Why can't we get better internet with fast speeds and large data caps?

Honestly,I don't see ISP's providing any cost effective plans as of now,FUP has become one of our biggest enemies.

India a superpower in 2020?,With the kind of plans for broadband,i see little hope.
HailStonE said:
I am sure broadband is not such a serious issue for masses that they will be inclined for a revolt, though there are always other important issues.. ;)
Yeah broadband is not a very serious issue but if i will start discussing the serious issues here on TE... TE servers will run out of space... Coz the issues list wud b so huge that TE servers wont b able to handle it lol... :D

The government had all the time in the world after independence to make India a developed country but the thing "Democracy" just ruined everything instead of doing any good...
HailStonE said:
I am sure broadband is not such a serious issue for masses that they will be inclined for a revolt, though there are always other important issues.. ;)
Aman27deep said:
10% people use 90% of the bandwidth. 90% are happy with their plans, as they are the more companies do not care. Believe this, more than half of the airtel users do not even know that FUP exists.

Until people are educated about broadband, nothing will happen.
Hades. said:
This is everyone's dream :)... but i think its never gonna happen in india... Here everyone is corrupt... from president to ministers... They take bribe, they want bribe, and they will always depend on bribe... They just think about themselves... Not about country or anything... I think we have to take a step like Egyptians if we wanna see any progress in india...
Yes everyone is corrupt - you, me, everyone. These politicians are from the same society as ours, they didn't come from some other country.
multi said:
democracy omg wht r u saying :ashamed:

just some media showing few day prime time coverage for such things , it will get noticed & we democratic citizens forget another day .
& our this billion citizens our jokers whether its politician or media keep creating issues from corruption / snakes /stones blah blah ..... breaking news .....

heavy TRPs , why our jokers need such issue which whole countrymen not listen or get them eyecandy towards channels or votes in election :ashamed:

our country is driven by god , I wish one day these media find some connection btw this mbps speed & our god , that day might these jokers can do something towards it :clap:
Why do we forget? And why do we scream afterwards if all we do is forget?
Hades. said:
Yeah broadband is not a very serious issue but if i will start discussing the serious issues here on TE... TE servers will run out of space... Coz the issues list wud b so huge that TE servers wont b able to handle it lol... :D
The government had all the time in the world after independence to make India a developed country but the thing "Democracy" just ruined everything instead of doing any good...
Care to put some light on this please?
I fear your knowledge of our countries history after 1947 is not adequate to make that statement, but if I'm wrong I'd like to know what makes you feel so and in what ways do you think India could have done better.
Internet connectivity isnt a huge problem in a country with problems like ours, and 95% of the population dont really care about high speeds and FUP limits, rather most dont care about Internet itself as they have better things to worry about. For eg. Earning enough to feed themselves and have a shelter to sleep under etc. People like us demanding better internet plans are a minute minority.

P.S I might have derailed the topic at hand, sorry for that. :ashamed:
Reliance , Indian Railways & BSNL are sitting on largest fiber optic all over India , govt just need to regularise for point to point connectivity for better usage .

I don't won't even 10 mbps (forget 100 mbps ) , just give each connection @ stable 1 mbps speed without fup & see the happy magical face of people .

more people want to join , more revenue , more money , no one has to burn their invested money .

right now I am working with "e-stamping "project , got to see the rural areas where BSNL's optic is there but no connectivity ,sigh . Company then used third party dongle for connectivity .If there was connectivity then it was benefit for govt itself for using their own network for benefit of people .
i think users can get more options if they start to build community hubs in densely populated areas.

so overall downloading will reduce and people will swirch to pay as you use plans .

this will put some serious dent in the ISP profits and in the cash crunch they will provide better services.

just a suggestion
Mephistopheles said:
Yes everyone is corrupt - you, me, everyone. These politicians are from the same society as ours, they didn't come from some other country.

