Which one - WDTV (Rs 5475) Or WDTV Live (Rs 6582) ?

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My mail to xtreamer US


I plan to buy this set as a gift for my family residing in India, I would

like to know if the warranty can be claimed from your India counterpart

(Xtreamer India ). Please do let me know, on receiving your email I

will make the purchase.

And thier reply


Sorry, the warranty will not be able to be services by the counterpart in India. However you can still send it back to headquarters in Hong Kong or back to us in U.S for service. Thanks.
Awww So one has to purchase xtreamer only from India & from Indian vendor only :(

DO post about bulk deal on egat :)
Dheeraj bhai.. what HT are you using with the Playon??? Planning to buy one.

Ranga mentioned to me that the mini has the optical port only... Wonder what thats supposed to mean.,.. Can u help/.?

Dheeraj bhai.. what HT are you using with the Playon??? Planning to buy one.

Ranga mentioned to me that the mini has the optical port only... Wonder what thats supposed to mean.,.. Can u help/.?

Look out for HT with Coaxial or Optical PDIF Input.

I would say better use computer speakers with this port as it might cost cheaper rather then taking full HT with DVD player.
ripper said:
Dheeraj bhai.. what HT are you using with the Playon??? Planning to buy one.

Ranga mentioned to me that the mini has the optical port only... Wonder what thats supposed to mean.,.. Can u help/.?

Dheeraj bhai.. what HT are you using with the Playon??? Planning to buy one.

Ranga mentioned to me that the mini has the optical port only... Wonder what thats supposed to mean.,.. Can u help/.?
I use an onkyo av receiver with a bose 5.1 presently. why are u worried about audio buddy. it is routed raw through hdmi into the receiver. then recv then upscales it and outputs it through which ever speaker set you have.

Praks said:
Look out for HT with Coaxial or Optical PDIF Input.

I would say better use computer speakers with this port as it might cost cheaper rather then taking full HT with DVD player.
yeah that is a valid suggestion !
Great.. So, Is it a good idea to look at Altec lansing speakers 2.1???

A friend of mine has the Altec lansing expressionist ultra... What say???

WHat kind of cables do i get with these units??? Where to fix them on playon and TV.. Some enlightenment please...

ALso, please suggest other good brands around 5-6k range
If u plan to watch those HD stuff then forget 2.1

Go with 5.1 speakers. It will rock the home. I am not sure which 5.1 comes with SPDIF, May be other can give more info on it.
Praks said:
If u plan to watch those HD stuff then forget 2.1

Go with 5.1 speakers. It will rock the home. I am not sure which 5.1 comes with SPDIF, May be other can give more info on it.

Whats SPDIF???

And I guess 2.1 is my only approval as wife wont allow loud sound and too many speakers clutter the room.

Just looking for 3 elegant boxes on my cabinet which can give a decent sound...
The computer speakers come with that green single jack which goes behind the PC. Now, I dont think the LCD or the Playonmini has that port...
ripper said:
Great.. So, Is it a good idea to look at Altec lansing speakers 2.1???
A friend of mine has the Altec lansing expressionist ultra... What say???

WHat kind of cables do i get with these units??? Where to fix them on playon and TV.. Some enlightenment please...

ALso, please suggest other good brands around 5-6k range

see you would get a regular set of component av cables. which is three color for video and a two color one for audio. i wonder if yours came with a hdmi cable too. if that is the case, avoid all the other cables and just plug the hdmi from mini to tv and take the sound out from tv to a speaker set of your choice.

onkyo is over 15k for just the receiver... altec lansing is a good choice for under 5k
dheerajjotwani said:
see you would get a regular set of component av cables. which is three color for video and a two color one for audio. i wonder if yours came with a hdmi cable too. if that is the case, avoid all the other cables and just plug the hdmi from mini to tv and take the sound out from tv to a speaker set of your choice.

onkyo is over 15k for just the receiver... altec lansing is a good choice for under 5k

I got the HDMI cable with the mini.

DO computer speakers have the mota jack ports which TVs have???? Boss, I am below average on this ..:)
I own Asus o! Play & i can vouch for its easy no crap interface & ability to play media format that you can throw at it with ease... Go for it! WD sulks when pitted with Asus

Thanks for sharing but sadly Asus o! Play cant download torrents :(

TO ALL IN THIS TOPIC, I was bit diverted to other players ONLY coz no one confirmed WDTV can download torrent. We have a TE user here who confirmed it.


Thanks to all, specially Dheeraj who guided like a Guru.. sadly cant spend on Play On

Now its back to WDTV Live - It can play from external DVD ROM & Can download torrents.

Let me find from my sources on latest price on WDTV Live..
well if you really want to save money. i would suggest you divide the two processes. let downloading happen on an always on usb port wifi router and buy a wdtv mini. think about it ;-p

bhai, if WDTV Live can do everything then I would prefer that, Why invest in 2 diff things :)

In my case, download happens mostly in night when I will not use player to watch stuff, so as long as It can download I am fine.

WDTV Live can be flashed & even external DVD ROM can be used. Its very useful for people who take movie backups in DVDs. Once my friend's HDD crashed & lost 1 TB of movies, he almost cried, I learned from him hard way & keep backup on DVD so at a max you loose only 4-6 movies.
ok back to business,

Is there any TE dealer who want to offer WDTV live in Bulk ?

I will be confirming from my source if we can get WDTV Live for same price of 6580 Rs
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