On request of Praks,
Hi all,
Yes, I have WD TV Live and I am running WDLXTV mod on that b-rad. (visit b-rad.cc)
WDLXTV has torrent client named deluge which runs as background process and downloads torrents.
WDLXTV also has deluge webui, through which you can access deluge in browser. User interface of deluge is almost like utorrent.
I have download few movies about 700 mb to 1.4 GB and they work just fine.
WDLXTV also creates samba shares so it shares my external drive in network for easy access.
I plan to create guide for this. I will try to compile it this weekend.
Hi all,
Yes, I have WD TV Live and I am running WDLXTV mod on that b-rad. (visit b-rad.cc)
WDLXTV has torrent client named deluge which runs as background process and downloads torrents.
WDLXTV also has deluge webui, through which you can access deluge in browser. User interface of deluge is almost like utorrent.
I have download few movies about 700 mb to 1.4 GB and they work just fine.
WDLXTV also creates samba shares so it shares my external drive in network for easy access.
I plan to create guide for this. I will try to compile it this weekend.