Car & Bike Which vehicle do you drive and why ?

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bottle said:
I wanted a hatch

In B'lore at least, sedans(saloons for you UK guys) don't make sense and I would imagine that they are harder to drive than a hatchback. push a 1996 model maruti zen vx btw :) .

Indica V2 DLx...

Soon it will be changed to .......Gaybia though (thanks to Chaos, I'm getting used to these names :P)
sydras said:
In B'lore at least, sedans(saloons for you UK guys) don't make sense and I would imagine that they are harder to drive than a hatchback. push a 1996 model maruti zen vx btw :) .

Not really... I find my Cedia to be way easier to drive than dad's old zen because of better handling, a smoother more responsive engine ,lighter controls and improved driving position. The only real problem is finding parking space. The latter also is not really an issue if you are willing to park in paid parking lots.
Chaos said:
Not really... I find my Cedia to be way easier to drive than dad's old zen because of better handling, a smoother more responsive engine ,lighter controls and improved driving position. The only real problem is finding parking space. The latter also is not really an issue if you are willing to park in paid parking lots.

Hmm...that's true. I used to drive my dad's Honda city some years ago and with power steering and light acceleration, it had much better handling than the indian vehicles of the time and was a joy to drive. But I've been in some tight spots in B'lore (esp. the small lanes they call roads and at U-turns) that make me thank God I've a small car :P .
Honda Activa 'coz have to go to narrow bylanes with people all around on the road... Its good enough for such conditions &

A Zen VX (1999).. I love this car simply 'coz of great handling.... Its not the most powerful car but its smooth....

right now its in bad shape 'coz its with my brother mostly & he does not believe in repairs....:rofl: :rofl:

But once I get it completely I will try & mod it into something better.... :ohyeah: :ohyeah:
using my good old 2002 model Suzuki Fiero :cool: ,with family uses our old 1997 last maruti 800 standard :P .

yeah,we have a 2002 tata indica lying in the front yard. well,it is not technically ours :P,my uncle left the car before he gone to Newzealand :D

@bottle & @ms_mahu (and any other polio stile 1.6 sport owners) :

hows the acceleration/handling/suspension on this thingy? any fun to drive? does it rattle inside?

instead of spending 7-8 L on a mid sized sedan (fiesta 1.6) might as well get a desi version of a "hot hatch" if it provides any driving pleasure :P

my current 2002 polio 1.2 petrol is so boring... and the suspension.. gawd the body roll gives me sea sickness :D not to mention little bits and pieces rattling inside now...

any other approx 1.6 litre petrol / approx 100 bhp hatches in india - or coming soon?
acceleration is really really good.if you start from the lower gears it just keeps going all the way till 170 without any lag after which it will run out of breath a little bit but will still take you to 180 and a bit more

suspension is old (as is the car) and really soft but better i guess than the 1.2 since the 1.6 comes with an extra anti roll bar or something. but as i said it is *old* and there is huge amounts of body roll which shows itself under hard cornering

regarding rattling its a lottery. some cars do some cars dont

one thing is a must though.. replace the oem goodyears with something thats a bit wider. helps a lot in the grip and braknig department

best thing for you would be to go to b.u bhandari or any similar dealer and book a test drive and decide :P
Chaos said:
^^Done any remaps on that vRS yet?

Edit: For the record I drive a red amby :P.

thats a pimped up red amby :P

well i ride a 99" HH CBZ and 07" HH Karima(as everyone calls it hehe)

and drive a Polio 1.6


100weehp engine :hap2:

less than 5L

no rattles till date

excellent fun on the track :D

heavy steering (partially due to wider tyres) ...... feels great even at high speed

engine noise in the cabin after 3000rpm till 7300 red line :D .... its awesome

bottom end torque ...... you can shift till 4th without touching the accelerator

better than cedia in fuel efficiency on the track :rofl:


5 doors ..... 3 wud be better :P

lots of space at back and big boot ....... don't need it lol

horrible after sales service ...... buy it if you don't depend upon this car i mean if u have other backup transport (been hit by a bus few days back while waiting on a signal and waiting for parts to arrive at service center )

soft suspension and body roll

drinks a lot :ashamed:
I'd not call ur polio's steering heavy... its pretty decently weighed in. If you want a heavy steering wheel, drive the optra magnum :rofl:.
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