Why a mac is preferred over Windows PC?

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Even one of my frd got ipod nano, ipod classic, ipod touch, ipod touch with camera, iphone 3gs, iphone 4 and iphone 4s (Black and White both) just to showoff, but whenever it comes to taking pics or something else he takes out his S2 from pocket

Now that is a gem of a friend you've got! Cheers.

Even though mac is user friendly and all BS, its only for the tag that many people buy it IMO. Then they just dual boot with win.

What you said is quite true. But NOT ALL. What you are doing here is generalizing things. Some iDiot you saw installed Windows 7 doesn't mean everyone does.

I agree with someone's comment here about buying Apple for show off. I have seen this kinda of attitude in many people especially Indians. But NOT ALL ! There are true users who really do buy for its usage. My friend has iMac, MBA & iPhone. Most of his iDiot friends think he has bought all for show off & stuff. Thing is he works on Mac & makes awesome money with apps.

I have observed in people [only Indians] buying Mac to show off & hating it, thrashing it in every possible just they couldn't afford it. IMHO.
Everyone in the Audio/Video industry uses a Mac. Heck I use one too. The truth is that I can't live without FCP. Till recently Avid and Premiere were inferior editors. Although this isn't as true today, I beleive the A/V world has gotten used to FCP, they will prefer it for the forseeable future. I'm guessing music composers fall in a similar category?

That said, I've also met several posers who buy a Macbook just because it looks cool. They use it for Facebook and iTunes.
macintosh, ios and other apples are highly optimised for the hardware they comes in with some brilliant exceptions handled by the programmers....they just removed every bug everything from the OS and have introduced a finest OS....

Really? Some facts to go alongside or just a wild guess?
^Not sure. But Mac OS has never crashed in my hackintosh [& nor was Windows Vista/7] But atleast in security department Mac is weak.

Btw even guys at Google also use Mac : http://code.google.com/chrome/apps/

I have seen Mac being used by many developers. There is this forum software like IPB, its called Xenforo. Even developers of it also use Mac & post video tutorials made in Mac. I have seen Mac being used in other big shot companies too.

I am not saying Mac is great than windows & all, just want to point that even Mac also has little potential over UI & people don't buy it install Windows.
@Being smart,

Your friend is an idiot.

Camera on 4s is better than S2.

And this is about Mac and Windows, don't bring Android and io.s into this.

Many here do not even know that io.s and o.s X are different.

People who buy Macs are mostly those who don't have the time or patience to tinker with their computer much, and want to get their things done simply without much fuss.

Proper Mac haters(group of knowledgeable people who have used Macs for a significant period of time, not those idiots who have never used/seen a Mac or think iphone is a Mac... and trust me this 2nd group usually participate in this type of threads at the earliest of opportunity) do not like Macs because it doesn't provide them the freedom of Windows.

FCP or LP is not really that great as they made out to be, they have rather become sort of embarrassment for Mac users.

What make Macs(specially the laptops) special is their build quality and the superb tracks.

Windows laptops with similar build do cost a bomb.

Sent from Galaxy S2

Your comment is actually BS.

Even for a noob like me, Windows 7 was as easy(if not easier) as SL.

It was never about ease of use.

Some people (read noob, if that makes you happy) just do not find Windows stable enough for their work and buy Macs, and FYI most of them do not bootcamp with Windows unless absolutely necessary.

People do have many other better tags for show off.

Sent from Galaxy S2

Bro i knw the diff between Mac and iOS, just quoted an example of a guy who is paranoid about Apple product, and just bags them in order to showoff only , and you might know that mostly teens are known by the gadgets they own
I stopped buying mac, even kfc reduced their quantity. I eat only at subway now.

and your argument is invalid!
Really? Some facts to go alongside or just a wild guess?

its not a fact, its a personal experience....i have used ios 3 and 4 on my ipod, my friend's imac as well as android - 1.5,2.0,2.1 and 2.2 and i found that android on other hand is really buggy (till 2.2 confirmed,dont know further) as compared to ios which never hanged or created some issue and with windows- viruses, crashes,hangs...

What i wrote is my personal experience...
What a thread.

I was in HK last year and was looking for a laptop.

Given that i expected to use it 4-5 hrs a day, i needed something strong and sturdy, something that could handle abuse and did not heat up much

The options i had were , first thinkpad T400 , Dell Latitude etc mostly business line up ones

The biggest problem is most cheaper laptops have plastic type bodies whose hinges and all don't last much in heavy usage. also heat up much more

I ended up buying a macbook pro as it was the cheapest option frankly for the build quality and all other things i was looking for.

Yes you read it right i can't even count how many laptops i looked at , but those that i liked costed more than macbook .
How many chicken pieces now in the 8 piece bucket ?

Damn, Subway doesn't have any stores near my place

well maybe quantity is not the correct word.. size is.. they have reduced the size of the pieces... ordered a zing kong box at inorbit vashi 3 weeks ago and was amazed to see the pieces there being half the previous size.

there was no chocolate included...so I asked about it..

The guy on counter tells his colleague.."chocolate maang raha hai!"

as if it was not supposed to be included..


McD's have reduced the size too.. morons.. we dont want different coloured interiors...

subways seems the only that is maintaining their quality and quantity.
[font=arial, sans-serif]The guy on counter tells his colleague.."chocolate maang raha hai!"[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]as if it was not supposed to be included..[/font]

You should have just cancelled the entire order and left. Sad that the service industry in India has quite a whole lot of jabroonis managing the counter.
well maybe quantity is not the correct word.. size is.. they have reduced the size of the pieces... ordered a zing kong box at inorbit vashi 3 weeks ago and was amazed to see the pieces there being half the previous size.

there was no chocolate included...so I asked about it..

The guy on counter tells his colleague.."chocolate maang raha hai!"

as if it was not supposed to be included..


McD's have reduced the size too.. morons.. we dont want different coloured interiors...

subways seems the only that is maintaining their quality and quantity.

can you post the pic of bucket, i am planning to go to nearest KFC (140km from my home
I stopped buying mac, even kfc reduced their quantity. I eat only at subway now.

and your argument is invalid!

Did u try the fiery grilled chicken.. Tasted yummy.. But certain items su as virgin mojito tasted yuck..
Let me start by mentioning I own a Dell Inspiron running Win 7 and a desktop which runs Win 7 and Hackintoshed SL. So don't really have a official Mac.

I do nothing on my laptop except for "managing" my photographs which are a lot due to my profession, downloading things and loads of surfing apart from other small things.

I have used iPhoto and have found virtually nothing as awesome as that as a windows counterpart. Sharing and Publishing photographs is not only easy but so much fun.

Coming to surfing though it's virtually same on my desktop but when it comes to a MacBook then that multitouch touchpad with gestures makes so much difference. Have used one on a friends unibody and though being a much inferior machine it just feels so fun to surf. Also don't get me started on the battery management. MacBooks have just got it right and that reminds me of the proprietary magnetic charging port. Just brilliant.

I don't get time to use my Desktop. But when so ever I do I boot into the Mac OS partition and work on that. I really want to own a Pro or an Air but the price of the machines is something which makes me crib. Some of my reasons for preferring a Mac. Windows is great but sometimes it just feels very unpolished in front of a mac.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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