Win XP/Ubuntu dual boot

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Now, I have worked in Mandriva for almost a week.

Still, I am not able to fix .avi files (or simply video format not running in any player, it includes, totem, smplayer, dragon player.)

In this only dragon player plays sound (atleast)

And i need IE in linux. And java(Microsoft VM, Sun runtime environment etc..)

i have installed IE6. but not java, please help me out

Is there is any place in mandriva OS or in web to see the shortcuts for mandriva (the version i am using now - mandriva one linux 2009 KDE)

And in pidgin i am not able video/audio chat. Is this possible to bring gtalk, yahoo messenger in linux. or some other integrated messenger leads to voice/video chat facility.

So far i am satisfied with this integrated messenger, visuals, viewing .xlsx, .docx files, some in built applications like gimp, software control centre etc...

I guess i have viewed pdf files but when i tried today morning i am not able to view pdf files. since i had some work i left i didnt think much at that time.

Do i have any applications to view pdf files?
nac said:
Now, I have worked in Mandriva for almost a week.

Still, I am not able to fix .avi files (or simply video format not running in any player, it includes, totem, smplayer, dragon player.)
In this only dragon player plays sound (atleast)

And i need IE in linux. And java(Microsoft VM, Sun runtime environment etc..)
i have installed IE6. but not java, please help me out

Is there is any place in mandriva OS or in web to see the shortcuts for mandriva (the version i am using now - mandriva one linux 2009 KDE)

And in pidgin i am not able video/audio chat. Is this possible to bring gtalk, yahoo messenger in linux. or some other integrated messenger leads to voice/video chat facility.

So far i am satisfied with this integrated messenger, visuals, viewing .xlsx, .docx files, some in built applications like gimp, software control centre etc...

I guess i have viewed pdf files but when i tried today morning i am not able to view pdf files. since i had some work i left i didnt think much at that time.
Do i have any applications to view pdf files?

1. What file is it ? Donno but I can play avi without even installing any codec/player.. Remember avi is a container format..Have you tried vlc ?

2. Just open Add/Remove and type openjdk or java , that will list the options..

3. Linux don't have distro specific shotycuts :P Open System Settings and set them or see them under Keyboard settings..

4. For video chat use Ekiga or Skype.. Even kopete support video chat [installed] but never tested :(

5. Hm... pdf extension is open by Okular .. Its present under Office Application try that.. If that doesn't work try Adobe for Linux :)
Dark Star said:
1. What file is it ? Donno but I can play avi without even installing any codec/player.. Remember avi is a container format..Have you tried vlc ?

Its actually all the video files (for eg i have given you guys .avi)
So far, i havent open any video files in mandriva. Means never ever seen any videos in mandriva.
And final choice "VLC PLAYER" didnt worked. Like totem, vlc closed as soon as i open the file.

Dark Star said:
2. Just open Add/Remove and type openjdk or java , that will list the options..
I have added java runtime environment version1.0.6 this was even b4 you said. for some clarification i asked. again i installed 1.0.5 nothing works with ie6. Since the site (more particularly i need ie6 for these kind of sites) needs java JRE, JVM, etc.

Dark Star said:
4. For video chat use Ekiga or Skype.. Even kopete support video chat [installed] but never tested :(
Yes, but ekiga needs ekiga account, skype needs skype account. I am asking for gmail and yahoo.

Dark Star said:
5. Hm... pdf extension is open by Okular .. Its present under Office Application try that.. If that doesn't work try Adobe for Linux :)
Yes. Okular did job. thank you.

And my booting time is longer than ever while i boot in windows. My normal boot time is around 70 seconds now it goes beyond 250 seconds.
But mandriva boots within 60 seconds. Is this because of dual booting. Is this possible to reduce the booting time of windows.
1. No Idea boss.. Give Gnome live CD or Dreamlinux a try .. I guess something wrong with installation..

2. IE isn't supported . Even if you install java in Linux it won't work in it. Either install Java through wine or try Opera.. My sis works in some site that only work in IE but when I tried them in Opera it worked..

