desiibond said:
@ Lord Nemesis : God! why am I even arguing with you. Go and check HTC Hero specification and it is running 2.1 just fine. From this, Do I have to assume that you are either not having enough info on Android or you totally got it wrong?
Hero uses a Qualcomm processor, So I don't know whether I can directly compare it with N8, but Spica uses a 800MHz processor of the same kind and Android runs ok on it. But for Symbian S60v5 that kind of processor is an overkill, assuming the talks abut S^3 being better performing than S60v5 are true, even S^3 must be able to run on a much lower processor. If Android can run great on low end processors, why do we even have phones with 1GHz CPU's like Nexus One (Which is sort of Google's reference android hardware no less) and the crop of newly released or to be released android phones.
desiibond said:
Just tell me one thing straight. Why are developers not attracted to Symbian platform? Why are they moving to winpho android and iOS? You find answer to this question and you will understand why I am saying that Symbian is stale.
That's because people see a lot of developers for those platforms at a single place (app store). Symbain too has a lot of developers but they are spread out and sell apps from their own web sites than from a single location. The OVI store is a joke and I agree on that. Another reason is that Nokia made too many different versions of Symbian which was a mistake from the past. If you look at the non-touch enabled apps of symbain, its an incredibly large market. Its not symbian at fault here but Nokia and other companies in the Symbian partnership.
desiibond said:
Apple does not need to change OS every two years neither did I ask Nokia to that. Their OS is made to work very well with current generation needs and MS is moving on to newer OS coz their Winmo has become stale. God, how can you not understand this. Actually, it is Nokia that is doing this. S60 -> Maemo -> S^3 -> MeeGo -> S^4 -> WeGo -> S^5 -> ThereGo ->S^6 -> HereGo -> .....

For the past year or two they have changed so many platforms that your statement has become totally valid
Which is why I am saying they should stick to Symbian for Mobile phones and possibly MeeGo for MID/Tablets. Its not like Nokia made owned symbian. It was developed though a joint partnership between several companies and just a couple of years back they bought it outright. What's the point of giving up a mature mobile OS that Android and iOS look to for their next basic functionality feature list.
desiibond said:
FYI, Active noise cancellation implemented in those phones (N1, DX) is for others to hear your voice clearly, not for you to hear others voice (assuming you own N1 or DX). LOL. And do try talking on phone while walking in busy junction or in subway. huh. Do I need to do spoon feeding, dear lord?
Nice try Mr.Bond, but I know what noise canceling technology is. I was talking about conversation between two Nokia phones vs two phones with noise canceling. Never felt the need for something like that and yeah, every day when I call home right from the midst of a busy market full of noise, my mom never had any problem listening. My house in Hyd is also near a busy junction full of noises. I too never had any problem. There is background noise no doubt, but neither me nor my mom felt it strong enough to interfere with the conversation. You too owned a 5800 before, did you really ever feel the need for such technology or are you just down playing it because you don't own the phone any more?
Just for additional information, noise canceling technology can be used in two ways. One to filter out noise from a audio signal before it is to be transmitted and the second is to cancel out external noise when you are listening to something.
desiibond said:
Seriously, isn't this what one calls fanboyism? Features that is actually useful is not needed for you and these gimzo like dolby and TV out that are sparsely used are better than features that make sense. Just coz it's given by your favourite company. Dah!
And please enlighten me none in my office carry TV Out cables and this Symbian defense.
Don't be silly. I talked about those things because they are extra features added in N8 and the basic ones are already there since a long time. Its not iPhone that you want to talk about basic functionality like multi-tasking that was missing and newly added. Functionality wise Symbian has everything that Android or iOS has except UI and interaction and that's already slated for overhaul in Symbian^4. That's the basic truth even if you don't want to agree. You don't like it fine, but there may be a tonne of people who like the phone for those features and the price it sells for.
desiibond said:
PS: I used NOkia, SE, Motorola, LG, HTC phones. And after moving to Android, I didn't even care to touch Symbian and sold off my 5800XM. And if you ask any owner who did similar shift, you will get the same answer. So, whatever you say about TV Out or dolby or phone should not have more than 3.5" display shit, those who are stuck with Symbian world will agree.
For your information I am also planing to get a Android Phone (Mostly Galaxy S and for reasons different than your own: mainly, I don't phones like Nokia X6, N8 and iPhone regardless of who makes them and secondly I want to collect another platform other than Symbian). and I have seen a lot of video demonstration's of various phones, SDK and all, but that doesn't mean I would go ahead and down play symbian from what it deserves. I will probably keep my 5800 for emergencies. It was intended as a temp purchase anyway and was bought in an emergency when my prev phone started giving problems. I kept using it because I did not find a phone to my liking and the 5800 was serving my purpose for the time being.
As for the screen size, It has nothing to to with Nokia or symbain. I have been saying that even before I got a 5800 and I am saying it even now. May be you don't mind dangling a phone with 4.3" display on your belt, but I like to keep my phone in my pant pocket. For me 3.5" to 3.7" is ideal and 4" is the absolute highest that I would ever buy regardless of the OS it runs. That is why I even defended Apple's decision to stick to 3.5" display.
desiibond said:
btw, a question. You defend Symbian coz it is trashed without a solid basis ( as per your saying ) and you trash iOS because people defend it without a solid bases. But given you mediocre knowledge on Android (you thinking that Android is just polished UI with big app store), why are you arguing?
Can you elaborate what more Android has over Symbian.
Android is basically a Open source Mobile Linux Kernel with a appealing UI and interaction modules optimized for touch running on top and lot a huge base of apps.
iOS is essentially a miniaturized version of Mac OS X which is essential a modified Open/Free BSD.
Symbian is also essentially a similar POSIX OS that is far more mature than either, but lacks in the UI dept.
desiibond said:
And over to your market share argument. Apple iphone is enjoying stunning market share in USA and Europe. Nokia is enjoying leading market share too in non-USA regions. So, according to you, both are equally good platforms??
Symbian has market share more than Android and iOS combined. If you discount the fanboish rant's of people, all major mobile operating systems are good and suited for a different category of people despite each having their own deficiencies. I talk about strengths and weaknesses of every platform in a fair manner.
desiibond said:
And before I end my argument, one more thing, Take XDA forums and other modders. YOu find countless number of ROMs coming out each day with various customizations. Why is it that there isn't a single Symbian phone there? Oh, guess what, it's developers nightmare to customize this OS. Even at Symbian Freak portal, all I see is some stupid looking themes. Oh, totally forgot.
How many iOS Custom ROM's are available? By custom ROM I don't mean cracked/unlocked OS update. Just to add, availability of a custom ROM is not always a good thing. Their existence may also mean that the stock firmware is not good enough and something had to be fixed/added.