Disclaimer : I am no fanboi, never was, won't be. ( To know about fanboyism read here ->
Fanboyism and Brand Loyalty )
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I think some people are against Symbian just because they were frustrated before with s60 v5. First you have to understand that S60 wasn't developed for touch screen phones at all. It was ( and still is ) a huge success for the business class. This encouraged Nokia to introduce Touch screen devices with S60 with some modifications ( e.g. - 5800, N97 ). They had a bit success initially but finally understood that they can't leverage the old S60 anymore and that is why they are moving into S^3, GPU acceleration and capacitive touch screen for faster UI experience. They are aiming for the sub $400 market with multimedia capabilities. But they really can produce $120-$200 no fuss smart phones because the S60 is that much matured ( and hence no research cost ) and this is the segment where they do and will continue to dominate. For the High end flagship parts, they have plans for S^4 which should be a completely revamped and new OS.
I would like to draw an example here. Windows XP was and still is very popular PC OS. Then we all got bored with it. Then came the VISTA with much more expectation and we know how it lived up to its name

But did anyone say that MS should really move from Windows to a new and better OS otherwise they can't live with the PC market ? No. Finally MS came with Win 7 and most people seems to be happy with it and the sales figure also indicate that. Compare these with S60, S^3 and S^4 although Iam not saying that S^3 is gonna be huge FAIL or S^4 will blast everything out of the water. But we can expect better from Nokia ( especially after Nokia itself announced that S^3 is more of an evolution from S60 with more touch friendly environment. ( And btw, I also love and use Linux

Meego is absolutely different from these issues. As Shripad said, Nokia has invested much more and want this in various platforms like MID, tablets, smart books etc. including High end phones ( Like N series was a bit diff from E series inspite of being smart phones, newer N series phones will possibly have Meego onboard ).
So, my point is why bash Symbian so much. Instead, you can express your disappointment / frustration in the current Symbian platforms if you want. But future Symbians always have the possibility to be a much better OS.
Now, the above statements don't make me Android hater. In fact, I plan to grab an Android High end phone as well as an WP7 as soon as I can.