Where is TE Heading - II

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Actually it was a kind of joke. We are moving forward while the rest, well, the less said the better.

Since the OP has run away, and we are trying to sort out his mess, which by the way is not much, thought of posting the situation in a different manner.

Also, TBH, if these posts do not serve any use, you are most welcome to delete it. Just give me a notification if possible ;-)

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boogeyman said:
Also, he seems to be the most active poster in those threads :P

I believe GT threads do not add to your post count, right? :P
vivek.krishnan said:
I believe GT threads do not add to your post count, right? :P
What he meant was that you were probably pointing out where you are heading instead of where TE is heading.
WoW 3 pages of emotional atyachaar, drama and sentiments, really? so less for being a geek !! I think we members should cut mods some slack here. They are spending their time to actually keep the forum maintained. If not for them, the forum would be a machli bazaar. Though yah, they are biased sometimes but then thats how we all are if given the power. NO ?? Oh really?
I had received an infraction once too, for posting a question in the market section thread. I see no reason for why it was objectionable. Still that dint stop me from helping the members in this forum with whatever good knowledge I carry. Learn to live with it or perish. :)
nish_pinto said:
I had received an infraction once too, for posting a question in the market section thread. I see no reason for why it was objectionable. Still that dint stop me from helping the members in this forum with whatever good knowledge I carry. Learn to live with it or perish. :)
You have however recieved a warning on two occasions but never in Market section.

Is the paranoia spreading :P
6 pages and no one has wondered the person who raised his voice against the mods is missing:!!!!!

who is the responsible now?
Not an infraction Nishant but a warning. I handed it over to you because you had posted this comment on a sale thread:

nish_pinto said:
300 for one cable? :o

Is this in anyway helping the OP or the other members? We take it as OT and delete it without a second thought.

Instead if you were to post something rather meaningful such as "The cables seem to be overpriced going by the retail pricing at this wesbite. Refer this link - www.xyz.com", the post would have been justified. No offense meant to you Nishant. :)

I recall a similar instance when another member posted something in the lines of "Awesome pricing bro. Good luck with the sale!". Is this helping the OP or the other members as well? I warned him but a conversation ensued between the two of us over PMs and I gave him an explanation as to why that post was treated as OT. When we have rules laid out which clearly states what is counted as off topic or otherwise.
^^ actually, a few times it was mentioned that the thread creator has gone under :D

This thread doesnt serve any purpose anymore !

The mods should close it IMO
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