vandal said:U saying u don't??? :bleh:
@ what BD said - didn't I say somewhere keep it simple...why isn't anyone listening...????idiots...:bleh:
Adi...most important u should enjoy the time with her...forget about going really out of your way, she won't enjoy if you keep bothering abt something going wrong with the plans you've made...Its the company of a loved one that counts...
For me sitting in my lawn back home with her for 3 hours, holding hands and sipping a carton of apple juice (we shared one) was a real kick...She enjoyed it too...immensely.
Its the memories, not the calories nor the warranties...old 'non' chinese proovarb
Nikhil said:Buy her a huuuge stuffed animal
Aditya said:Ok..
Dunno if this is a good place to ask this..
Does any1 know any romantic dinner places for Valentines day? :/.
Need to know within the next 2 days or so..
faheem_m u want to do something special without being at her place ?is it ?
then i think u should also send some nice flowers.and a greeting to her..maybe with a gift..and then if possible meet her or call her and have a phone talk.
and just tell her how much she means to u..
as far as i know for some gals ., just saying them "I LOVE U" from the love is if u really love..her from da bottom of u r heart..just expresss it in the best possible way..
i think thats all u can do at the moment as meeting her is not possible..
( all of the above my personal opinion and what ive learnt from experience. and may work only in case of what i call as true love...which is very rare in todays it doesnt apply to everyone..)
rPOk said:you know what i had done for my girlfriend's b'day (can be used for valentine's day too)....i was crazy in love with her...she liked me a lot too....
i wrote an ode to her...describing my love to her, what i dream of us, etc etc...hugely romantic....and wrote it down onto a foldable 10foot long piece of handcrafted paper with other small tid bits thrown in too.....This card and small bag of classic swiss chocolates did the thing...
Her eyes were full of tears when she saw the card and read it.....she used to read the card everyday since then....
Take my something extra ordinary - out of the usual....the girl is special to've to show her how special she is to you....and how far are you willing to go....
thread is pretty funny...with pretty useful tips thrown in....
all the luck Adi!