Which one - WDTV (Rs 5475) Or WDTV Live (Rs 6582) ?

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Praks said:

Thank you, Can you tell from where & how to order ?

i dnt know how to get it, i got my cuz living in sing...

ripper said:
got the playon mini today delivered at office :) itching to go back home and see how it works.....

What was the total damage. And did u import it or buy locally?
TechHead said:
WD Image Viewer

Right next to the HDMI port.. what is that little port marked "OPTICAL"?
yeah there is an optical out for audio !
chetansha said:
forget the ASUS, go for xtreamer... that price is unbeatable.
@TechHead yeah you are right. WDTV has SPDIF, Guess WDTV does not have right ?


Would you be able to bring 1 more item :) ?
the AC Ryan is also a great player , its available from Blore for some 6k odd with 2 yrs warranty.

Pretty swift n plays everything thrown at it so far
SoulFire said:
the AC Ryan is also a great player , its available from Blore for some 6k odd with 2 yrs warranty.
Pretty swift n plays everything thrown at it so far

err do you have the link for it ?
AC Ryan PlayOn HD is above 10000 & out of my budget.

Its PlayOn mini which is cheap but cant download torrents.
Praks said:
AC Ryan PlayOn HD is above 10000 & out of my budget.

Where did you get price of 10k for this ??? Because 10k is really steep unless it is bundled with a HDD.
My eaget m880 is AC Ryan POHD only (just name different) and with a 1TB WD caviar green HDD and wifi dongle (which is never use) it cost me around 10k.
@raksrules, Yeah bro. check the prices posted by Chetansha, Its very costly.

Getting eaget m880 on ebay for $139.99 + Shipping $31.99 = 7911 Rs.

Anyone coming from US or Hongkong. We can try for bulk deal..

Direct from HK will be $139.99 only - 6439 Rs
If your friend imports camera from HK then he can surely import my small dubba player too :)

Please ask him, I am ready to pay his service charge if any.
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