Calling "US" corrupt is not a proper thing to say... u shud take ur words back... its us who gave them power to rule our country and do the job properly... we "NEVER" (Yes in capital Aplhabets) told them to take bribe or just take our hard earned tax money and keep it to fulfill their politicians never ending want for money...
Care to put some light on this please?

I fear your knowledge of our countries history after 1947 is not adequate to make that statement, but if I'm wrong I'd like to know what makes you feel so and in what ways do you think India could have done better.

Internet connectivity isnt a huge problem in a country with problems like ours, and 95% of the population dont really care about high speeds and FUP limits, rather most dont care about Internet itself as they have better things to worry about. For eg. Earning enough to feed themselves and have a shelter to sleep under etc. People like us demanding better internet plans are a minute minority.

It has been almost 65Yrs since our country became Independent... But our country is still not considered as a developed country... Why becoz of our "Infamous" politicians... So many parties came in power since 1947 but no party did the job the way they shud have done... And i really hate to hear that "Britishers took away every precious thing which used to belong to Indians, if they wudn't have done that thing then India wud not have been in the state it is right now"... The reason india is still a developing country is bcoz of corrupt politicians... They are even worst then Britishers... Atleast britishers used to love cleanliness and when they were ruling India they used to clean roads wid water... And if u'll look at roads now u'll find nothing but pot holes and dirt... And whenever a President of another country comes here to visit India... and to see India... Indian Ministers all of a sudden becomes active and they tell the contractors to just repair the roads from where the president's car will pass by... So that the president who has come here wudn't b able to see the truth... But for ppl they wud never repair the roads even if ppl are dying bcoz of pot holes... They wud only repair if election are near so that they can tell ppl that what they have done just to get votes...

P.S: India is in this state only and only bcoz of Politicians... And No innocent people are responsible for it... :)
^ Yeah, that's the blessed truth. damn shame, init?

Bright idea -> Competition -> Corruption = Politics -> Compensation - > Idea down the drain :|
:eek:fftopic: Some interesting stats :S : State of the Internet: Summing up 2010 (Infographic)

Btw @topic

Public Eduction/Access to Information=Problems for Politicians

Therefore, water down the development efforts which deliver "the knowledge" to the public.

Hence the sorry state of Media, Internet, Books and Schools in India.

And no, the solution is not taking up politics, solution is to make people educated. In a democracy, educated masses are the biggest asset. IMHO Money or patriotism are the only two motivators. So they take out money from the system. In every state there is truckload of money allocated to education in every budget.Even then teachers go unpaid for months,why I wonder.

Kapil Sibbal is making an A$$ out of all of us. If you scrutinize his policies minutely, you'll see there is a singular motive of personal gains and making this condition deteriorate further.

Anyway, the broadband policy should be open to 'stakeholders' views, and we are the greatest stakeholders in it. The only question is how to voice our opinion. "Savvy" is one thing and actually trying to make your voice heard is another. People are, by and large afraid of the same power of which they are the sole guarantors. This is a democracy for crying out loud and no one is gonna touch just for speaking your free will . Here are the appropriate resources to start if you want.

Lok Sabha : "The house"

Message Page : "The IT committee" - Please take some time to check all the tabs.


Dr. Yumnam Arun Kumar

Under Secretary



PS: If you do not know how to write an official email/letter or file an application for RTI, please take some time to educate yourself. This power is useless If you know not what or how questions to ask! :p

PPS: IMHO BSNL heads are a 'little' corrupt. Little in the sense that they themselves can't push/stalk the growth, unless bought out by other telecos or forced by the ministry/telecom policies.

The esteemed members of this forum might be aware that BSNL is an indispensable tool for Telecos to increase market penetration. If you must ask why, let me explain this naive idea/observation a bit further-

BSNL being the favorite player of the Government gets an upper hand in bringing technology to the masses. Their introductory schemes are excellent no doubt (Price wars/One-India/EVDO/WLL/CDMA/3G/Broadband/Wifi - you name it! ).

