Why can't we get better internet with fast speeds and large data caps?

3G is only good for mobile devices like Tablets,laptops etc
with rich owners who can shell 650 bucks for some 200MB(which will get over in 1 go)

India = no hope (honestly)

Canada is in a similar state too...
For all those who are thinking startups like Hayai would solve this problem, you are bit wrong. Because they existing providers have monopoly and they won't easily allow a new player into the market. Plus there is a issue any new provider has to dig roads & lay cables or use cable operators's help. both options are turn out to be expensive & cumbersome as you have obtain permits,deal with local societies & lots of red tape.

However, situation will ONLY improve with unbundling of local loop , it will allow any new player to provide services by using existing infrastructure to reach subscribers without major capex

My Dream for India is internet connectivity being cheapest,fastest and within common's reach.
Gaurish said:
My Dream for India is internet connectivity being cheapest,fastest and within common's reach.

This is everyone's dream :)... but i think its never gonna happen in india... Here everyone is corrupt... from president to ministers... They take bribe, they want bribe, and they will always depend on bribe... They just think about themselves... Not about country or anything... I think we have to take a step like Egyptians if we wanna see any progress in india...
Yep, it sure is a frustrating situation over here :(

I'm on 8mbps (50 GB limit) BSNL 2799 plan, now thinking of moving to the 1350 plan ( 4 mbps til 20 GB thereafter 512 kbp with no data cap ) - though no matter where you go you will face pathetic lag/latencies and intermittent service disruptions.
10% people use 90% of the bandwidth. 90% are happy with their plans, as they are the more companies do not care. Believe this, more than half of the airtel users do not even know that FUP exists.

Until people are educated about broadband, nothing will happen.
Hades. said:
I think we have to take a step like Egyptians if we wanna see any progress in india...
you want us to gather @ new minister Kapil Sibbal's office with play cards " remove FUP " BB @ 2 mbps " .

we will throw RJ 45 connectors instead of stones ;)

j/k apart .

on topic - take example of my city's ISP penetration , out of 10 lakh citizen only 27000 BSNL BB are which include corporate connections also with major heavy industries .

I don't won't name that 1 big reputed BPO giant who use 512 kbps for their operations for their whole staff .

in past guys @ Reliance from which we took b/w said too much b/w is there but no ISP want to take it & that too with cheap rates .

FUP's purpose is to stop misuse of b/w but here not everyone is going to become super 100 mbps seedbox speed leecher like nordic countries . companies should think of that atleast 10 % of people are willing to use their unused b/w
multi said:
you want us to gather @ new minister Kapil Sibbal's office with play cards " remove FUP " BB @ 2 mbps " .

we will throw RJ 45 connectors instead of stones ;)

j/k apart .

on topic - take example of my city's ISP penetration , out of 10 lakh citizen only 27000 BSNL BB are which include corporate connections also with major heavy industries .

I don't won't name that 1 big reputed BPO giant who use 512 kbps for their operations for their whole staff .

in past guys @ Reliance from which we took b/w said too much b/w is there but no ISP want to take it & that too with cheap rates .

FUP's purpose is to stop misuse of b/w but here not everyone is going to become super 100 mbps seedbox speed leecher like nordic countries . companies should think of that atleast 10 % of people are willing to use their unused b/w
FUP is not the only problem... Here in india MBPS plans are joke... In USA people pay 60 USD for fibre optic connection (25MBps Up/25MBps Down) and here in india even after paying in thousands ppl get FUP plans and very unstable connection... If Indian Goverment Really Wanted to improve Indian Economy then they shud have invested money to improve internet thing here in india... they shudnt've spend money on the 3G shit... When 3G auction was going on they said that 3G will improve indian economy... how the fu*& they came to this conclusion... 3G plans are just joke and after watching em i m just laughing...
Hades. said:
This is everyone's dream :)... but i think its never gonna happen in india... Here everyone is corrupt... from president to ministers... They take bribe, they want bribe, and they will always depend on bribe... They just think about themselves... Not about country or anything... I think we have to take a step like Egyptians if we wanna see any progress in india...
Well, Unlike Egpyt. India is an democracy. And I believe if a large number of people make some noise about this issue, it would be heard.
See buddy the problem is dat every political party is corrupt in india... Theres a saying in hindi " ek hi tehli ke chatte batte" even if we elect bjp to rule they will do d same thing what congress is doing now... We have no other option... Even if we'll raise our voices there will b no one to hear it...
In other words we are helpless... The only thing we can do is sit quiety and watch wat they are doing... Coz if we will raise our voices they know how to mute us... They will do this by using their power...
Gaurish said:
Well, Unlike Egpyt. India is an democracy. And I believe if a large number of people make some noise about this issue, it would be heard.
democracy omg wht r u saying :ashamed:

just some media showing few day prime time coverage for such things , it will get noticed & we democratic citizens forget another day .
& our this billion citizens our jokers whether its politician or media keep creating issues from corruption / snakes /stones blah blah ..... breaking news .....

heavy TRPs , why our jokers need such issue which whole countrymen not listen or get them eyecandy towards channels or votes in election :ashamed:

our country is driven by god , I wish one day these media find some connection btw this mbps speed & our god , that day might these jokers can do something towards it :clap:
Again Its frustrating to look into the current broadband situation of India & what little has been done to improve it. Though steps has been taken in the right directions but rather slowly. I remember few members were really hopeful when 3G was about to launch & I had the notion that wireless is not the answer. It can only give more options to end user but will not improve current scenario in any way.

