Whom are you going to vote in India in 2013-14 elections?

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I got my voter id card a month back, and my name, address, mom's name, and DOB are all wrong. So probably won't be voting. But well, at least they got my sex right.
Darn same thing here. Name, Address everything is incorrect. It looks as if the person was paralyzed while entering my data.
Then i applied for a correction in my records. Lets hope they correct it this time.
I personally feel that such work should be given to Private companies, who would be more professional in their handling.
Nobody's a savior, but i think we have a much better choice of an alternative to dynastics and casteist politics now, than EVER before. Yet the biggest fallacy of our country is "Adult Franchise" and not "Educated Franchise". 99% of us and what we think here (educated and well literate people) will not matter and DO NOT make up any sizeable portion of the vote bank. That's why India has failed to realise the potential of over 1billion people and the true freedom of independence.

At the end of the day just 65% of the turnout will predominantly vote for A) Dynastics B)Catesits.

Reforms and progressive visionaries or accountable honest options will always struggle. So it has been and so it shall continue for decades to come surely. The real question is whether India survives the internal rot.

I kid you not. The state India is in today in terms of governance and rampant abuse of federal systems , powers and governance.. we are headed for an economic and social disaster in the years to come.
No worries, i am not leaning towards Congress because of that. Been living in a state ruled by one of the most inept governments of all time for close to 15 years now. Maharashtra-residents will know what i am referring to. The same can be said of the opposition for losing to the Congress-NCP combine in three consecutive polls. Ineptness and corruption is a deadly combination.

As for human rights record, Modi and Congress are two sides of the same coin (Gujarat 2002/Delhi 1984). The latter has gotten away far lighter because of the absence of 24x7 media back then.

If ever there was an example of having to choose a lesser among two almost equal evils, it has to be this one.

Also, for those with wrong/mis-spelled info on ID cards/Voter Rolls, you can still vote with the correct ID. I don't know how exactly this works but my name was not spelled right in the rolls and i didn't (don't yet) have an EPIC. Yet i was able to vote in my city's municipal elections couple of years back with driving license as ID proof.
No worries, i am not leaning towards Congress because of that. Been living in a state ruled by one of the most inept governments of all time for close to 15 years now. Maharashtra-residents will know what i am referring to. The same can be said of the opposition for losing to the Congress-NCP combine in three consecutive polls. Ineptness and corruption is a deadly combination.

As for human rights record, Modi and Congress are two sides of the same coin (Gujarat 2002/Delhi 1984). The latter has gotten away far lighter because of the absence of 24x7 media back then.

If ever there was an example of having to choose a lesser among two almost equal evils, it has to be this one.

Also, for those with wrong/mis-spelled info on ID cards/Voter Rolls, you can still vote with the correct ID. I don't know how exactly this works but my name was not spelled right in the rolls and i didn't (don't yet) have an EPIC. Yet i was able to vote in my city's municipal elections couple of years back with driving license as ID proof.
Yeah you can still vote. Thats what they told me. your name should appear in the electoral list and you need to show a valid ID proof.
I would just like to reiterate as i said before.. we've seen Lucifer & we have seen Satan. So we've had to vote for either of the two or as correctly said "Lesser of the 2 evils" for years now.

But this time others offers the alternative. Good? Bad? Lacks vision? Limited platform? whatever... for all those who said there was no choice... there is one now. And there's an EDUCATED choice as well. Far better than some of the others on offer i could say.

So.. in my mind, as i said before... we've been screwed by Lucifer and raped by Satan over n over n over n over again. To the point that India is probably not going to be worth piddly shit in the coming years and the middle class will die an ignonomus death in paying perhaps for the oxygen we breathe one day. So ... why not opt for the LEAST of the above evils and vote for the alternate.

Let's face it.. we've been rammed so high up our rear... makes no difference if we get rammed some more in voting for the 3rd option.. on the contrary.. if they actually turns out to be the LEAST evil and does good.. it will only benefit our country no?
I'm going to choose to not vote vote for anyone if they have that option.
UPA and NDA are both useless in my opinion.

