Which one - WDTV (Rs 5475) Or WDTV Live (Rs 6582) ?

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WHats the HT/receiver???

and yes... The reliance broadband sucks... Its problem free... issues are almost nill... but logging in everytime sucks.

Mind sharing the price at which u bought???:D

I spoke to Ranga... Helpful... He already knew I would call :)... wonder how???

He quoted 11,500 for the high end and 7700 for the mini. What say???
WHats the HT/receiver???
HT=Home Theatre and Receiver is a part of the Ht... the central control which modulates and acts as a go between various inputs and outputs for vedio and audio

and yes... The reliance broadband sucks... Its problem free... issues are almost nill... but logging in everytime sucks.
you obviously havnt tried airtel yet... or maybe you have...

Mind sharing the price at which u bought???:D
its available for 13900 inclusive of wifi dongle. mine came lower as it was a one time special deal i posted on TE also long time back.

yeah i sent him a word you might... 11900 is for the pohd console... wifi dongle extra. mini cant do torrents and nas as of now... its just a media player.
dheerajjotwani said:
HT=Home Theatre and Receiver is a part of the Ht... the central control which modulates and acts as a go between various inputs and outputs for vedio and audio
you obviously havnt tried airtel yet... or maybe you have...

its available for 13900 inclusive of wifi dongle. mine came lower as it was a one time special deal i posted on TE also long time back.

yeah i sent him a word you might... 11900 is for the pohd console... wifi dongle extra. mini cant do torrents and nas as of now... its just a media player.

Ranga was helpful but confused me a bit with the composite port option available/not available for mini and some optical port for home theatre ... mumbo jumbo... He was genuinely trying to help me but were all bouncers to me...

I guess, its a go on the 11500 and I shall ask a quote for the dongle!

yeah dont worry about it... if u want to do torrents, go with pohd with wifi

let me point out to you that you will have to keep the player on always for torrents to work... it draws b/w 5-13W of energy and just like a computer its best to attach a ups so that it stays on always !
dheerajjotwani said:
yeah dont worry about it... if u want to do torrents, go with pohd with wifi

let me point out to you that you will have to keep the player on always for torrents to work... it draws b/w 5-13W of energy and just like a computer its best to attach a ups so that it stays on always !

What happens in the event of a power cut?... will the download erase and will it need to begin from the BEGINNING????
ripper said:
What happens in the event of a power cut?... will the download erase and will it need to begin from the BEGINNING????

ups will keep it on provided your wifi router and modem is on as well. then once everything goes down, it will resume from the point it got cut off the next time its switched on. simple :)
dheerajjotwani said:
ups will keep it on provided your wifi router and modem is on as well. then once everything goes down, it will resume from the point it got cut off the next time its switched on. simple :)

Ok..Thats something I can understand very well...:hap2:

So, Shall get back once the unit reaches ( POHD + Dongle) home!
Oh Lots of discussion in just 2 days here :)


Welcome to the forum buddy, Happy that I found someone who is also looking for my requirement.

I was also behind WDTV Live but slowly my requirement increased (damn !! human mind :)

Now I am looking for something which can play all normal & HD vids, Play from external DVD (no need to purchase DVD player)/HDD & Download torrents, ofcourse HDMI out.

Simple ha :) Just 3 major requirements.

I have dropped Wifi options as torrents & streaming works great on wired connection. Suggest you to use wired only.

As you are in Cochin, let me know if you plan to visit Bangalore, may be we can meet up.

One more thing, dont rely much on USB of TV. Its mere addition for non techie people to play their normal VOb/Avi files or lovely album photos. None of the LCD with USB will be able to play those 720/1080p mkv/mp4 HD rips.

After having this longgg discussion with Dheeraj, I have finally zeroed down to - Playon!HD (Not mini).


ehh got one more doubt, Cant I download torrents by connecting external HDD ? I dont want to install high capacity HDD inside Play on.

As torrents will be keep on downloading, there might be heat up issues which might mess up 1 TB HDD. So will use 8 GB thumb drive or 60/80 GB external HDD which will do this work so I dont regret even if it crashes. Can I use external HDD ?

Hows inbuilt torrent client of POHD ? What speed do you get ?
Praks said:
ehh got one more doubt, Cant I download torrents by connecting external HDD ? I dont want to install high capacity HDD inside Play on.

As torrents will be keep on downloading, there might be heat up issues which might mess up 1 TB HDD. So will use 8 GB thumb drive or 60/80 GB external HDD which will do this work so I dont regret even if it crashes. Can I use external HDD ?

Hows inbuilt torrent client of POHD ? What speed do you get ?

with the stock torrent dl client you cant achieve dling destination to be usb. what you could do though is to use a smaller hdd like u say and keep transferring your contents off to a larger one using usb.

however, if you were to load optware onto the hacked f/w of pohd and use transmission... everything is possible.

sorry i missed the last part... well to be honest i havnt really bothered myself with the stock bt client cause i had moved on from setting up transmission on a asus 520gu router before and really enjoyed the whole experience and feel of it. the speeds are pretty good... they can go to the extent of your b/w just like on a computer... speeds are actually more seed/peer dependent... pohd aint the bottleneck as far as that goes.

and i might be able to assist you explore your torrent client using internet from outside your lan as well... we'll see as it goes.
Praks said:
Oh thats bad

@Ripper, How much did you pay ? Do you plan to join BULK deal ?

I would be keen on bulk if the deal happens early... Cant wait a lifetime on generating bulk dude!

And guess what.. U r so right in not trusting USB of LCD tv. I guess LCD has to bought only for the viewing experience. Playing different formats and sound output should be left to the respective devices... hence the Playon!!!

@ Dheeraj... Boss I bought the Sony 32" EX500 today. Trust me... Its sexier than I thought!!!.. Damages = 47k . I got a decent exchange for my old tv though ( 4k).... Sony world chors were just not budging on the price...:(

@ Praks.. Sure we can meet when I am in Bangalore!

@ Dheeraj... Ranga mailed me.. I am in touch and on some final negotiations.. Shall update this thread soon!
B550 is available in plenty...

@Praks & Ripper

i tested the stock BT client (called BTPD) with the wifi and wired connection.

the client works well. can be monitored on tv and computer. speed, although not constant, averages perfectly. I was able to d/l a 175mb file in under 50 mins.

client works, but stumbles here and there. monitoring is not a issue. speed varies much more. the client tends to stop and restart at intervals. something which was not noticed when used wired.

both of the above tested using a STATIC IP... which is a must !

yeah dynamic ip by airtel/reliance is okay. what you have to ensure that on pohd while setting up lan properties, you assign it a static ip and not let it attain an ip automatically thru the roouter/modem dhcp server. it is to be done within the network internally... it is no big shakes, just a minor point needing proper resolving.
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