However if I remember correctly, when the second wave comes (when the private players become ready with the technology) suddenly BSNL ACTS the lousy player-the rates becomes uncompetitive, offers are withdrawn or not upgraded and in effect gives the private players a ready market to delve in, without much effort. I wonder who decides the rates for BSNL. I wont be surprised if it is someone on Reliance's/Bharti's payroll. :(

Sorry for the lousy long post. Ignore the grammar. :ashamed:

@hades: My presumption was correct it seems, it will take a long post from me to explain what I meant from my previous post, and also to tell you where you're wrong but that will derail the discussion at hand, also Im feeling lazy. :p
Hades. said:
It has been almost 65Yrs since our country became Independent... But our country is still not considered as a developed country... Why becoz of our "Infamous" politicians... So many parties came in power since 1947 but no party did the job the way they shud have done... And i really hate to hear that "Britishers took away every precious thing which used to belong to Indians, if they wudn't have done that thing then India wud not have been in the state it is right now"... The reason india is still a developing country is bcoz of corrupt politicians... They are even worst then Britishers... Atleast britishers used to love cleanliness and when they were ruling India they used to clean roads wid water... And if u'll look at roads now u'll find nothing but pot holes and dirt... And whenever a President of another country comes here to visit India... and to see India... Indian Ministers all of a sudden becomes active and they tell the contractors to just repair the roads from where the president's car will pass by... So that the president who has come here wudn't b able to see the truth... But for ppl they wud never repair the roads even if ppl are dying bcoz of pot holes... They wud only repair if election are near so that they can tell ppl that what they have done just to get votes...

P.S: India is in this state only and only bcoz of Politicians... And No innocent people are responsible for it... :)
Wasn't it the same story with the kings ruling over different states before the British invasion? Were people happy all over India then? Most probably, Indians will never be a happy, ever. Greed, corruption and dishonesty is so much ingrained in the majority that it would be an impossible task for even God (if there is one) to do a miracle and change the mindsets of the population here.
@hades: My presumption was correct it seems, it will take a long post from me to explain what I meant from my previous post, and also to tell you where you're wrong but that will derail the discussion at hand, also Im feeling lazy.

Whatever i said was right...

6pack said:
Greed, corruption and dishonesty is so much ingrained in the majority that it would be an impossible task for even God (if there is one) to do a miracle and change the mindsets of the population here.

LMAO... :lol:

BTW just saw a news on the television that government is going to increase the telecom license fees... which indirectly will increase call rates... Why bcoz A.Raja did a scam by which government faced loss in crores... And now they are thinking to cover up the loss they faced coz of Raja by looting us... A person from their party did this and now we have to suffer... this is just embarrassing...
Well I believe that there will be better plans in future but they will come in at the time of elections (like in the case of roads I always find a brand new layer of tarmac on the election day ) . Almost all the politicians are like Captain Hindsight who just say that black money should be brought back, corruption should be be eradicated, well as everyone knows they themselves are in power and have to take necessary steps to implement it and not the general public who always have to take the same crap from the politicians.

Agreed that our country has far bigger issues just than internet speed but this sort of approach just goes on to show the concerned authority's attitude and his responsibility towards the system.

We should always compare our self to someone who is better than us and improve rather than sitting idle and comparing with the ones who are in complete disarray.

Its just jaw- dropping to see the speeds of the countries like Korea,Germany and Slav nations even after going through so much turmoil they are very progressive.
Yes even romania has better average speeds in their country and have watched a piece on bbc some years ago where in it was stated that romania is one of the broke countries among the european countries.
And further they wanted the condition of people there to improve thus the EU started to act more stringent on immigration out of EU.
Got a pamphlet today in the newspaper. YOU broadband wants to give lifetime broadband for Rs.2499 plus tax and installation and cable rent(?) and delivers "high" speed of upto 64kbps during the day and upto 96kbps during the night time. This "amazing" offer is available only till the end of this month.

And the pamphlet says in huge letters: INTERNET UNCHAINED!

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

From todays Hindu: Bahrain's King has ordered that each family in the monarchy be given $3000 to mark the anniversary of national charter of reforms as cyber activists called for protests in Bahrain starting from Monday to demand social, political and economic reforms.

