PC Peripherals Wat wattage PSU is enough for a 7800GT

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get the evga7800gt online with the free mobo deal. since u got a p4 u wont need the nf4sli mobo. so sell it to someone n buy a new psu :-)
yea i cud get that but already seeing that kev posted in the market and nobodyz interested in that mobo so no use getting that deal if it wont b sold
SoulFire said:
wtf so ur tellin me ur powersafe 400 works good with ur 7800gtx ?

so i shud maybe jus wait to put in the card n try it,if its good then no issues or else then buy a psu if needed ?

yeah i am using temp for some time ...... but other than 12v all other voltages are solid ..... never seen a any drop on vcore ...... but on load 12v goes to 11.4 ..... that was same with 500w model it was also going 11.4v ...... i am planning to get a new PSU but have to wait sometime .... :)
Buy the PSU which Freaky has pointed out...... dont hesitate for a second..... Amazing PSU and an even more amazing price...
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