Windows Vista Build 5744 Discussion

for the beta testers wont they need special drivers for this? say running on a nforce4 board drivers for xp wud be fine for vista?

Another interim release goes to testers
Microsoft today released another interim build of its oft-delayed Windows Vista operating system. The latest build offers a host of improvements over the previous 5456 build including improved NVIDIA driver performance in Windows Media Center. According to, there will also be improvements made to the performance of this build compared to earlier builds of Vista. "Vista in its beta form is pretty taxing on the system. It's slow and a little non-responsive. That piece of software is now about nine weeks old and that may not sound like a lot but at this stage, that's an old version in software terms. You'll see a huge difference [in performance]," said Microsoft corporate VP of Windows client marketing Mike Sievert.

Windows Vista beta testers as usual can get the latest build from the Microsoft Connect website. The general public, however, will just have to sit this one out.

Windows Vista Build 5472 Overview & Screenshot Gallery 1 @

This is what paul thurrott has to say about this new build
Again, a new build.

Windows Vista build 5472 is the second interim build released since Beta 2 (see my review) and like its predecessor, build 5456 (see my overview and screenshot gallery), it doesn't really offer much in the way of new features. Indeed, build 5472 is even more lacking in "newness" than is build 5456: Most of what we see here involves improvements to the overall fit and finish of the product.

I won't be issuing a full review of this build, since it's basically Beta 2 with some small improvements. In several hours of testing, I haven't seen anything dramatic: Some new icons (especially in Setup), a new desktop wallpaper, and so forth.

What this build does include is the new Windows Vista Basic user interface, which dispenses with the ugliness of this UI in previous builds and provides something that is very much like Windows Aero, albeit without any of the translucencies and other goodness.

I can't tell yet whether this build is more refined than build 5456. Some things, certainly, are better: In build 5456, Explorer windows were often stuck in a reverse alphabetical order that couldn't be fixed. Now, they work right again, as you'd expect.

Overall, build 5472 looks solid. As with build 5456, I'll be using this as my sole OS going forward, and it's interesting how much more possible it is to do this than was the case with Beta 2, which performed horribly on my desktop and notebook systems. Things have definitely taken a turn for the better. If I find out anything else interesting about this build, I'll update this page. For now, however, I intend to just use the thing and see how it performs. So far, so good.

Image Courtesy
I have been using build 5472 for the past 20-22 days and it seems damn fast compared to the old builds. Actually for the first time, Im feeling that its faster than XP...(and Im really serious).

I have disabled a few services and done some tweaks and now the build 5472 boots up in 43 secs to the desktop with my 1GB RAM and old Barton 2600+ CPU.

Sidenote: Havent seen any1 on the beta forums for Vista on MS's site. How many ppl are part of the beta here?? Give me ur id's...we can have a chat sometime later.
Windows Vista Build 5536 Released To Testers !![l/b]

Windows Vista Buld 5536

(vista_5536.16385.060821-1900_vista_rc1_x86fre_client-LR1CFRE_EN_DVD.iso) was released to Microsoft beta testers, on the Microsoft Connect website. Notice x86 only

the windows vista build 5536 has released and is being..stated as the RC 1 or pre was released internally on tuesday, 22nd august..2006..but is not available for is only available to microsoft beta testers..

it is belived..that this build is almost 3 times faster than previous builds and is more stable..with some appearance changes like icons..and the installation time has been drastically reduced ! finally a little relief..for microsoft..and a bit sucess to billy..:hap2:

more info :

all those..waiting..for ..this build need to wait..until microsoft..released this build /RC1 ..for public download .:D
yes...Im just downloading 5536 from connect.... This seems to be the first build labelled pre-RC1......

Also another one build 5552 is in the pipeline!!! Some quick releases now!! Havent downloaded 5536 as of yet...and discussions for the new build have started....

I guess ppl want the x64 version....cant seem to get that on connect.....But doesnt matter....I dont have a x64 processor... Mayb this build will have the HD-DVD and Bluray feature removed....

All builds before this has the feature!!
sunbiz_3000 said:
I guess ppl want the x64 version....cant seem to get that on connect.....But doesnt matter....I dont have a x64 processor... Mayb this build will have the HD-DVD and Bluray feature removed....

All builds before this has the feature!!

Which was the release earlier to this.
[I mean the number]

Thanks for sharing the info on the latest Vista Build.
Quad Master said:
Which was the release earlier to this.

[I mean the number]

Thanks for sharing the info on the latest Vista Build.

the 5472 was the last release before this...(1 mnth b4)..and before that it was 5436....

Vista is surely gonna rock !!
i will be having the pre RC-1 within..1 week my microsoft..will ship it for me..from US !!!!!:D will rock coz m$ will make sure it does. they'll make everyone upgrade to vista by the time they roll out sp1. :eek:hyeah:

vista is not what it was promised to be. its more of xp with glassy look and few advanced features. if u have the pc to support, u need to be on vista. yes, its a step or two ahead of vista but nothing revolutionary. as long m$ provide official support for xp, less ppl will upgrade to vista. once that stops, we all will be on vista.

of course, enthusiasts and pirates will be the first ones to jump into vista well. :p
sunbiz_3000 said:
yes...Im just downloading 5536 from connect.... This seems to be the first build labelled pre-RC1......

Also another one build 5552 is in the pipeline!!! Some quick releases now!! Havent downloaded 5536 as of yet...and discussions for the new build have started....

I guess ppl want the x64 version....cant seem to get that on connect.....But doesnt matter....I dont have a x64 processor... Mayb this build will have the HD-DVD and Bluray feature removed....
All builds before this has the feature!!
whats connect ???
where are u downloading from ?is it free ??legal...then please post the link ?
can i sign up even now ??do i need some invitations ?

where do i go connect..not getting..anything..from where do i download ?
how to register..and all...?

it is asking for invitation id !!

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this is the error when i am connect...maybe i will have towait for a week..till my bro from US .sends the pre RC 1 dvd..