Valentines Day :/..

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illusion said:
if you have lots of it, why don't you get a violionist + 7 star 2 person catering with some decoration and a diamond something as the gift! Not a bad idea, is it?

come on yaar..this looks like somethin too much atleast for 16 yr old..but dont know maybe Ad1 can even do it..but i still i would prefer something more simple even if i had the cash...
illusion said:
if you have lots of it, why don't you get a violionist + 7 star 2 person catering with some decoration and a diamond something as the gift! Not a bad idea, is it?

LMAO.. u r living upto ur name :rofl:
Moshe's in Colaba.

Sea Lounge at the Taj.

Marriot's poolside.

Vie deck, facing the sea.

Zodiac Grill. You know where that is.
:rofl:.. This is a hilarious thread!! All you guys are worried bout is his rig, bout how he can save the money and get it upgraded!!! :rofl: C'mon guys! :bleh: He wants to make it special!! :P
Hmm.. What faheem said makes sense.. Ill try to get my mom/dad/sister outta the hour for like 2 hours. But if that doesnt happen..

Sangrams post wil lreally help :/.. Lol..

@ Skylark, your a girl, what do you think I should do? :/..
Get her a small gift she will cherish for a long time (soft toy perhaps?) and plan a quiet dinner some place, but to make the day really really special, arrange for flowers to be delivered on the hour, every hour, leading up to the time you pick her up... it works miracles! ;)
if you really ask me anybody even a boy infact would cherish a diamond ring much longer, even if it didn't go into the most expensive range. You anyway don't have any budget, so you can seriously consider that.
Adi ... It Finally Boils down to wat Kind she is girl.... Depending on that Decide ...

Dinner Outside with Soft Toys & Flowers As RiO said must work
Well, I really Like RiO's idea.. Its something like on the lines of what I was thinking.

Issue is, where to go for Dinner. I really don't know any nice quiet restaurant.
@Rio, who techboi? and why are you connecting me with that techboi?

@Aditya, On a more serious note you haven't told us anything about her for us to give us any sort of idea as to what she may like. In case you don't know her choice well enough you could create an online survey email(just for her and send it to her) and ask her all sorts of general questions which you need and then you can decide what you want to do with her.
This is important because there would be many girls who may just refuse you and your diamond ring while there maybe others who wouldn't be satisfied enough with just a few flowers.
Also, calling her home isn't a very good idea unless you plan to do anything special. A nice and quiet (preferably a small tranquil room) restaurant should be appreciated much more from her side.
illusion said:
@Aditya, On a more serious note you haven't told us anything about her for us to give us any sort of idea as to what she may like. In case you don't know her choice well enough you could create an online survey email(just for her and send it to her) and ask her all sorts of general questions which you need and then you can decide what you want to do with her.
This is important because there would be many girls who may just refuse you and your diamond ring while there maybe others who wouldn't be satisfied enough with just a few flowers.
Here's another reason why I think you're a lot like the urban legend of TE, techboy :rofl: Btw, why did you spell it techboi with an I instead of Y? If you joined this year, there's no chance you could know about techboi :P
Alright, Illusion, I know her very well.

For one, If I do gift her a Diamond Ring, She wont accept it.

Im going to have to give my Debit card to the eatery, b4 hand, else Shes not gonna let me pay. So now you know what kinda girl she is.

She loves flowers, and shes specially fond of lillies, thus I was planning some nice bouquet of Lillies + Orchids + Carnations or Roses or sumthing..

Im gonna give her a nice medium-sized, teddy as well :P. Hopefully with a nice heart on it.

Home ain't gonna happen, So..

Mostly I'm considering Vie Lounge, or Marriott.

It has to be in the suburbs somewhere, since she lives there.
Since u helped me, return favor -
don't take her out...seriously mumbai does have probs on D day...

Your place...her place...friends place...all the same if you can get privacy. Thats what you need, a few sweet hours alone where u guys can kick up the heat...

