Car & Bike Which bike to buy?

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What are the tuning settings? Will the Bajaj service center do the tuning for me?
Rs.63895 on road (Ahmedabad) Go for the Pulsar 135LS it has better build quality than the Yamaha SZ-R but the Yamaha is more comfortable. You need a nice seat cover to make the Pulsar comfortable.
umesh_boogy said:
I am getting 52 Kmpl with speed of 60-70 Kmph on Highways

and in Mumbai, Andheri's bumper-to-bumper traffic i get about 45-48 kmpl

water or juice?

also tell us about your bike's model and mileage.. we need to compare if you are running as efficiently as your bike.. :P

You shouldn't have really bought this bike... See 1 person can be wrong, 100 people can be wrong, but not million or crore people who have swifted from Bajaj bikes to some other manufacturer bike... People who are saying that you have bought a good bike are only saying coz you have already bought it... And as far as build quality is concerned then yes Bajaj bikes are crappy bikes... No matter how well you maintain it the mileage would get dropped after few months and the engine would start making some rattling noise... And people who are saying that you would get 65 to 70KMPL then i would like to say this again that they are totally wrong... You wouldn't get 65 to 70KMPL... I think they really dont know how to test mileage... And even control wise Honda and Yamaha bikes are better than Bajaj bikes... I know that you must be thinking that why am i cribbing so much about the bike that you have purchased well the reason for it is because even after getting so many people suggestions you went ahead with a bike that you shouldn't have really bought it... You must be thinking that whatever i am saying is BS but after few months you would really think that whatever i was saying was right...

And the people who are suggesting you to tune the Carburetor then i would like to let you know that if you would tune the carburetor for better mileage then you would see a drop in speed and pickup... See if you would take it to the Service centre then the service centre guy would tune the carburetor using a screw driver, what actually he will do is he will lessen the flow of fuel which would lead to less combustion of fuel and which would lead to lesser power generated while combustion... If you would increase the flow of fuel there would be more combustion of fuel which would lead to greater power... Most riders tune the carburetor before the race...
sunny27 said:
What are the tuning settings? Will the Bajaj service center do the tuning for me?

tuning or carb your cylinder , it not only fuel that burns...its a mixture of air and fuel. They are in a particular ratio..

1. Now on a lean mixture, the ratio of air is more compared to fuel.So apparently u get better "mileage"

2. On a high fuel to air ratio, its a "rich" mixture. Your pickup and power increases but Fule Eff drops .

3. Last being the default setting.That is the factory settings with which ur bike came.

See on a lean mixture you get marginal increase in mileage but at the cost of a over heating engine, reduced life span of engine internal. Also your torque takes a bad hit

On rich mixture, as evident wastage of fuel but increase in overall power delivery. Usually done when the user need a bit more power

Keep ur cab setting at default for best results
To all the people who were against the Pulsar 135 - :@

Its a brilliant bike! There are two variants -- the one which was launched earlier with some issues and the new one (which I have) with all the issues solved and some design modifications. More details here - Bajaj launches new revised Pulsar 135LS | Indian Motos Blog

Its been a week since I have owned it - I covered 300 KM on it and now for some facts :-

[1] The vibrations from the engine are disappearing slowly as I rack up some miles

[2] The mileage I have got is about 60-65 KMPL with extremely careless riding - I love revving up the engine and have been pushing the bike twice or thrice daily extremely aggressively (Die Pulsar haters!)

[3] The people at Bajaj Service center are professional, helpful and nice - am due for my first service this week as soon as I clock 550-600 KM

[4] @ ramanujpatro -- get your bike - get your 150cc bike and then let me humiliate you with the pulsar's performance (also read up on xBHP a wee bit more it may help you burst your bubble about Pulsars)

[5] Couldn't resist the urge and took the bike upto 112 Kmph(was constantly above 90 kmph for the full stretch) on SG highway (Ahmedabad/ Gujarat users might know the stretch from Iscon temple circle to Acropolis mall) thrashed a couple of friends on their FZ-16s and Unicorns with heavy traffic in the peak hours -- butter smooth performance, no vibrations and amazing pick up

[6] Took the bike for a 120 Km trip to Gandhinagar, there were no problems whatsoever. This bike corners and handles twists in the road really well

[7] To all the Pulsar haters -- you may have the best bike or for that matter the best laptop/desktop but how you maintain it and care for it matters. When I got my MSI CR400x and reviewed it 2 years back a lot of people on TE said it would conk out and MSI laptops were rubbish because no one ever heard of MSi making laptops. Here I am two years down the line with the Cr400x looking as good as new and performing amazingly with 25% battery wear.

Periodic maintenance is what matters!
^ Well Well Well.

have contradicted all your points with this statement.

you may have the best bike or for that matter the best laptop/desktop but how you maintain it and care for it matters.

Anyway, 135cc bikes are not meant for racing in the streets,neither are the 150cc. So relax.

One more point,People donot hate pulsar just for the sake of it.Ride your bike for around a year and you will know why people dislike.
sunny27 said:
[2] The mileage I have got is about 60-65 KMPL with extremely careless riding - I love revving up the engine and have been pushing the bike twice or thrice daily extremely aggressively (Die Pulsar haters!)
[5] Couldn't resist the urge and took the bike upto 112 Kmph(was constantly above 90 kmph for the full stretch) on SG highway (Ahmedabad/ Gujarat users might know the stretch from Iscon temple circle to Acropolis mall) thrashed a couple of friends on their FZ-16s and Unicorns with heavy traffic in the peak hours -- butter smooth performance, no vibrations and amazing pick up

Dude aren't you supposed to be in run in period? Don't thrash the bike for the first couple of thousand kms.
@Ramanujpatro - you said something about poor mileage? I just got a mileage of 61 KMPL - I tanked up the bike with 7 litres of petrol and got to 482 Km (the extra range is due to the fact that I Bajaj provided some 750 ml of petrol with the bike). I am not really gentle with the bike - I come from the Jeremy Clarkson school of motoring.
^^^Be that rash in these critical few months and i am sure you will join forces that depict bajaj pulsar as POS in a years time.

Dude,jeremey does not have an extended period of exposure to stressed, low cc`ed indian make engines like that of the pulsar.
I rode my first discover dtsi 125cc like an ass then my bike engine got screwed to say the least.

But i took care for my next p180 UG3 and its engine,clutch is still a charm today.
Take some time to read the run-in guidelines that have been provided by senior memebrs of the definitive motoring portal in india:
Guide (Run-in & Maintenance) for new Pulsar Owners - : The Global Indian Biking Community

Even though the article is from circa 2003, it still holds true for all pulsars and almost all indian bikes plying today.

Since i think youre already done with the 1st service, please take care to
madnav said:
water or juice?

also tell us about your bike's model and mileage.. we need to compare if you are running as efficiently as your bike.. :P

I ride 2010 Honda Unicorn All stock no tuning or anything
all you have to do is avoid sudden acceleration, avoid unnecessary gear shifts, avoid unnecessary throttle twist, keep speed constant(except run-in period)
in earlier days when i was learning bike i used to get 30-35KMPL :p
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