the state will not win this war as long as the maoists have the support of the people and why do the people support maoists?.Its not because the naxals have promised them the moon.Its because they have ensured the basic dignity of the tribals.When the state terrorises the people like raping the women,burning their houses then what will the people do.Hell they will fight with bows and arrows.
just dont believe what the mainstream media reports.look at both sides of the story.It is not development which they want.That is all bs that the state with the help of the media has put out.They just want their way of living like gathering forest produce etc to be maintained.
Now if the state wants to mine these areas against the peoples wishes,killing the opposition then they can expect these kind of responses.Killing is wrong no doubt and both sides should understand that.The state thinks that with its power it can destroy the tribals,take their land and give it to mncs like sterlite for mining.The home minister mr chidambaram was a lawyer for vedanta the parent group.what an irony.
The question is do we want to impose the will of the mncs aided and abetted by the state on the tribals.If they do so they are bound to lose in the longer run.The solution is to have talks and leave the tribal lands alone.
just my 2 cents.
just dont believe what the mainstream media reports.look at both sides of the story.It is not development which they want.That is all bs that the state with the help of the media has put out.They just want their way of living like gathering forest produce etc to be maintained.
Now if the state wants to mine these areas against the peoples wishes,killing the opposition then they can expect these kind of responses.Killing is wrong no doubt and both sides should understand that.The state thinks that with its power it can destroy the tribals,take their land and give it to mncs like sterlite for mining.The home minister mr chidambaram was a lawyer for vedanta the parent group.what an irony.
The question is do we want to impose the will of the mncs aided and abetted by the state on the tribals.If they do so they are bound to lose in the longer run.The solution is to have talks and leave the tribal lands alone.
just my 2 cents.