Considering Gaurish's points also I guess it will help ISP's & end users to reduce cost, but the problem of our slow regulator (probably corrupt as well) & its inability to solve some grass root issues which give ISP's a free hand to exploit its customers.

So I still believe the definition of broadband in India should be changed by the regulator & third party bandwidth resale should come under the purview of TRAI or any new agency wcich is right now decided by the cartel of Airtel, TATA & Reliance. Even though bandwidth prices has fallen in the last decade we are not seeing any meaningful improvement in plan speeds without data caps & affordability.

Some development is going on but its rather slowly. Govt is in the works of forming a National Broadband Backbone through a dedicated Fibre Network under a new agency & change the actual definition of broadband by the year 2014. :S
Last month I got his & it has some interesting points especially at CHAPTER 7: NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN.


Download & be hopeful,.... atleast they may give 2Mbps to Metros (UL) by 2014.. :p

Thanks for posting this, so they do have a blueprint:

the blueprint for the National Broadband Plan to connect 160 million Indian households with high-speed Internet connections by 2014 will be ready by the end of this fiscal, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal said today.

"The framework for the National Broadband Plan (NBP) will be finalised by the end of this fiscal (March 31)," IT & Telecom Minister Sibal said at a roundtable meeting here with various stakeholders. Earlier this month, Sibal -- while announcing his 100-day agenda after assuming stewardship of the Telecom Ministry -- had said the ministry will take concrete steps towards finalisation of the NBP, including the strategy for implementation and roll-out of optical fibre networks.

The meeting was attended by various operators including Bharti Airtel, Aircel, MTS and SSTL. Mobile operators' associations, including COAI and AUSPI, were also a part of the discussions. "The minister has discussed various issues related to NBP and the service providers have shared our views and concerns regarding the issue. This is in line with the 100-day agenda which Kapil Sibal had announced. We welcome this step and many more such discussions would be held by the minister in future also," COAI Director-General Rajan S Mathew said.

Last year, telecom authority Trai had recommended setting up a national broadband network at a cost of about Rs 60,000 crore in order to achieve 160 million broadband connections by 2014. Telecom regulator Trai said the 'National Broadband Plan' should be financed through a universal service obligation (USO) fund and loans given by the government.

Trai's recommendations came amid the government's failure to meet its target of 20 million broadband connections by 2010. At present, the number of broadband connections is only 10.3 million. In addition, the recommendations on the 'National Broadband Plan' are expected to facilitate inclusive growth of the country by including the large rural population in governance and the decision-making process, as well as extend better education, health and banking facilities to rural areas.

To be established in two phases, this network will be an open-access optical fibre network connecting all habitations with a population of 500 and above and will be completed by 2013. Trai has also recommended the formation of a government-owned holding company -- National Optical Fibre Agency (NOFA) -- to establish the nationwide networks.

In addition, Trai had also recommended the formation of a State Optical Fibre Agency (SOFA) in every state, with 51 per cent equity held by NOFA and the rest by the respective state governments, for setting up the network. Both the government holding companies are expected to ring in revenue to the tune of Rs 26,000 crore per year once the network is established.

Source: http://www.deccanherald.com/content/130476/national-broadband-plan-blueprint-ready.html

I just hope they implement it because having just 10million broadband connections in country of more than 100billion is shameful:|
Gaurish said:
I just hope they implement it because having just 10million broadband connections in country of more than 100billion is shameful:|

OT: India's Population ~ 1.2 billion

yaar u r talking about mismanaged broadband system but tell me what is managed in india...

u have to live with it or leave it...

we all have do something like happen in egypt
vip said:

yaar u r talking about mismanaged broadband system but tell me what is managed in india...

u have to live with it or leave it...

we all have do something like happen in egypt

I am sure broadband is not such a serious issue for masses that they will be inclined for a revolt, though there are always other important issues.. ;)
Last year, telecom authority Trai had recommended setting up a national broadband network at a cost of about Rs 60,000 crore in order to achieve 160 million broadband connections by 2014. Telecom regulator Trai said the 'National Broadband Plan' should be financed through a universal service obligation (USO) fund and loans given by the government.

what a stupid recommendation. more money to eat for govt babus now. main problem we have here is that the govt always thinks of making money out of everything. they need to fuel their exponential salaries and defence expenditures and need scapegoats here and there. what's the necessity of the central and state govt requiring to spend 20K crore on optic fibres? they could have opened up bsnl's existig optic fibre network or just made a plan so that any isp could upgrade bsnl's lines from copper to optic fibre and still give revenue for sharing the lines. or they could just allow the private isp's to put up their wires on a shared network of poles around the country at their cost. now they will have an unnecessary network on their hands which i doubt anyone could utilise fully due to bad quality of fibres etc.

on top of that the loans. hell. the govt might even ask people to start paying for the loans in one way or the other through some tax.