Where is TE Heading - II

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try this

1. Do not overindulge in objecting mod activities. (They are not dictators, even their actions are judged behind the scenes)

2. Contribute to the community by helping members and posting rich content.

3. Apply for moderatorship next time the window opens.

4. Get selected.

5. In your face mods!!

although I think step 5 will be dropped in favour of the excitement.
and IF you really think there is a problem there work towards a solution... only pointing out problems and directing shoulda coulda and woulda is job of Captain Hindsight..!

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

m-jeri said:
I agree to this. completely. Not to the @OP or anyone personally or so. But its the best damn thing to do.

One less forum membership doesn't dent your nerd life. nerds forever.

That attitude is not really good.

I would atleast like to consider the problem once.

It is really reasonable to be unreasonable to something you assumed to be unreasonable? Self contradiction in that behaviour.
sheesh and i was about to take a popcorn and sit down...instead its nothing ,,just the OP who got buzzed off ..touchy guy this OP :D
There are hell lots of technical forums. If the OP is not comfortable with the moderators / how the ship is being run on TE, feel free to join any other of the technical forums. No on is stopping you.
madnav said:
That attitude is not really good.

I would atleast like to consider the problem once.

It is really reasonable to be unreasonable to something you assumed to be unreasonable? Self contradiction in that behaviour.

I wasn't referring this to @OP as his answer or anything. He can post as much anyone else.

I said i agree to ignoring a forum, coz "differences" with "online forums" is one sided. Extremely i might add. A member with normal privileges

cant do anything to another member having "special" privileges. They are "special" people after all. You can let someone control you as long

as you let him.

I was telling this from my personal experience. not some attitude stuff.
CA50 said:
Sorry guys, have read the whole thread twice, but still can't get the theme of this thread :facepalm:

^^ Same here. But I just read it once... :lol:

CA50 said:
Sorry guys, have read the whole thread twice, but still can't get the theme of this thread :facepalm:

Ha, why not just once? Or Several times?Either way, there is no theme here at all. The OP got up yesterday, felt that he was not safe here, starts the thread, puts the onus on the mods.

TBH, none of my threads have been deleted. And its advisable to stick to the rules. If its not there, ya you know you have not adhered to the rules.

Also another activity that i have noticed is that some ppl, come online and within 20 posts, put one of their items on sale. Whether they continue on TE, I cannot say, but i feel that for starting a thread iin market section, the min post limit should be increased to, say 50?
@op dude, seriously speak out the issue cos, a few of us must have missed out on the part I!

if its the moderation by the mods that bother you, then you better pack your bags and leave and start a new forum of your own which does not have moderation!There are other forums with tighter moderation which even include the grammatical errors ! Thankfully, thats not the case here !
Forums are known for their quality of content and if it goes down , its popularity will take a toll !

The one thing i love abt TE is that, whatever doubts i have, if there is a thread on the topic the info would be straight to the point unlike some places(where there is lesser moderation) where we have to slide through 5-10 pages to get some info!

Now coming back to you, you have started a thread with some incomplete info, and then say that you have pm'ed the mod! If u wanted to pm the mod, why open this thread? what is it that you accomplished with this thread?
m-jeri said:
I agree to this. completely. Not to the @OP or anyone personally or so. But its the best damn thing to do.

One less forum membership doesn't dent your nerd life. nerds forever.

Thats a stupid statement to make man.. especially when someone has a problem.. agree it might be frivolous but telling the person to leave is stupid man!!
That is not a thing senior members must say man.. Its makes you look pompous and full of it and without a care for the community.. every member is an integral part of the community.. pacify them not enrage them further..
Since the OP has disappeared, I am going to hijack this thread for a tiny question..

Sometime back I made a thread asking for a good P2P site for ebooks. My thread was trashed within minutes telling me that it may have legal ramifications and what not. I am not going to name the mod but I wanted to know what was wrong in that as we have dozens of threads where people ask for HD rips, TV rips, invites etc?

Am I still wrong here or the mod was a bit overzealous?:no:
Sei said:
Since the OP has disappeared, I am going to hijack this thread for a tiny question..

Sometime back I made a thread asking for a good P2P site for ebooks. My thread was trashed within minutes telling me that it may have legal ramifications and what not. I am not going to name the mod but I wanted to know what was wrong in that as we have dozens of threads where people ask for HD rips, TV rips, invites etc?

Am I still wrong here or the mod was a bit overzealous?:no:

If i am not wrong, was it the M- mod?
Sei said:
Since the OP has disappeared, I am going to hijack this thread for a tiny question..

Sometime back I made a thread asking for a good P2P site for ebooks. My thread was trashed within minutes telling me that it may have legal ramifications and what not. I am not going to name the mod but I wanted to know what was wrong in that as we have dozens of threads where people ask for HD rips, TV rips, invites etc?

Am I still wrong here or the mod was a bit overzealous?:no:

If I am not mistaken, we do not permit warez/scene release links being posted on thread/posts.

This is allowed:

Guys, desitorrents is open for registrations, click the link to register. Followed by the portal page to desitorrents.

This is not allowed:

Click the following link to DL the Skidrow version of Rage. Followed by the link for the btjunkie torrent.

You were asking for the latter, so that is why it was thrashed. On a side-note you can ask any moderator why it was done so. Use the PM panel.

Hope this helps.

asingh said:
If I am not mistaken, we do not permit warez/scene release links being posted on thread/posts.

This is allowed:
Guys, desitorrents is open for registrations, click the link to register. Followed by the portal page to desitorrents.

This is not allowed:
Click the following link to DL the Skidrow version of Rage. Followed by the link for the btjunkie torrent.

You were asking for the latter, so that is why it was thrashed. On a side-note you can ask any moderator why it was done so. Use the PM panel.

I agree with this clarification. For P2P and Warez links there are forums meant just for this !! :)
I too never understand the difference .
People talk openly about downloading HD movies from p2p.
People mention the source of trackers of what the trackers specialise in.
But if some sites give those links to some file hosting sites their posts are given warning of given infraction.
This under the pretext of promoting piracy when the fact is that torrent are the major source of pirate content.
If there is copyright infringement to file hosts the can put under complaint and the file is deleted.
This cant be done in torrent yet discussing p2p is fine :S
asingh said:
If I am not mistaken, we do not permit warez/scene release links being posted on thread/posts.

This is allowed:

Guys, desitorrents is open for registrations, click the link to register. Followed by the portal page to desitorrents.

This is not allowed:

Click the following link to DL the Skidrow version of Rage. Followed by the link for the btjunkie torrent.

You were asking for the latter, so that is why it was thrashed. On a side-note you can ask any moderator why it was done so. Use the PM panel.

Hope this helps.


Release links? When did I ever ask for that? I asked for sites :|

Please tell why these threads were not thrashed -


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