when is NOKIA N8 going to release in INDIA ??

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Yes these are the same people who got bummed by the horrible N97 which suffered because of having lesser amount of RAM !!!

I imagine you have used S60 5th Edition... You tell me what you dont like about the OS personally.

Nokia is not searching frantically for a new OS. Who told you that ?

Actually those who havent used S60 before do find it extremely difficult to find what they need there. I had used symbian since its first incarnation till last year when I personally made switch to Android.

The Symbian has definitely lost touch with the time over last couple of years in terms of ease of use and interface and entertainment capabilities. It might not be the OS's fault, but the kind of phones we have seen in last 2 years never really stood any chance in high end market.

They are doing extremely well in low and midbudget categories, but cheap android phones are now coming thick and fast with plenty more scheduled for launch in coming quarter.

But even with all this, there is virtually no chance of Nokia moving to android any time soon. None what so ever. Its obvious that they will opt for MeeGo over android looking at the kind of investment they have made in this platform. It might not work out in the end, but Nokia just cannot afford to switch platforms at this point.

They do have some solid phones ( I absolutely love the entire E series as communication devices ). But its ticking clock. Its not yet desperate situation, but its reaching there. E series will have absolutely no issues staying on Symbian ( and I hope it does, E series and symbian is match made in heaven. I prefer it over BBOS ), but I am not so sure about N8 and N9.

We already know there wont be official MeeGo for N900, so those users are left hanging on a platform that is basically dead in water. I hope MeeGo does not suffer the same fate like MAEMO did (its unlikely considering Intel has heavily invested in it which is a good thing)

Symbian 3 is suppose to bridge the gap in terms of usability to Android and iOS. but Symbian 3 is very very very late to the party. How it will manage to pull back users it lost / are loosing to Android and iOS and BBOS is the big question.

The main threat is Android. The floodgates have already been opened. Capable, fast, cheap phones are already here and more are coming. And they have to fight them.
Lord Nemesis said:
^^ You should cut the crap. You are too damn clueless if you think Symbian would go extinct just because you think it's old. Symbain doesn't even need to compete with Android or iOS or WinMobo. Nokia may be looking for is an alternative OS for their premium offerings, but that doesn't mean the end of the world for symbian. Symbain doesn't even need to be in premium phones. With its low system requirements, Nokia can churn out very functional low to mid budget sub 10k Symbian phones that sell in more volumes than those premium phones that only a select population can afford to buy.

Even WinMo thats considered by many people to be inferior to Symbian in a lot of ways and and has only a 10th of symbian's market share is still not dead and continuing with the next iteration, so how would you expect that someone would take your BS seriously.
how can you even compare the evolution of WinMo with Symbian and talk about BS? The change from 6.5 to 7 is something what Nokia should've done by now. Winpho 7 got praises (well, except for two idiotic things) and S^3 is considered as a so-so OS. so, please please enough of this symbian ho-ho symbian ho-ho thing!

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dhruvrock2000 said:
Yes these are the same people who got bummed by the horrible N97 which suffered because of having lesser amount of RAM !!!

I imagine you have used S60 5th Edition... You tell me what you dont like about the OS personally.

Nokia is not searching frantically for a new OS. Who told you that ?
am writing about 5800 -> Eclair (should be done by this weekend)

and can't you see. Maemo, S^3, MeeGo, S^4. God, how many times should I say this!
Guys, I don't think either desiibond, or sripad or any of the other Android users are saying Symbian should die and Android should rule them all.

In my Pre-Android era - I used my N95 all this while, and thought that was pretty much the best phone and I was hell bent on buying either the E72 or the N97 or the N8 when it released.

I saw video's of android in action, read all the experiences and advices of Android users on TE,
used a friends HTC Dream (the really old one) with rooted Eclair on it,
used another friends Samsung Galaxy, and woila.. I am now very sure that even though I may not use ALL the features of android but the options to make the phone yours is just incredible.

Most of you guys are major techie's probably with masters in engineering; me, I'm a medical student, pretty much the layman or "aam aadmi" here, all I can say is..

Using android convinced me that the Symbian users are missing out on a lot that Android offers.
ISHROCZ_14 said:
till now i have got more than 5 symbian cell phones .. the best of the lot is N73 m ;) ..the only problem .. LAAAAG !!! :((
Try N86 someday. The best non-touch device ever made :) This is nokia's only hero device from last year. You need to use it to understand that. BTW symbian is not dying ..


Unless and untill good specked Android is not available in 15-20k range, their wont be much problem for symbian. Though I believe that after the arrival of android 3.0 devices the current flagships ones will come down to that bracket in q1 next year & that will be great time to get one of those. Actually I will mostly get either Galaxy S or Galaxy beam ..and yes I am 100% getting N8 :)
Symbian-Guru.com Is Over | Symbian-Guru.com

An interesting read about current issues with Symbian phones. I still believe that Nokia is to blame for Symbian's current woe's. Nokia bought out Symbian outright because they realize its a great platform, but I think they made a grave mistake after wards by not concentrating their efforts fully on this one platform. The platform is still good enough to be used in a variety of phones and I don't think Nokia would abandon Symbian after having invested in it. If nothing else, we will see a lot of budget smart phones with Symbian flooding the market in high volume segments where Android has no penetration so far.
Disclaimer : I am no fanboi, never was, won't be. ( To know about fanboyism read here -> Fanboyism and Brand Loyalty )

If you want to reply to this, please read the total post. :)

I think some people are against Symbian just because they were frustrated before with s60 v5. First you have to understand that S60 wasn't developed for touch screen phones at all. It was ( and still is ) a huge success for the business class. This encouraged Nokia to introduce Touch screen devices with S60 with some modifications ( e.g. - 5800, N97 ). They had a bit success initially but finally understood that they can't leverage the old S60 anymore and that is why they are moving into S^3, GPU acceleration and capacitive touch screen for faster UI experience. They are aiming for the sub $400 market with multimedia capabilities. But they really can produce $120-$200 no fuss smart phones because the S60 is that much matured ( and hence no research cost ) and this is the segment where they do and will continue to dominate. For the High end flagship parts, they have plans for S^4 which should be a completely revamped and new OS.

