Willing to source stuff from US...

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yes i'll ship them individually dude..
u'll have to pay for the domestic shipping..although i wudnt really bother if its just gonna be 50-100 bucks..i can bear that from my side..
I dont want to sound interfering.....

But I dont think it is advisable to get stuff like CCFls..... Simply coz they are frgile and airport baggage handlers handle the luggage really badly.

Bottle mentioned how his case with all components wwas thrown around.

Just my two cents.

Hope it works our for you guys!!! All the best :)
quite a response..

i've spoken to my frnd and he asked me to send him the links..i'm gonna forward all the links to him and see if he can get these first..
till then please hold any further requests, cos hes just one person coming from there and hes gonna have his own stuff to bring..
so for now, lemme get back with the feedback for the current requests..

thanks :)
Update :

Spoke to my frnd..he says he has no problem in bringing stuff, but he wants to limit it to like one no. per item...ofcourse fans and sleeving kits can be accomodated in multiple qtys.(not tooo many though)

so for now:
SI-120 HSF and a coupla fans for x86..(lemme know abt the X-fi)
PSU (shudnt be a problem mostly) for goldenfrag
Sleeving kits, AS5 and some DVDs (even i'm gettin some myself..:)) for chic_magnet and shakensoul

nobody up for a GPU?
choose the card from newegg..its price+15% profit+shipping = cost inclusive all...

i'll get u back to confirmed buyers individually regarding payment and stuff once my frnd gives me the go ahead for the stuff...so bear with me or a coupla more days :)
I need the gpu space .. please hold up for me .. till march 10th.. is it okay with u ? if its not lemme know.
baasha, you arent responding to my PMs, and my question on pg1 abt the HDD!!

i said i WILL pay you! and i wouldnt mind some TYs either...but try to get the silver or white inkjet/thermal printable ones if you want extra protection of your discs.

Baasha, get back to me ASAP!! I think youve missed my post + PM!
@baasha.........thanks buddy.......also ask your friend if he can get the cathode kit safely, maybe in his own baggage (if its not too big) without breakage.
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