Since u helped me, return favor -
don't take her out...seriously mumbai does have probs on D day...
Your place...her place...friends place...all the same if you can get privacy. Thats what you need, a few sweet hours alone where u guys can kick up the heat...
A few tips -
1. Any efforts @ cooking by you will be rewarded...its the thought that counts
2. Dress neat, girls may not say it, but they like basic neat. I said neat not necessarily formal...
3. Candles and all are crap...I've been burned by wax getting over ambitious over a coffee table...cut that out. Dim lighting helps though...Candles are also old.
4. Besides chocs and flowers think of something however small that she really know something that she'll use daily, regular...a really nice keychain, a pretty hairband...whatever. Its the little things that matter to girls.
5. No sudden moves unless you've been intimate before. Its often mistaken for either trepidation or you'll be labeled a perve (in her mind). Be graceful...smooth, slow movements, so she cannot mistake the intent.
6. Women love men on their knees. Some of my best moments with her have been just after that. All females are suckers for the 'on my knees hold her hands, while she is sitting posture'...And if you mean what you much the better.
7. V day is about the love, the feeling, the emotion...If she ain't in the mood no need to get physically intimate...That follows a few days after the love...IME (in my exp).
Hope this helps ya...
oooh and long car drives...see if you can arrange one such. This christmas I took her and 3 friends on a long drive...Now the other three lil chits also sms me :bleh:
Aditya said:
Dunno if this is a good place to ask this

Does any1 know any romantic dinner places for Valentines day? :/.
Need to know within the next 2 days or so..
Just read ur last post...Seems you are in the first bloom of it mate...Gr8 the best time for some...
Since she won't accept a ring (don't do the ring thing unless you're really serious anyways)...keep it low profile. Sometimes in the beginning girls don't like to feel overwhelmed. Remember hitting above the mark isn't hitting the bullseye...Keep it simple...keep it intense.
btw I've got a cuz in the Juhu marriot...dunno if it'll help...