where??? the difference should be 1-2K, now why will ATI make 5830, if the difference was just of 4$ between 30 and 50 :/
sh@sh! said:I know I thought the exactly same thing..!!!I rechecked with the dealer on SP road, he quoted 15.8k for 5830 and 16k for 5850:rofl:
btw ideal power consumption of 5830 is little more than 5850, donno why..:huh::S
sh@sh! said:^^ ok thanks for correcting me.but will it deliver 570W for 3-4 hrs of continuous gaming ??
wr8_utd said:How much does the 5870 and 5770 and 4870 cost?
DarkAngel said:5870 ~23k
5770 ~ 9.5-10k
4870 ~ 7.5-8k for the 512MB version.
Chk TE dealer's section for price. Its amongst the cheapest in the local market.
P.S: Are u on a price collecting spree :lol: If u need only prices then chk the Dealer's section insteaed of wasting time posting here.
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TE price update threads.
prince_20003 said:In terms of VFM which is good..... HD5670 or HD5770 ??