what to do with this guy ?


This guy is calling daily if i pick it up he doesnt talk and cuts the phone off but if my sis picks up then he talks....i only managed to make him talk that way he doesnt say a word otherwise.I already put one of his other number on reject list but he now calls from another number :p.Is there any way to make him stop calling ? i tried threatening him but it hasnt worked :ashamed: .He just called my number 3 times and forced me to start this thread .I need this guy to stop harassing me like this :no:.
File a complaint against the boy, they police will take care of it :), he might be lucky enough to get a good trashing:p
^^He was calling from an airtel number first then i put that on reject list....after that he was silent from sometime ....now he is calling from a vodafone number i think....is going to the police the only way ?.
1. share his number with telemarketers.

2. get his address from telephone directory... subscribe to porn magazines and viagra subscriptions to that address.

3. Visit Gay forums and share his number/numbers.

4. Testimonials in News Paper (of course gay again)

5. Create fake FB female profiles and give his numbers to horny Teenagers.

See, there is much more you can do. But this should be enough I guess..pick your favorite and bring peace home this diwali!! :p
Emperor said:
Best way change the Number if not that what he talks with your sister? words?

yeah thats a good option too but i want to keep at as the last resort :p.He called today and i just kept my mouth shut to see if he mistakes me for ma sis and talks...but he didnt speak either....after sometime he disconnected....then after a few seconds he called again and i did the same thing....he didnt utter a word.....the third time i put him on speaker and told ma sis to say hello and immediately he said hello then i took the phone and talked ....he disconnected immediately .
@Emperor, sorry mate i am not rude, but why should OP change his number for someone else mischief of whatever.
madnav said:
1. share his number with telemarketers.

2. get his address from telephone directory... subscribe to porn magazines and viagra subscriptions to that address.

If i can get his address then its game over...i can take care of the matter myself.I have his mobile number ...so how to find his address ?
How about sharing the number here and all TE guys start calling him and ask about some techy stuff, he will go mad and will forget everything in life
@madnav , thanks for that brilliant idea, now i can take care of my old friend ;)...actually taking care right now...
Tit for Tat... there are many Tats out there looking for Tits.. just make him look like Tits over the interwebs... If you can dream it, you can do it!!
I rembered once one of our building pal got 3-4 miss calls from my friend .As the pal thought someone knowingly troubling him.He called the customer care.

The cc guy fire the guy saying the person is filing a threatning call with police if again he calls from the number.Alse for showing seriousness 2 days my freind mobile was blocked from making any calls.Only recieving allowed.DOnt know will it work or not.

Other trick is send sms from your number suggesting to call some international number where when one call made 200-300 bucks automatically gets deducted from account.

Other stuff is share the number on FB or any gay chat sites.Etc etc.
couple of suggestions

1) No point going to the police. They will not really do anything about it unless you know some one high up in the Police.

2) You can ask your sister to talk to him and persuade him to meet her... Then just nab him there and beat the $hit out of him and then turn him to the cops and file a harassment charge against him. (I would personally not prefer that though)

3) Do what MADNAV said and make is life a living hell or you know what just share his number here through PM and am sure many of us will register his number all over the place and subscribe to all kinds of stuff for him.

4) Last but the only peaceful way is to change your number and let it go.

Couple of Questions:

1) Whose number is that yours or your sisters?

2) Does he speak to any other female in case the phone is handed over to them or just your sister?
It is my number but my sister uses it often....dont know how he found out about that....the reason i am hesitant to do what madav said was the first time he was using someone else phone number to make the call(at least thats what the guy said)...the guy got a good thrashing from me .....he played innocent and told me someone was using the phone while he was away ....but even after that the calls didnt stop lol.Only after i put the number on reject list it stopped.....for a month it was all quiet and peaceful and today out of nowhere he started calling again from a diff. number this time .
how difficult is it to add every number he calls you from to a reject list ? i had a friend do that once, it kept track too apparently a person had tried some 400+ times to call in a day. convenient and peace of mind. i dunno why are you putting yourself through this misery and its not like he can cough up 100 numbers to call you from :)