Upgraditis - what did you get today ?

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Mac's run only mac [correct me if wrong]
And there are not much softwares i have seen for mac [again correct me if wrong]

Mac's look really hot but still windows coz of the large range of softwares that are
easily available for it.
Quad Master said:
Mac's run only mac [correct me if wrong]
And there are not much softwares i have seen for mac [again correct me if wrong]

Mac's look really hot but still windows coz of the large range of softwares that are
easily available for it.
Err what do mean quady ? Mac is a platform like PC. Uses OSx and PPC architecture, cpus uptil now by IBM and henceforth by INtel. Btw the OSx has been hacked to work on any x86 processor.
zhopudey said:
yes but the question is, does windoze run on macs?
Windows runs on the current powerpc macs using an emulator. There's a version of microsoft virtual pc available for mac. However the upcoming x86 macs shall run windows natively (quite obvious).
Guys plz stick to the topic... There is a TP 2.0 topic talk about stupid mac there :)...

Quote of the day:

What are you thinking of upgrading today !!!
hmmm...just upgraded into a DW1640 :P

have proccy n ram plans as well..hheheheheheh
My 3 month old rig...

I already wanna upgrade from SP350W to TPII480, wanna buy a BenQ1640, and yeah, i am buying a blue CCFL from Kevin :ohyeah:
My main upgrade plan is Dell 2407...by Dec...Im tired dreaming of it...Prioces have fallen a bit...

n the immediate upgrade will be sennheiser HD555...

DirectX10 will have to wait 6 months...
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