's the same for curing yourself of upgraditis....
I am currently vaccinated for upgraditis. Its a common vaccine, available anywhere. Its called havnomoney. However, kids under the age of 24 may not respond to this vaccine, if they are currently infected by parentzmoni. In this case, the boys father will suffer the side effects of constanaging.
Addendum -

Havnomoney, though offering complete protection from Upgraditis, does have a few side effects. The most serious being Severe Depression if patient approaches the market section.
zhopudey said:
I am currently vaccinated for upgraditis. Its a common vaccine, available anywhere. Its called havnomoney. However, kids under the age of 24 may not respond to this vaccine, if they are currently infected by parentzmoni. In this case, the boys father will suffer the side effects of constanaging.
Addendum -

Havnomoney, though offering complete protection from Upgraditis, does have a few side effects. The most serious being Severe Depression if patient approaches the market section.
who said there cant be mbbs in computer diseases!!
so techie terms u know.. :P like the famous ororhinolaryngology! :S
mine case is worst ..... i started with a 7k 6600GT then i moved to 13k ASUS 6600GT .....then darky's 6800GT for 16k ...... then i thought that u sud get a new 6800GT for 22k .........ahhhhh ..... then i ended up with 7800GTX .... hell from 7k to 32k ....

very long indeed ...... now i am thinking wat i will do all the month with empty pocket ....

no money no pizza hut nooooooo nothing ....
Hey Quaddy---- Don't feel sad for me. I have got over upgraditis. got myself a GF and as of now, I am not even disappointed that my uncle could not get me my NV Silencer 5. :rofl: :rofl: :bleh:

So, you see, Masky's cure does work and so does zhopudey's. It seems that I was vaccinated with havnomoney when I was a kid. So, I can never suffer from upgraditis.
rahul said:
mine case is worst ..... i started with a 7k 6600GT then i moved to 13k ASUS 6600GT .....then darky's 6800GT for 16k ...... then i thought that u sud get a new 6800GT for 22k .........ahhhhh ..... then i ended up with 7800GTX .... hell from 7k to 32k ....

very long indeed ...... now i am thinking wat i will do all the month with empty pocket ....

no money no pizza hut nooooooo nothing ....

Man 7800GTX....you must be having some real deep pockets,good for you.Wonder when i can afford one. :P
no no .... this guy had started another thread.... he wants to make a crore of rupees in a year. Check the chatterbits section udner the title "Crorepati" or something.
zhopudey said:
Havnomoney, though offering complete protection from Upgraditis, does have a few side effects. The most serious being Severe Depression if patient approaches the market section.

not only market, but OC n Modding section too :(
Even the general hardware section.... as of now the new G15 keyboard and the new mice from Logitech...... Bloody hell, it could be any section......
A secret to earn 2 Crores in a day.

Participate in "kaun banega crorepate 2" , "umeed se dugna" ;)

[Just Kidding , plz take it lightly]
Hmm. lets see. Dreamt about getting a Athlon XP 2600+ with a 5700LE last year. Thank god my parents didn't agree.

So now I got my 3000+ rig. Already thinking about a X2 3800+ with Lanparty Sli-DR and 7800GTX :ohyeah:...

BTW, nobody here suffering from Macititis. I had a mild attack after touching the Mac Mini :P
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