Thank you all for responding. I was sort of busy but i have also made the phone purchase that's why i did not look at this thread sorry
So yeah Camera, the best ones are either iPhone 5's or Lumia 925 / 1020
iPhone is out of question because it does not have HD display plus it has this weird non standard resolution.
I have been using Android for most of my 20's = almost 5 years & in this time i have seen android evolve a lot but one thing that has not left in this evolution was its glitchy-ness , laggy-ness, buggy-ness & insanely resource hungry(ness). I do love Android but I needed a change, I have used iPhone's as well since the early iPhone with that black band to 2g, 3g, 3gs & 4 / 4s, i have not used the iPhone 5 merely because of its unconventionally long (Not Wide) look.
I have never used a Windows Phone, well i bought a Lumia 800 for my dad but i have actually not used it. so i decided that Windows Phone would be worth a try and since 1020 was not available i decided to go for Lumia 925.
Being a Tech Nerd when you see / compare the hardware specs of the Lumia 925 to that of HTC One / Samsung S4 you would from the get go turn the Lumia 925 down because its specs are lower than the others but in no way is the phone ever felt slower for a second. The only thing it lacks is in applications, not all titles exists on Windows Phone and that was one of the reason I also purchased an iPhone 4S which was a good deal ( got a iPhone 4s in 5 months warranty for Rs. 19k)
Camera on the Lumia 925 is a lot better than the one on HTC one and i dont just mean low light performance, as if you see the image in the first post it was taken in broad day light around 12 noon.
I can get a Camera (Point & shoot or SLR) but i am not looking for that quality just wanted something decent and HTC One's was not decent quality. HTC One's Low Light pictures are ridiculously stupid check out the following images these were taken in a 8 X 10 room with 1 tubelight pointed straight on the table. 17.08.24.jpg 13.22.35.jpg
Both the image above was taken with HTC One in low light Auto Mode (1 tubelight on in a room)
Now take a look at the image taken with Lumia 925 in the same condition in Auto Mode