A few tips -
1. Any efforts @ cooking by you will be rewarded...its the thought that counts
2. Dress neat, girls may not say it, but they like basic neat. I said neat not necessarily formal...:P
3. Candles and all are crap...I've been burned by wax getting over ambitious over a coffee table...cut that out. Dim lighting helps though...Candles are also old.
4. Besides chocs and flowers think of something however small that she really know something that she'll use daily, regular...a really nice keychain, a pretty hairband...whatever. Its the little things that matter to girls.
5. No sudden moves unless you've been intimate before. Its often mistaken for either trepidation or you'll be labeled a perve (in her mind). Be graceful...smooth, slow movements, so she cannot mistake the intent.
6. Women love men on their knees. Some of my best moments with her have been just after that. All females are suckers for the 'on my knees hold her hands, while she is sitting posture'...And if you mean what you much the better.
7. V day is about the love, the feeling, the emotion...If she ain't in the mood no need to get physically intimate...That follows a few days after the love...IME (in my exp).
Hope this helps ya...

oooh and long car drives...see if you can arrange one such. This christmas I took her and 3 friends on a long drive...Now the other three lil chits also sms me :bleh:

Aditya said:

Dunno if this is a good place to ask this :P..

Does any1 know any romantic dinner places for Valentines day? :/.
Need to know within the next 2 days or so..

Just read ur last post...Seems you are in the first bloom of it mate...Gr8 the best time for some...

Since she won't accept a ring (don't do the ring thing unless you're really serious anyways)...keep it low profile. Sometimes in the beginning girls don't like to feel overwhelmed. Remember hitting above the mark isn't hitting the bullseye...Keep it simple...keep it intense.

btw I've got a cuz in the Juhu marriot...dunno if it'll help...
^^tekboi for sure :rofl:. Anyway adi coming to the point, get her flowers, swiss chocolates, soft toys, a bottle of dom pérignon whatever. All it matters is that you show that you care... the means are totally inconsequential. Spend time with her... doesn't matter where as long as you have your privacy. Most eating places are ridiculously crowded on v-day, its better to just get your food packed and go somewhere that is less crowded where you have your space.
@Rio, techboi and techboy sound very very similar. Anyway is it techoi or techboy? What do you think about me seems like a legend?

@Chaos, is it techboi, techboy or tekboi?

@Aditya, Yes now we have some kind of idea as to what kind of girl she is. I have a feeling that she will be more happy if you do something for her family, I know you may be too young for this but this is a feeling based on what you mentioned about her. Over and above that I would say that instead of going to a restaurant she may be more happy if you would first give her some special memories (I doubt you can make it happen in public), like going to a lonely and full of serenity kind of place which would litterally stun her and maybe even propose her then (those it is a chance), and then go to your meal.
Sorry to double post this...I dunno if it got through...just read your last comment.

Seems you're in the first bloom mate...GR8. Good on you... some feel that's the best time. When everythings fresh and intense..

Don't overwhelm her, the ring may be too much. Keep it simple. Also remember be intense, but bindaas. There's nothing a girl likes more than a guy to overwhelm her a bit, then step back and watch while she recovers...Remember love is a game of the mind...

Also in the beginning of a relationship (I presume you are starting out because of the fact that she won't let u pay, or the turning down of costly gifts) a girl needs a little breathing room. Expensive gifts may overwhelm, and she may feel rushed...This happened with me...remember the bullseye is her heart, not 2 inches up (i.e. overwhelm). And in love a miss is as good as a mile...

Rio who advised me and did so well...Thanks buddy :) will remember you for that and not that kick a$$ rig...:P

Just remember the bindaas part. A man tends to forget in his urge to be a companion. It may just add that hint of mystery about you...chicks dig this...all of them, no exceptions :ohyeah:

All the best...

^^LMAO definitely tick-tok boi
illusion said:
@Rio, techboi and techboy sound very very similar. Anyway is it techoi or techboy? What do you think about me seems like a legend?

Nice slip of the tongue there, as I said earlier, I hope it's you :D

Sorry for all the OT guys, I'm just a wee bit excited he's back :rofl:
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