Why a mac is preferred over Windows PC?

I have seen mostly all the music composers and all the people who work related to music composing use a Mac instead of a Windows PC. I want to know what so special in Mac that make them do this? An application they can get on Mac can be alternatively made for PC easily, so why they do this thing? whats that special treat in Mac for composers?
They are good to look at and well built. Sure, there are windows laptops that satisfy this too but unlike you and me, music composers and the likes do not research on the internet before buying the laptop.

They are, in a lot of cases used to the environment and the softwares like Final Cut Pro and may not have the inclination to move to the PC alternatives like Sony's Vegas. It may be like a self fulfilling prophecy.

They don't care about value for money.

Mac's are well advertised for this segment of consumers. For them, they are like Veblen Goods.
Waiting... Someone fight already
see.. the biggest reason contributing to decisions like these is mainly a mental fancy..

I mean, a mac does have a record of working better.. it has the record of never hanging, one which windows is famous for.. hanging under heavy load applications..

plus, the main difference between a mac and a windows pc is that the Windows OS is designed as flexible OS to be able to work on a wide variety of hardware whereas a Mac OS is optimized exactly according to the hardware it is intended to run on..

this reduces the flexibility of the mac but it does end up working beatifully.. observe that inspite of all the smooth animations and rich graphical interface, the mac performs flawlessly without hanging, without the processor being eaten up just for eye candy....

hence, the hardware on a mac performs more efficiently than a normal windows pc.. a mac is like a mobile phone.. for eg.. take a java mobile phone.. the java os that has been designed is exactly for the phone it has to run. it wont run well on any other phone..

this is the ideology which steve jobs had in mind.. make the software for the hardware it has to run on and you will have the best functioning computer.. and the macs do.. but you cannot deny the respect windows deserves for being so flexible across a wide range of platforms and the amount of tweaking that windows allows.. but it does come with its share of problems..

the last depends on your mentality..
see.. the biggest reason contributing to decisions like these is mainly a mental fancy..

I mean, a mac does have a record of working better.. it has the record of never hanging, one which windows is famous for.. hanging under heavy load applications..

That Sire is a myth, I have used iMac's in my college and am repulsed by them for the main reason of hanging --> working in MAYA on a highly detailed mesh and bam the thing crashes [I lost work here].

Random hang-ups while editing audio / video clips, thankfully I did not have to loose work while these happened.

I do agree that the Mac's software is very beautifully mated to the hardware, it doesn't slow down OR loose its sheen while I am rendering anything.

To each his own is what I subscribe too. Cheers!!
Mac: Appliance. Does what it does very well, does not do anything else

PC: A general device. Does everything, but not with the level on finesse that Mac gives

(A bit of a generalization, but thats the basic idea)
1) Music - Garageband for beginners and Logic Pro for Advanced (Windows counterparts are there but Mac is just too convenient)

I use it for mostly this


2) Video Editing - Simple Video editing is much more easier compared to Windows --- Most of youtube videos have stock sounds of Mac and have either used iMovie or Final Cut pro (Abobe Priemere is there but its much more complex and for advanced users I dont know how to handle the workflow in Premiere and iMovie is just simple and easy to use)

Example :

Made by me --- Editing done in around 30 mins ... Actual filming around 1.5 hours


3) Ease of use - iphoto to share directly to fb from gallery...

tag people, tag places

4) Sound recording

My setup looks like this now...

Untitled by ronnie_gogs, on Flickr

Biggest advantage.... -- It helps me control my game addiction and do things which are more creative
Hehehehe, here we go again.

On a serious note, I as an 'average' user realy much prefer a Mac to current Windows. They say Win 8 is brilliant, so that might be another story, but for me, everything about a Mac 'just works'. Brilliant computer for 'my' uses.

BTW, I am a 'new' fanboy, and it's just been a bit less than 3 months for me on a Mac.
macintosh, ios and other apples are highly optimised for the hardware they comes in with some brilliant exceptions handled by the programmers....they just removed every bug everything from the OS and have introduced a finest OS....but still its a mystery for me that why its preferred over windows for composers. I dont think the fineness of OS is the only reason.
For video editing I think a Windows PC with a higher processing power would be a better choice if you do a lot of conversion and compression
they are preferred only becaz of their premium tag

i dont mean to be rude, but this sir seems like a very ignorant and strong biased sentiment based on no specific justifiable reason. and definitely doesnt justify your username (Being.smart)


once again, no hard feelings.. but plz just support your statements a little bit.

And, and, and.. Last of all. .i still say to everyone to respect microsoft becoz the first piece of software for the first apple macintosh computer, was written by microsoft..