3. Try KDE instant messenger.. Kopete . .Its installed under Internet Section..

4. Press Ecs while booting and the post whats delaying the boot.. My boot time are 20-22 sec..s
prakashan said:
Ubuntu is currently the better choice.choose the Gnome version(Ubuntu).kde is not really doing well these days.
You said this
Dark Star said:
Since you are new get Mandriva , ubuntu can irritate you with Command Line :P
And here you said this
Dark Star said:
hoping better Mandriva release next time.. Till them I am Buntu :P


After reviewing the above sayings and my personal experience (last one week)
i am now trying ubuntu 8.10 desktop edition. this is the first time i am trying ubuntu. I had started this thread by keeping this ubuntu in my mind.
i didnt know we can run CD in live mode.
Fine, leave them. Now i tried to run a movie file. ubuntu popped up and say some codecs need to be installed i checked the necessary codec and confirmed it and installed it what a surprise now i am watching movies in my linux distros:clap: :clap: :clap:

Whenever i tried mandriva in live mode (both gnome and kde), i never succeeded in restarting the system. At one place it will get stucked i had push to restart by pressing the button in cpu
But in ubuntu it went well...:clap: :clap: :clap:

So i thing i am gonna say ubuntu now.

now i need to know how to remove mandriva one 2009 linux kde and bring back my windows boot loader. again i dont want to install in a separate partition. First i use it under virtual machine then i install it in a separate partition.

Please clearly write the step by step process to uninstall/remove mandriva and i need my windows bootloader dont forget this.
what kernel regression? :S !


To be frank ,Ubuntu is miles ahead of current distributions.

I expects ,in future ,Few handful of Distros -Debian based eating out all others by Majority-making other corporations,companies to give Support for GNU/Linux easier instead of zillion other techniques(but those who want other distros -ofcourse will be using!its freedom matters!)

I have fedora 10 also installed and I MUST tell newbie GNU/Linux users - that Fedora also comes NOWHERE near Ubuntu for Newbies.


But I appreciate Fedora 10 ,which also is a better distro.

Go to Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.

Here ,you can see ,Ubuntu is miles ahead followed by fedora or suse linux.(based on page hits of official sites).


@nac:Ubuntu installs grub above the current bootloader. you need to understand which is your Mandriva's partition to format/remove it.for that ,please understands GNU/Linux Partition system which is not like A,B,C,D in window$.

instead ,first partition for a sata hdd is /dev/sda1 ...etc .

find the partition and use gparted to remove it.
I am very clear in this thing.

I don't wanna over write. or install ubuntu on mandriva's partition.
Just wanna clear the space which is occupied by mandriva.
And get back the windows bootloader. More precisely i want windows should read the space occupied by linux after i removed/uninstalled as it reads its own partition.

If you guys say that it can never be possible unless or until i repartition it. or by using some xyz software to read linux partition. Then I do what you said.

I decided to install ubuntu in vmware(so that i can evaluate it and get used with it). but i have no experience in using vmware b4. but still this is i dont want to over write. i guess you guys have understand what i am asking for. It may seems to be a lengthy process.
I believe i wasn't rude. if u guys feel so, i am assuring i am not. Please help to do what i want to do.
Successfully done.

With the help of Gparted i delete the partition where i installed mandriva.

As vishal said i used windows xp boot disk to bring back my bootloader. Thank you. (Really the message(while booting) would have made me panic)

I installed ubuntu 8.10 with the help of wubi. Till now i am ok with everything.
And as darkstar said ubuntu is not getting auto mounts. When i click the drive, it gets mounting. And i remember i did like this in mandriva too. So here both mandriva and ubuntu are same. And no need to clash in this aspect whether mounts automatically or not.
Isn't it better to mount only when needed.a matter of a click ?I liked is windows which mounts all vfat/ntfs partitions unnecessarily imho ,manual mount is better(for your harddisk also).
nac said:
Successfully done.

With the help of Gparted i delete the partition where i installed mandriva.

As vishal said i used windows xp boot disk to bring back my bootloader. Thank you. (Really the message(while booting) would have made me panic)

I installed ubuntu 8.10 with the help of wubi. Till now i am ok with everything.
And as darkstar said ubuntu is not getting auto mounts. When i click the drive, it gets mounting. And i remember i did like this in mandriva too. So here both mandriva and ubuntu are same. And no need to clash in this aspect whether mounts automatically or not.

Believe me if it is not mounting NTFS in Mandriva its you don't get it. Mandriva mounts NTFS partitions in /windows/X .. Now yes the icon won't appear in Desktop .. But changing mount point in MDV is way easier than Ubuntu.. anyways since you installed Ubuntu do this in terminal assusmin you have all NTFS partitions..

sudo apt-get install ntfs-config
Open NTFS Config from System - > Administration -> NTFS Config and select both the options..
^Without knowing i entered that in the terminal.
Why you asked me to do that? What will be the reaction? (I thought it could be the solution to mount the drives automatically)
Again as darkstar said my desktop background is blank. After the drive (which has the file i kept as desktop background)gets mount, then my desktop background shows the file i kept.

Is this possible to bring dotnet 2.0 here to ubuntu? (because i am using an application which runs only with dotnet 2.0)
^ Install NTFS-config from that command and use it .. That will mount your NTFS partitions..

Dot net applications won't work in Linux.. Though you can create dot net type applications using Novel Mono Main Page - Mono
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