NDA is too Hindu Centric and especially Modi. UPA are gutless babies.
So we have to vote for who will make our lives more miserable? hmm. wonder whom to choose...
congress - if voted to power will keep increasing all prices and taxes on everything under the sun. probably the fm will tax people just for stepping outside their homes. then who know how many new scams they will think of and maybe new world record in highest amount of scams done by a single party.
bjp - half the time they spend fighting amongst themselves. the other half they fight with congress or keep walking out of the parliament session. doubt any bill will get passed if they come to power.

rahul gandhi - no previous experience. will probably be controlled by his mom.
manmohan - not in favour of this guy. too weak. no backbone in him. instills no confidence among people or partymen alike.
narendra modi - seems to be one of the most confident guys of winning a lot of seats. could come to power if he plays his cards well and gets support from other parties through horse trading.
advani - absolutely no chance. i think he came in power once but didnt fare well. too old too, and his party members don't seem to trust him with responsibility now.
arvind kejriwal - no chance as well. i dont think he has the support of any of the umpteen parties. he may win some seats but not get majority to form a govt. getting a coalition together would be tough for him.
I'm going to choose to not vote vote for anyone if they have that option.

That option exists, it's called protest vote. Ironically the last time i voted, i noticed that the option was not on the machine. When i exited, i asked the election official and he said that you had to separately inform them and your vote would be recorded manually! I found that horrific! There was absolutely no right to secrecy for a "blank" or a "protest vote" which is a fundamental provision!

I thought to myself after i got over the shock was the reason why you had to manually register your "protest" vote was obvious..
Why on earth should I register a protest vote with them?
Voting is a personal and private choice.

That's unfair :\
APCo my friends , the PR agency from america pocketing a nice chunk of gujarat tax money to spin stories on modi's behalf ,

i havent seen anyone so desperate for PM position than him , and for him to do what he does in gujarat or atleast what he says he does , he has to get a thumping majority , wont happen
what will happen , a mashup of parties all supporting one guy or the other leading to more crappy government , and the corporates running it
If i would be voting I would be voting for BJP . Living in Delhi Which is a Congress Ruled State since more than a decade all i have seen is deteriorating Roads . The condition did improve During CWG but was it worth it the amount of Tax payers money spent . 1000 Rs for a tissue Roll ? . 10,000 For a Plastic chair on rent and what not .

The Sole Reason i would be voting For BJP is not that Na Mo is A efficient leader or BJP can turn around the Economy , the sole reason being No confidence on the NH GA Family . I can't Bear it any longer with Rising taxes , Rising housing prices and lower Incomes . I want to live a tension free life and Till the time Congress is there , price rise won't stop . Only the corrupt would flourish here .
If i would be voting I would be voting for BJP . Living in Delhi Which is a Congress Ruled State since more than a decade all i have seen is deteriorating Roads . The condition did improve During CWG but was it worth it the amount of Tax payers money spent . 1000 Rs for a tissue Roll ? . 10,000 For a Plastic chair on rent and what not .

The Sole Reason i would be voting For BJP is not that Na Mo is A efficient leader or BJP can turn around the Economy , the sole reason being No confidence on the NH GA Family . I can't Bear it any longer with Rising taxes , Rising housing prices and lower Incomes . I want to live a tension free life and Till the time Congress is there , price rise won't stop . Only the corrupt would flourish here .

I totally agree with you. Infact many of the young youth also are trying to opt for BJP specially Narendra Modi only. But I think the Congress would try to pay all of them in bigger amounts for the votes. So this government is just standing on 25 million votes as a I said earlier. But if we all come out and vote we can change this thing once and for all. We are right now 1.2 billion in population so if 25 lakh people are gone then still more 75 lakhs people can do the voting against any other genuine party. Afterwards you can be happy that at least we can see our country getting developed.
john you are talking as though Bjp is not corrupt at all, kindly look at karnataka for the example , the only addition in bjp coming is more violence
Neither BJP nor Congress will do any good for the country. And it is highly improbable that a third front will emerge, and even if it does, I am sure nothing much will change. I really don't have much hope that any of the parties will work for the larger good rather than their own good. So my vote will go to the candidate in my constituency who I feel is better than his/her competitors. I will not be considering the bigger picture (who gets majority or not at the national level).
I can't say yet who I will vote but definitely not congress. The Prime Ministership is not reserved for one gandhi after another. I don't understand how the seniors in so called liberal congress allow this. I saw in a video where congress members were screaming Rahul for PM right in front of Manmohan, the poor guy(Prime Minister) was just looking around helplessly :p
I can't say yet who I will vote but definitely not congress. The Prime Ministership is not reserved for one gandhi after another. I don't understand how the seniors in so called liberal congress allow this. I saw in a video where congress members were screaming Rahul for PM right in front of Manmohan, the poor guy(Prime Minister) was just looking around helplessly :p

How is it insulting for the current PM? He's already served for 2 terms.

It's best to vote for the better candidate in your constituency and not look at which party he's from.
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