Microsoft was always a dedicated software company and Steve Jobs too had his first spreadsheet program, paint program etc. .programmed from Bill Gates..

so, plz dont get obsessed over what is better.. . I'd say both the computing environments have their ups and downs, what you choose gets primarily based on what kind of usage are you looking at.. .

Infact, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were quite good friends and Apple had given a long term contract to Microsoft to write all their pieces of software in the future.. It is when Microsoft copied the GUI from the Apple OS, is when the war began.


And last of all, what you say is true upto a certain extent.. people do buy mac's just to be able to showoff they have something expensive than the others and something having a niche premium status in the minds of people.

but that is just true for general users and college kids.. not for professionals..they are already so successful in what they do they dont need to showoff a laptop.. for all you know..
i dont mean to be rude, but this sir seems like a very ignorant and strong biased sentiment based on no specific justifiable reason. and definitely doesnt justify your username (Being.smart)


once again, no hard feelings.. but plz just support your statements a little bit.

And, and, and.. Last of all. .i still say to everyone to respect microsoft becoz the first piece of software for the first apple macintosh computer, was written by microsoft..

Microsoft was always a dedicated software company and Steve Jobs too had his first spreadsheet program, paint program etc. .programmed from Bill Gates..

so, plz dont get obsessed over what is better.. . I'd say both the computing environments have their ups and downs, what you choose gets primarily based on what kind of usage are you looking at.. .

Infact, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were quite good friends and Apple had given a long term contract to Microsoft to write all their pieces of software in the future.. It is when Microsoft copied the GUI from the Apple OS, is when the war began.


And last of all, what you say is true upto a certain extent.. people do buy mac's just to be able to showoff they have something expensive than the others and something having a niche premium status in the minds of people.

but that is just true for general users and college kids.. not for professionals..they are already so successful in what they do they dont need to showoff a laptop.. for all you know..

Bro i quoted this from my personal experience, almost all of my online frds who use to work with me have iphone 4 or 4s just to showoff and Android Smartphone for their use, in Similar manner 70% of them got Macbook pro or Air, just to get eye candy in their school or college they use it to view pics listen music, but when it comes to gaming or using all uses high end Alienware.

Even one of my frd got ipod nano, ipod classic, ipod touch, ipod touch with camera, iphone 3gs, iphone 4 and iphone 4s (Black and White both) just to showoff, but whenever it comes to taking pics or something else he takes out his S2 from pocket
Why is everyone fighting now...

At the fanboi its has a lot of eye candy and omph status to it cause its mostly much more expensive than the windows counterpart... I wanted a well designed laptop which had an OS where I couldn't game so I got it...

At the hater... What BS... its is very user friendly and I didn't need a dual boot till now
@Being smart,

Your friend is an idiot.

Camera on 4s is better than S2.

And this is about Mac and Windows, don't bring Android and io.s into this.

Many here do not even know that io.s and o.s X are different.

People who buy Macs are mostly those who don't have the time or patience to tinker with their computer much, and want to get their things done simply without much fuss.

Proper Mac haters(group of knowledgeable people who have used Macs for a significant period of time, not those idiots who have never used/seen a Mac or think iphone is a Mac... and trust me this 2nd group usually participate in this type of threads at the earliest of opportunity) do not like Macs because it doesn't provide them the freedom of Windows.

FCP or LP is not really that great as they made out to be, they have rather become sort of embarrassment for Mac users.

What make Macs(specially the laptops) special is their build quality and the superb tracks.

Windows laptops with similar build do cost a bomb.

Sent from Galaxy S2

Even though mac is user friendly and all BS, its only for the tag that many people buy it IMO. Then they just dual boot with win.

Your comment is actually BS.

Even for a noob like me, Windows 7 was as easy(if not easier) as SL.

It was never about ease of use.

Some people (read noob, if that makes you happy) just do not find Windows stable enough for their work and buy Macs, and FYI most of them do not bootcamp with Windows unless absolutely necessary.

People do have many other better tags for show off.

Sent from Galaxy S2
Bro i quoted this from my personal experience, almost all of my online frds who use to work with me have iphone 4 or 4s just to showoff and Android Smartphone for their use, in Similar manner 70% of them got Macbook pro or Air, just to get eye candy in their school or college they use it to view pics listen music, but when it comes to gaming or using all uses high end Alienware.

Even one of my frd got ipod nano, ipod classic, ipod touch, ipod touch with camera, iphone 3gs, iphone 4 and iphone 4s (Black and White both) just to showoff, but whenever it comes to taking pics or something else he takes out his S2 from pocket

Mate, you have some really rich (or really stupid friends) who have two of everything for exactly the same purpose. I suggest you look elsewhere for company.