Valentines Day :/..

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16 year old girl (i presume she is just the age of ad1) reading techenclave is just not possible. Gals are least interested in sites like this. :P
wth ! , TE jus turned into mushenclave :S....

Anyway , jus dont visit TE for a day and talk about H/w to her :P U'll be perfectly fine then :P
vij said:
Adi is 17 guys...:P

Is he now :P
Like I said, simple things are the best...

Here's what I'm doing...
1. Flowers will be delivered from three different sources to her place...once every hour, from 6~9 pm. Cause she'll be back from office.

2. Perfume hand delivered by me, but I will not meet. This is because she's angry with me and told me to stay away...This is currently the situation and I have to make amends...Even christmas cake and a personal surprise visit didn't crack the frost (

3. Poem...ode whatever. Its already written. Didn't take long...Just thought of her, and the words fell in place...

Adi...seriously friend remember to be yourself....chillax...its the attitude that she has to are secondary. She should feel wanted, loved, cherished...the rest will come naturally...

right rio?? ;)
vij said:
Adi is 17 guys...:P

no he isn't 17...there's still one more day left for him to turn 17...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

EDIT: sorry for the double post.MODS if possible please merge both of them.
Hell, If I talk about a V-day outing to my girl, she'll brand me a sissy and kick me outta the house :P

j/k, anyway, I am clueless about bombay (so can't suggest a place), but a romantic dinner + flowers do sound like a plan ...Just make sure you don't end up dragging the conversation to bragging about your latest OC feats :rofl:

Vandy, Dude...I emphathize :)

if nothing else, #3 will do the trick pretty much..Just make sure the poetry reaches afer #1 & 2 and give at least a couple of hours between this and calling her up.. Let the effect sink in :)
U all lucky ppl :no:

Wel...i cant even send her flowers.....:@ :@

coz her parents wont be expecting it..and would be stunned.. to cant afford those lochas..!!:(

same wid couriers and gifts..and all...., ... ... ..what do i do :huh:

well one thing is sure....she isnt expecting me there..!! she is dead sure tht i wont be coming...!!

So i am thinkinnnnnnn :S :S ke ill atleast go and give her a surprise...and will give her Greetin + Chocs first hand..;)

May be vll share choc :bleh: ..... lets c...its not that decide :ashamed: :ashamed:

way tooo complicated...:hap5: hope to get some better ideas........
bluediamond said:
^^^ all the best... urself will be the best surprise to her ya... :)

I hope to catch her just outside her coll :P ....and she'll be like :clap: :clap: hehe lets.....c....nothings concrete as of yet ;)
Wow good pool of ideas here... But i feel out of place... :(

You guys carry on and post your experiences later... ;)
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