Why a mac is preferred over Windows PC?

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No justification for eating Salary?

Oh man you've some real sharp eyes!

Isn't that supposed to be lettuce?
I am sure it would have been the time left on the fryer he would have been referring. Has nothing to do with the time of the day. Also I am sure everybody would know that you can only take out 8 proper cuts from a full chicken. They just cant make a extra piece by cutting small portions

yup.correct on the time part.

But the 8 pieces you get are not equal in size.
For creative and productive work, iMac is better than a windows based system any day. OSX runs better than windows on same machine hands down.
The main reason is the clarity and richness and the accuracy of mac environment which our windows pixelled icons and screen still lack. And thus all graphical editing is done only on mac. You get sharper ,accurate and crisp clear display quality which is what is needed for a graphic artists.
For those interested in the actual reasons, The logic behind that is that back in the 80's, The RISC hardware architecture used by Mac's was found to be considerably better performing than the cheap x86 based CPU's used in PC's. Combined with the GUI based OS, MacOS was found to be the ideal platform by Many companies for developing performance intensive GUI applications for professional use be it for publishing or music or anything else. Developers like Adobe and many others exclusively developed professional grade software for Mac. In those days, if you want to use such software there was no way, but to buy the hardware that can run it. While apple built all its repo this way, the real credit goes to Motorola for the hardware and the software developers who developed the applications than to the OS itself.

This did not stop operating systems from MS becoming popular and soon all those professional software companies started porting their software to Windows.However for some time there after, despite all other things being equal, there were still people who claimed that the PPC architecture used by Mac's was superior making Mac's still a better platform for such apps. However, there soon came a time when the PPC CPU's became known for their power guzzling and heat spewing nature and Apple swapped them out for Intel's x86 CPU's. The original Mac OS was also swapped out for a Free BSD rehash that Steve's Jobs company NEXT was working on after Steve Jobs got fired from Apple.

These days both PC's and Mac's use the same x86 CPU's and Mac OS is no better than windows. In fact as far as professional software goes, Windows is considerably more stable OS than MacOS and the performance even's out between both OS. But still there is still a lot of FUD going around that Mac's are still better for professional apps and a lot of ignorant folk go out and buy Macs, but there is absolutely no truth in it. For instance put 2500 fonts on a mac's and it would take tell lot of time to boot and crash/hang. Put the same amount of fonts on Windows installed on the same Mac and it would still work well. In fact, when I was at my previous company, our application used to work a lot stable on windows despite being ported from Mac OS and there were a lot enterprise level customers who were replacing their Mac's with Windows based PC's to run such apps. The sales figures also completely flipped over for the Mac and Windows versions.

A professional software requires stable SDKs to work with and due to the way Apple has been working, something or the other in SDK's are broken in every minor revision that they release. This is not at all a suitable environment for such kind of software as it makes the software unstable. Instead of fixing their issues, they blame the third party software developers and ultimately patches have to be put out every time to fix Apple issues in their software. However all this still doesn't stop some folk from ignorantly claiming that Macs are better/preferred for such applications when in fact the professional users are dwindling in the Mac community and being replace by novice users. This is why there has been no real change in the market share of Mac OS over all these years with Mac OS still at 9% and Windows at 89%.
The main reason is the clarity and richness and the accuracy of mac environment which our windows pixelled icons and screen still lack. And thus all graphical editing is done only on mac. You get sharper ,accurate and crisp clear display quality which is what is needed for a graphic artists.

I wonder if that cannot be resolved by better a monitor with higher resolution.
Do not know what exactly a professional means, but according to the dictionary I am a professional and do prefer a Mac over a Windows laptop, one of the reasons being, absolutely hate to turn off the laptop, and most Windows laptops do not like shut the lid and forget thing for a significant period of time.

I have not turned off my MBP for 6 months and the MBA since bought, none of them complaining so far.

Sent from Galaxy S2
That TE readers would pose such a question is either really shameful, or the heights of trolling. But just in case its the former, one should realize that a Mac is a PC. There was a time when Macs used to run on separate A5 processors and the like, but in recent history Macs and PCs use the same hardware.

Now taking the hardware out of the question, i.e. on exactly identical configuration comparing Mac and PC is like comparing penicillin with ampicillin. The former has been refined for a specific configuration, fixed set of hardware and even models, while the latter is an OS that aims to run any general purpose computer. And the wider your support, the harder it is to get it right.

This also implies that Apple has to work little in comparison to MS in terms of h/w support allowing them more time to spend in eye candy and aesthetics. This is one of the biggest reasons artists go for a Mac. Finally, Apple has taken major lessons from Open Source and has cleverly used technologies that other people have spent time developing [ its definitely a good thing ] such as using wpa_supplicant, using opengl stack, parts of XWM etc. Thus it can spend even more time tweaking configurations to minimal so as to get the little set of hardware it and its sister products use, work seamlessly.
These days both PC's and Mac's use the same x86 CPU's and Mac OS is no better than windows.

