What are you reading now?

Got bored of heavy novels...reading Tintin and the Picaros for a change.. :p

Hey, any1 like Tintin adventures?? :) I have four tintin story books from my school days..and they are awesome!!
well well well ...

since i dwnloaded all the tintin and the asterix comics..

i simply cant think y ppl wd get their head into all those novels..

i just finished tintin and the Calculus Affair..

currently reading Asterix and the Golde Sickle .. :cool2:

also was reading Google Search & Rescue For Dummies.. read a lil bit of it, then switched onto the comics.. :)


yo bro .. i like the tintin and the asterix books.. got full collection till date on my pc .. :cool:

yo bro .. i like the tintin and the asterix books.. got full collection till date on my pc ..

Spaces, kindly enlighten me...where did you find this treasure on the internet??

Okay okay..not here...Pls PM me.. :)
KingKrool said:
Just read eragon and eldest... good stuff, even though slightly predictable. Of course, most books are (as are movies).

Just halfway through Eragon. Like what I read until now. Will wait for the paperback version of Eldest. The hardcover is just too expensive.
Bourne Supremacy for the 2nd time. Just managed to get my hands on The Bourne Identity and Bourne Ultimatum. So had to read this again to keep the continuity. Read it for the first time 5 yrs ago though.
@elendil first of all is eragon related with LOTR stuff. If yes, a link to whatever info. u can dig up otherwise forget it.

At the moment just finished the prequel of Da Vinci Code, will most probably get Da Vinci on the weekend.
A few books in parallel

1. The Ringworld Engineers - Larry Niven - Superb Science fiction
2. Godel Escher and Bach - An eternal golden braid - Douglas Hopfstader - A superb combination of Maths, music and AI.
3. India - from midnight to the millenium - Shashi Tharoor.

Dpeneding on my mood, I pick up any of these.
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance - Robert M Pirsig. A brilliant book that's more about Zen and Art and only superficially about motorcycle maintenance. I had read it a couple of years ago so it's about time I have my neurons refreshed. Besides, I now own a bike as well :)