Which one - WDTV (Rs 5475) Or WDTV Live (Rs 6582) ?

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On request of Praks,

Hi all,

Yes, I have WD TV Live and I am running WDLXTV mod on that b-rad. (visit b-rad.cc)

WDLXTV has torrent client named deluge which runs as background process and downloads torrents.

WDLXTV also has deluge webui, through which you can access deluge in browser. User interface of deluge is almost like utorrent.

I have download few movies about 700 mb to 1.4 GB and they work just fine.

WDLXTV also creates samba shares so it shares my external drive in network for easy access.

I plan to create guide for this. I will try to compile it this weekend.

Finally after 14 pages & around 10000 views on this topic, There is someone who can confirm & post official guide on it :)

You rock buddy, waiting for your guide.

waiting for reply from my source on WDTV Live deal. Any TE dealer want to offer good deal for bulk order ?
@Praks... it is pretty simple. just like flashing a f/w... the link maxme provides has it all... check it

@Maxme... how does the wdtv handle a power outage? i dislike the playonhd going to sleep when the lights go out. it needs be physically started to make it resume.
Dheerajbhai, it wil be useful for noobs who dont know much on flashing much. Me included :)

Good Question to Maxme.. Lets see what he has to say.. I hate those integrity check of Utorrent once its restarted after crash..
rehashing will happen. you cannot stop that. what my query is what happens on the wdtv when the power supply goes off... does it need be physically put on?
Hello Dheeraj Bhai!

Playon rocks... D/loaded Avatar Bluray and trust me, On my Sony Ex500, the movie rocked.

Planning to buy the Altec Lansing speakers soon.

Bhai... is it necessary for a noob like me to update firmwares??? Or, has my recent purchase come with all firmwares updated???
update about EAGET m880 from China.

My friend called me - can arrange from china - price will be around 5500/- + vat - bill will be given. So what do you guys think ? can we convert this to IC or GO ?
chetansha said:
update about EAGET m880 from China.

My friend called me - can arrange from china - price will be around 5500/- + vat - bill will be given. So what do you guys think ? can we convert this to IC or GO ?

Is this price inclusive of shipping ?? If yes then it is a good deal.

apextwin146 said:
Can you please link me to any reviews for EAGET m880 .. Also what about its warranty here?

Here is a detailed review of the M880 translated from a chinese website. There are some 10 pages of reviews so lookout for that. I had read this review before i went ahead and bought my player.

Google Translate

But apex, if you have fair amount of idea about AC Ryan Play ON HD then there is no need to read eaget's reviews since both are essentially the same player under different brands with same hardware, looks and everything.
^ Yeah i forgot about that. Thanks Raks for pointing out that this device is essentially a AC Ryan Play on HD.
Actually i was considering Popcorn Hour C200. Any thoughts about that?
apextwin146 said:
^ Yeah i forgot about that. Thanks Raks for pointing out that this device is essentially a AC Ryan Play on HD.
Actually i was considering Popcorn Hour C200. Any thoughts about that?

I am not much aware about popcorn hr but i have heard it is feature rich and expensive too i guess.
^well popcorn hour is undoubtedly the big daddy of all network media players. c200 is goof but pricey.

when comparing features, before i bought the playonhd, i found not much difference. its been more than three months of using the playon andi just feel i have wasted time having not bought it earlier.

go for the popcorn hour incase u willing to shell out 16-20k or wait a bit and buy the popboxtv which is a stripped down version of pch with full network and all but without the hdd... it will retail at $129

@chetansha: can i call you... have something on my mind. my gtalk id is in the signature. please get in touch !
M880 is good for lower budget people :)


Please quote final price with VAT & shipping. Clarify on warranty in India please.
see vat aur shipping mila ke i think 1k aur mehnga ho jayega.warranty kahan milegi India mein. it is a chinese copy of another player. china mein warranty nahin hogi... India to door ki baat hai bhai
Hehe Dheeraj bhai, If no warranty then why VAT to china company.

Just bring it without VAT right..

@Dheeraj, You have been awesome contributor here. As I told you we can flash WDTV live

& download torrents with playing DVD from external DVD player.

M880 can do the same.

What do you recommend - WDTV Live Or M880 ?

Both are in my budget.
apextwin146 said:
Can you please link me to any reviews for EAGET m880 .. Also what about its warranty here?

No warranty is being offered. The price is inclusive of all import duty and shipment only. AFIK, we will have to send back the unit to china for warranty.

VAT goes to Indian Govt, when importing from china, we have to pay import duty, when reselling in India. VAT is applied. So i guess thats why many comp components are expensive here - dual taxation?

@ dheerajjotwani added you
All guys here who are planning to in for the eaget player please keep in mind that there wont be any warranty in India. But yes the warranty is applicable in china. I had got a defective unit when in Shanghai and i had returned them to get a new one. If you guys want i can give the contact number and email of the chinese person who knows english (because not everyone knows). Also remember that you can opt for english remote but the problem is that in that you dont have those 4 multicolored buttons which is available in chinese remote and is used for torrenting.

I myself have a chinese remote and have rattofied the buttons and their functions.
am in talks with my friend for some kind of warranty. atleast he can ship to china if we bear a part of the shipping costs
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