Dunno about that, but like I have said before, for an average user like me, it's a no brainer. Mac OS is way ahead of Windows. Not even comparable.

Maybe you pros can handle the crap that Windows keeps throwing up, and the hangs and the crashes etc, but for the average Joe, a Mac just works better in every respect.
Dunno about that, but like I have said before, for an average user like me, it's a no brainer. Mac OS is way ahead of Windows. Not even comparable.

Maybe you pros can handle the crap that Windows keeps throwing up, and the hangs and the crashes etc, but for the average Joe, a Mac just works better in every respect.

Normally, I wouldn't care for any Windows Vs. Mac (Or OS X as its now called) discussions but the above post just makes me cringe at the fact that today's 'average joe' wants instant gratification and is happy to get what is offer without any will to get better performance from his machine. And to prove all the BS Apple is upto, please take a look at the below screenshot:



This is from pre-release version of mountain lion. Your 'average joe' will consider a 12 year old, trusty, proven software to be malware due to the above warning and will happily use Apple's 'Messages' which uses many of Adium's features.

All hail the mighty fruit!
Windows is still lagging on that same old x86 kernel architecture. What it should do is write a complete different kernel keeping in minds the new technologies and keep pace with linux and mac. Just modifying the current wont solve its core issues.

I heard this concept somewhere in 2006 but it can be only done if MS cares about anything but him.
Normally, I wouldn't care for any Windows Vs. Mac (Or OS X as its now called) discussions but the above post just makes me cringe at the fact that today's 'average joe' wants instant gratification and is happy to get what is offer without any will to get better performance from his machine.

The average Joe want's his computer to work without spending time re booting, running anti virus software, defragmenting the HDD etc. That time is better spent doing 'productive' stuff. I don't need to spend time getting my Mac to work, and I did need to do tht with Windows.

I don't need great performance, and I'll settle for instant gratification as long as it all works. Windows just does not work as well as Mac.
Normally, I wouldn't care for any Windows Vs. Mac (Or OS X as its now called) discussions but the above post just makes me cringe at the fact that today's 'average joe' wants instant gratification and is happy to get what is offer without any will to get better performance from his machine. And to prove all the BS Apple is upto, please take a look at the below screenshot:

This is from pre-release version of mountain lion. Your 'average joe' will consider a 12 year old, trusty, proven software to be malware due to the above warning and will happily use Apple's 'Messages' which uses many of Adium's features.

All hail the mighty fruit![/QUOTE]

Your post doesn't make any sense at all.

At least my average Joe is smart enough to ignore that warning (in screenie) you posted.

Sent from Galaxy S2
#red dragon, not sure what you mean by "my average joe". And I'd recommend you look at the source to understand the issue. Apple has something called Gatekeeper for their new OS update which gives similar warning for all non-market OS X apps. You may ignore this but it is just bad business practise on apples part.

What I implied was that people are happy to take what is being offered to them rather than look for a better alternative. It's safe to say windows 7 let's you do everything OS X does yet people have formed a prejudice against it for some reason. Perhaps, they feel secure in the cocoon they are provided.
My average Joe includes me and at least 10 doctors, statisticians and scientists I work with everyday.

I am yet to see a single windows laptop running for a month without being turned off completely.

I personally have no issues with the gate keeper approach(as a matter of fact I never face anything like that in the 3 Lion machines I am working with everyday, have not installed much , but the regular statistics sw I use are not from their store and did not receive any warning during installation)

It may not be an issue for you, but there are people who ABSOLUTELY hate to turn their laptops off and wait for a minute to turn them on every damn day.

ALL Windows laptops(including Windows series thinkpads and Dell precisions) suck when you've used the trackpad of a MBP.

All Windows ultrabooks suck when you get the taste of the MBA(very recent experience, determined to buy a Windows ultra, ended up buying another MBA)

Not a fault of MS, but Windows laptop manufacturers simply do not know how to make a nice light and slim laptop(Vaio Z is not taken into account, it belongs to a league of its own, x220 is waaay too thick and ugly)

Sent from Galaxy S2
#red dragon I'd not consider such highly-skilled individuals as average joes. Not by a long shot.

Running for a month? Do you mean on standby/sleep or hibernate?

Booting from sleep-mode is quite quick in windows.

I'd not make such a far-fetched claim on the issue of trackpad as it is clearly a personal preference.

BTW, I really don't appreciate how loosely you use the term "ALL". Have you personally tested and tried all laptops/notebooks/ultrabooks? Reviews can help only to get a rough picture and chances are that the reviewer is biased. But nothing beats getting a first hand feel for a product.

I am not discounting the fact that macs have good build quality and are quite stable but the way apple locks down their platform is discouraging people to be experimental with their machines. Most people learn about hardware and software by starting with basic tinkering and troubleshooting. If something is not working as it is supposed to, a windows user has infinite number of resources at his disposal as opposed to a mac user who has to rely on limited knowledge-base.

Again, my original post with the screenie was just to show how low can Apple stoop to promote their own software. I am sorry if you could not make sense of it but I assure you that such a move is plain wrong.
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