Windows 7 : Explorer problem

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Guys i have been facing this wierd issue for sometime now.
I hav Acer Aspire 5738z running windows 7 build 7100.

after i use my laptop for say half an hour or so.. and i open windows explorer .. it shows a blank screen and the partitions dont appear. When i immediatelely open the explorer again.. It works fine.(refer attachment) There is absolutely no drop in performance or speed at which appz run.i have been checking the CPU temperature on everest.. it keeps shuffling in the range of 52-58.

But why should this happen?
Is it because this is an RC version and this is some kind of flaw.

Experts please help!


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I think..
In first screen shot if you look at address bar its still loading(green bar) whereas in second screenshot its fully loaded. So may be after it is fully loaded it will display the icons...
No. It simply doesnt load.. After a while it says not responding.

I always have to press (Win + E) twice now to open the explorer
D/l the 7600 version there were some bugs in that build .even on my friends pc Dell the build 7100 gave some errors but the RTM gave no problems at all.
Most probably a bug. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate v6.1(Build 7600), pretty stable. No major hiccups yet.
i cant do a freah format now.. as i have this MBA test prop software installed..

Reinstalling that thing on a fresh format is a huge hassle..


i shall try disabling file paging.

i use CC cleaner.. its there on the desktop(refer screenshot):p
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