WhatsApp sues Modi government over new privacy rules

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Before Modi, I used think a stable & strong govt is better.

Now I fear Govt without any (strong) opposition.

But again, revoking of Aricle 370 wouldn't have been possible without a strong govt. (Being from southern part of India, I have no personal opinion on whether it is good/support or bad/condemn revoking A370, I am merely saying it wouldn't be possible for any unstable govt).

I read somewhere, America is RICH Americans are POOR. If the Modi wave continues, I can see people say, India is RICH(because of the Modi publicity & how popular Modi becoming outside India), Indians are POOR.
Anyways on the original topic.
Honestly I wish there was a law that could help law enforcement track fake messages and disturbing or violence promoting related forwards ..
My parents wud atleast not tell or ask of me about dumb messages they get on whatsapp
But it'll be like handling too much power to authorities which they will abuse for sure
Man these times are sad
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This fake news with WA is going to reach absurd proportions now that UP elections are in a year. Makes more sense why govt was desperate for a backdoor entry..
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To contain spread of fake news/propaganda of 5 lakh social media activities running on script of congress toolkit, it's necessary to find the origin and contain the fake news

And fake news is problem not just in Indian scenario but all across world
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Not worth discussing these kind of things here..
Most of the messages were deleted
Not deleted mate, moved to thread here
And sure, we can post our opinion on what companies do with their policies and how it impacts common man like us.
As long it's on topic, civilised, I don't think mods have issue with it.
The objective of the forum is to ensure a civilised discussion, debates, not take sides. Your posts are nothing here but name calling, inflammatory.
Carry on with your whining, mods know what is best for the forum!
Where was all this outrage when BBM was forced to give government the encryption key?
There was none? Wonder why? Maybe because Modi was not ruling.
Y'all bunch of hypocrites.

Where was all this outrage when BBM was forced to give government the encryption key?
There was none? Wonder why? Maybe because Modi was not ruling.
Y'all bunch of hypocrites.

The reason is that we were a bunch of dumb kids back then without too much of an idea about the dangers of social media.

Cambridge Analytica had not happened, Trump's election and the rapid propagation of fake news had not happened back then.

Furthermore the govt. was not jailing people for putting up posters and removing tweets of opposing parties. The list goes on.
Where was all this outrage when BBM was forced to give government the encryption key?
There was none? Wonder why? Maybe because Modi was not ruling.
Y'all bunch of hypocrites.

You do realize that you are essentially speaking of something that was over a decade ago ???? Even with the usual whataboutery, those were different days, had so many technological limitations as compared to today

SM wasn't the giant it is today. SM wasn't connected to our real life as intricately as it is today. Most of our SM is so intertwined amongst each other that through one, you can pretty much do a google search for the rest. Also back then, people weren't jailed over a tweet or a Facebook post. People did not face death and rape threats or outright lynching over a comment by an army of IT Cell Trolls, backed by a certain political party that is more in love with the Fascist doctrine than with Democracy.

Also there is a significant difference between a one to one conversation (aka BlackBerry Messenger) and a conversation on a group, amongst several dozen to a few hundred people (any WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal group). The powers-that-be will have no problem listing all the participants as enemy's of the state and ruining their lives, even if just one person makes a comment. After all, the Power-that-be love to rule via fear and intimidation as do all goons.
Imagine the govt actually enforcing these rules. Their IT cell employees will be out of work! And who will spread the fake news and all the hate propaganda then?
But then again the judiciary including the SC is a mere puppet now so I guess they can get away with it by crook.
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1) those were different days, had so many technological limitations as compared to today

2) Also back then, people weren't jailed over a tweet or a Facebook post. People did not face death and rape threats or outright lynching over a comment by an army of IT Cell Trolls, backed by a certain political party that is more in love with the Fascist doctrine than with Democracy.

3) Also there is a significant difference between a one to one conversation (aka BlackBerry Messenger) and a conversation on a group, amongst several dozen to a few hundred people (any WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal group). The powers-that-be will have no problem listing all the participants as enemy's of the state and ruining their lives, even if just one person makes a comment. After all, the Power-that-be love to rule via fear and intimidation as do all goons.

1) Having been a very fond user of BBM, I see no technological limitations between BBM and WhatsApp, except for maybe that then we used EDGE, and then 3G, and now we use 4G.
An image took 20 seconds to download, as opposed to 1 today. Thats about it.

2) Another two news from 2012 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...anti-mamata-cartoons/articleshow/12650766.cms & https://www.indiatoday.in/india/sto...rrested-on-sedition-charges-115575-2012-09-09

3) BBM Groups also existed. Looks like you're someone born after the BBM generation. Not your fault. Far too young.

4) 95% of the illegal streaming sites and sub-reddits have moved to telegram.
r/cricketstreams? Dead. Moved to telegram
r/soccerstreams? Dead. Moved to telegram
r/motorsportstreams? Dead. Moved to telegram

Are you indirectly promoting piracy in the name of freedom of speech?
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1) Having been a very fond user of BBM, I see no technological limitations between BBM and WhatsApp, except for maybe that then we used EDGE, and then 3G, and now we use 4G.
An image took 20 seconds to download, as opposed to 1 today. Thats about it.

2) Another two news from 2012 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...anti-mamata-cartoons/articleshow/12650766.cms & https://www.indiatoday.in/india/sto...rrested-on-sedition-charges-115575-2012-09-09

3) BBM Groups also existed. Looks like you're someone born after the BBM generation. Not your fault. Far too young.

4) 95% of the illegal streaming sites and sub-reddits have moved to telegram.
r/cricketstreams? Dead. Moved to telegram
r/soccerstreams? Dead. Moved to telegram
r/motorsportstreams? Dead. Moved to telegram

Are you indirectly promoting piracy in the name of freedom of speech?

Never was a big user of the BMM system. Used it for a year or two due to corporate reasons but my main driver wasn't a BM device. From what I remember of the BM system, it was a clunky thing and the groups had limitations.

Nice dig about the age but for someone my age, its a good thing to be called young. A compliment even.... So thanks.

I am not sure where the promoting piracy thing even came from?? I doubt I mentioned anything about illegal streaming sites or reddit threads. Looks to me that you are more in tune with the illegal streaming sites than I am. First on reddit and now on Telegram.
Nice dig about the age but for someone my age, its a good thing to be called young. A compliment even.... So thanks.

I am not sure where the promoting piracy thing even came from?? I doubt I mentioned anything about illegal streaming sites or reddit threads. Looks to me that you are more in tune with the illegal streaming sites than I am. First on reddit and now on Telegram.

You're welcome. :)

I never said you promoted piracy, I just said that Telegram, due to its privacy policy, is being used to promote piracy. All I want to know is "Are you(here you = all of TechEnclave; not specifically you, but your opinion welcome anyway) okay with this fact? Or not?
Telegram, due to its privacy policy, is being used to promote piracy. All I want to know is "Are you(here you = all of TechEnclave; not specifically you, but your opinion welcome anyway) okay with this fact? Or not?
Obviously not.
But, has the Govt stated that this move is being done to crack down on piracy?
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