Maybe something like this can be done to make the govt change the present state of broadband.
pranaywhiz said:
Got a pamphlet today in the newspaper. YOU broadband wants to give lifetime broadband for Rs.2499 plus tax and installation and cable rent(?) and delivers "high" speed of upto 64kbps during the day and upto 96kbps during the night time. This "amazing" offer is available only till the end of this month.

And the pamphlet says in huge letters: INTERNET UNCHAINED!
YOU will need to pray that your connection works, with YOU broadband. Their reliability is unmatched, quite literally! :|
Punker said:
Well founder of Hayai broadband is on another forum and according to him service will be started in Noida first then Delhi and then in other cities....He also told that rates will be like Rs.10/GB.....

First is Mumbai.
Following almost immediately are Pune and Delhi.
raksrules said:
Buddy, dont be too optimistic about hayai. All the hype that was created has settled down now and i dont see any ray of hope in near future of this service launching. These guys (or specifically he Mcgarley) did mention that infrastructure is in place but that is going on for last 1+ year and hayai is still to see the light of day.

Unfortunately that's long been a problem to do with me personally.
raksrules said:
Really ?? :O
He always told Mumbai will be first
It will be.

rgsilent said:
We should have a bare minimum of 2mbps a month unlimited plans. Speed coupled with fup, crap service and frequent disconnections is really annoying and shouldn't be happening in freaking 2011.
Sadly it's too expensive to do that properly at the moment based on all the costs, especially in the price range most people would want it at.

Punker said:
Guys refer this thread Hayai Broadband Launch in India...Guy is explaining each and everything and according to him they won't be launching 512 kbps or 256 kbps plans and Rs.700(including tax) for 30GB (Hayai lite packs).....

Nothing below 5mbit/s on fiber.
Hayai Lite is expected to average at 8 (we aren't restricting speed), with monthly quotas of 5, 10, 20 and 30GB ranging from 299 to 649 including tax.

Punker said:
Ahmedabad is quite high on the list already. It's also favourable because there is little competition there.

At the moment Delhi is beginning to be implemented - the finer details of the infrastructure are being worked out already, so it's a good chance that Mumbai and Delhi (well... Noida I think is where it's going to start first) will launch simultaneously (but shhhhhhhh, that information hasn't even come up on the fortnightly conference call yet).

It has now... and so has Pune :)

Punker said:
And I'm also happy to say that our wholesale pricing will fall - new retail prices will be released when we're ready but I can say almost certainly that we've hit our goal of Rs10/GB including tax, so if you use 100GB @ 100mbit/s, your bill should be around Rs1500-1600 inc tax (whether you're on post-pay or pre-pay).

This also means that our "guidelines" for the flat-rate plans will change - prices will probably remain the same but instead of recommending about 150GB for 2499 it'll probably be closer to 250GB - or the price might fall to Rs1999 and the amount would be 200GB or so. Keep in mind this isn't a fair-usage policy, this would simply be our recommendation for which flat-rate plan you should choose, based upon the usage you estimate for us. Of course you can use more, but to do so consistantly would probably prompt us to give you a call and suggest that you change to a higher-speed plan (our Fair Usage Policy will continue to remain something like this: 2degrees - fairusepolicy)

Source - Hayai Broadband Pricing
Just to avoid confusion, the fair usage policy is centered more on reasonable use of the network (according to the plan you've subscribed to), rather than any particular number.

6pack said:
hayai bb looks like vaporware to me still now. i know that guy mc garley did answer a lot of questions here and on another broadband forum, but it hasn't yet taken off after all this hype. i'll believe all that hype when i see ads in the newspapers or see hayai start their services in reality.
Again, that's been a me problem, and, at least for the past few months, not any problem with infrastructure or anything like that. Things change, our original launch date was too ambitious - I made a mistake, I've moved on, all the while tweaking and improving the offering so that it will blow you away. Look forward to a TV ad in a few months.