I would like to draw an example here. Windows XP was and still is very popular PC OS. Then we all got bored with it. Then came the VISTA with much more expectation and we know how it lived up to its name :P But did anyone say that MS should really move from Windows to a new and better OS otherwise they can't live with the PC market ? No. Finally MS came with Win 7 and most people seems to be happy with it and the sales figure also indicate that. Compare these with S60, S^3 and S^4 although Iam not saying that S^3 is gonna be huge FAIL or S^4 will blast everything out of the water. But we can expect better from Nokia ( especially after Nokia itself announced that S^3 is more of an evolution from S60 with more touch friendly environment. ( And btw, I also love and use Linux :P )

Meego is absolutely different from these issues. As Shripad said, Nokia has invested much more and want this in various platforms like MID, tablets, smart books etc. including High end phones ( Like N series was a bit diff from E series inspite of being smart phones, newer N series phones will possibly have Meego onboard ).

So, my point is why bash Symbian so much. Instead, you can express your disappointment / frustration in the current Symbian platforms if you want. But future Symbians always have the possibility to be a much better OS.

Now, the above statements don't make me Android hater. In fact, I plan to grab an Android High end phone as well as an WP7 as soon as I can. :)
Lord Nemesis said:
Symbian-Guru.com Is Over | Symbian-Guru.com

An interesting read about current issues with Symbian phones. I still believe that Nokia is to blame for Symbian's current woe's. Nokia bought out Symbian outright because they realize its a great platform, but I think they made a grave mistake after wards by not concentrating their efforts fully on this one platform. The platform is still good enough to be used in a variety of phones and I don't think Nokia would abandon Symbian after having invested in it. If nothing else, we will see a lot of budget smart phones with Symbian flooding the market in high volume segments where Android has no penetration so far.

Symbian Foundation is also a factor in my decision to dump it all and go Android. Like Android, Symbian Foundation prides itself on being open and free – loudly and oftentimes obnoxiously boasting about how its source code is free for all – despite no one really caring about this, at least in my circle. The platform still languishes behind Android in simple features – being able to replace various pieces of the OS at the users’ whim, native threaded SMS/MMS, integrated IM, and a usable app marketplace, among others.

Isn't this exactly what I have been shouting about all this time?
btw, Nokia is gonna introduce MeeGo based tabletPC : Did Nokia just confirm a MeeGo tablet? -- Engadget)

If there is one platform that is going to get some attention, it's MeeGo. so, if one really really wants a Nokia manufactured smartphone, please go for one on which you can easily port MeeGo. And you know which device am talking about :)
^^ My point is that every platform has shortcomings and strengths. Symbian is not as a bad platform as people claim it to be and it has its own strengths compared to Android or iOS. Android and iOS have presence in limited segments of the market unlike symbain. Even If Symbain cannot directly compete with Android in the high end segment due to its current short comings, it can easily be deployed in other market segments as low hardware requirements is a privilege Symbain has even now and It can sustain itself easily and it's definitely not going to die out as you seem to claim (I believe Nokia is not stupid enough to pull the plug on Symbian).

As for the MeeGo Tablet, I had posted a video of the OS itself a few days back. I think MeeGo is more suited for tablets than for Mobile phones.

Also contrary to what you seem to think, I am not a brand or platform loyalist even if I have my own opinions and impressions of each and they don't change based on what I currently own either. Loyalty does not even come into the equation at all. My own brand history goes like Nokia->Samsung->Motorola->SE->Nokia. My last Nokia purchase was an emergency purchase as my previous phone had conked off and I didn't find anything better that suit's my needs. My next phone will not be a Nokia for sure. It will either be Samsung Galaxy S or Motorola Droid 2 in all likelihood. Currently contemplating whether to wait for Droid 2 for get the Galaxy S now.
Lord Nemesis said:
^^ My point is that every platform has shortcomings and strengths. Symbian is not as a bad platform as people claim it to be and it has its own strengths compared to Android or iOS. Android and iOS have presence in limited segments of the market unlike symbain. Even If Symbain cannot directly compete with Android in the high end segment due to its current short comings, it can easily be deployed in other market segments as low hardware requirements is a privilege Symbain has even now and It can sustain itself easily and it's definitely not going to die out as you seem to claim (I believe Nokia is not stupid enough to pull the plug on Symbian).

As for the MeeGo Tablet, I had posted a video of the OS itself a few days back. I think MeeGo is more suited for tablets than for Mobile phones.

Also contrary to what you seem to think, I am not a brand or platform loyalist even if I have my own opinions and impressions of each and they don't change based on what I currently own either. Loyalty does not even come into the equation at all. My own brand history goes like Nokia->Samsung->Motorola->SE->Nokia. My last Nokia purchase was an emergency purchase as my previous phone had conked off and I didn't find anything better that suit's my needs. My next phone will not be a Nokia for sure. It will either be Samsung Galaxy S or Motorola Droid 2 in all likelihood. Currently contemplating whether to wait for Droid 2 for get the Galaxy S now.
If you want qwerty keypad and certain Android 3.0 upgrade in the future, wait for Droid 2 else Galaxy S is a good option. Though GS is a solid phone, I doubt if Samsung would put GingerBread in this phone (though you will get numerous custom ROMs) :)
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