Linux Wubi installation woes

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2ndly, I clicked on the link that Gaurish gave me for Mp3. It then asks me to Follow and Cancel. I clicked on Follow.

This is what i got :

Protocol not supported


This thing works flawlessly in Ubuntu. What it should work in Kubuntu as well. Anyways, It is just a protocol handler for Firefox. it installs package upon click. if this fails you can try other methods.

I got this command from one of the wikis..

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

this went on for alteast a half an hour on the terminal. It downloaded approximately 430mb of god-knows-what software :S

what this Restricted package does it it installs the following packages, not just mp3:

* flash

* all gstreamer decoders

* Java Support

* Microsoft TrueType fonts

* Support for .rar files

So you unknowingly, enabled it it all. so now you don't open seprate threads, saying how to get support for above mentioned things.

About Kwin, i did just that, but i cant seem to view those effects, i can only view some translucent windows when clicked here and there, but nothing 3D or spectacular :P

As you can see translucent windows. It means Desktop Effects are working. Congrats. Now you just need to turn the ones you need.


K Menu --> Computer --> System Settings --> Desktop --> Desktop Effects --> All Effects

* Now choose the ones you need and click on check Box in front of them to Enable them. don't enable everything, it would slow your pc:P

* Most effects have special shortcut keys. to To view Shortcut key for particular effect, click on its setting their you would find the shortcut in action window. remember, META key is your Windows key(the one with windows icon)

* Also unlike Vista or Win7; you can choose what effect you want for ALT+TAB action. currently there are 4 available. Select from "Effect for Window Switching". Try all of them:ohyeah:

I still cannot play mp3 on amarok :(

Try installing

 sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras

If this gives an error then, install the following package

sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg

This will enable MP3 Support.

Source:MP3:Kubuntu - Amarok Wiki

you you seem to be all set, all most of initial work is over:)
btw, that "protocol not supported - apt" error is probably because you need to install the "apt-url" package which recognises those types of URL shortcuts... but not sure on kubuntu if it works well with firefox...
I still cant play Mp3 songs and the desktop effects are very limited.
When i minimize any windows with the Lamp effect or any effect, the graphics are pretty disoriented and .... crazy like. :S
have you tried getting latest (9.5 or 9.6, not old 9.4) ATI fglrx linux driver from their website direct and manually installing?

edit: see:

edit2: looks like the best site on the net for ATI+Linux:

especially this page:

found it while reading wikipedia:
^^Hardware manager install 9.6 only :P There is no use :P

@anish : Why don't you give mdv a try :P I bet you won't have trouble downloading pathetic extras :P
oh i thought it installed 9.4... if thats really the case that it already installed 9.6 and you still get the problems then yes, move to Mandriva since you're on KDE :) You can just install over the same ubuntu partitions... jaunty 9.04 has known poor ati support... even intel users were crying heh...
Will try all of the above and come back.. thank you guys :)

vishalrao : oh i thought it installed 9.4... if thats really the case that it already installed 9.6 and you still get the problems then yes, move to Mandriva since you're on KDE You can just install over the same ubuntu partitions... jaunty 9.04 has known poor ati support... even intel users were crying heh...
Yeh, i was thinking the same. But how do i go about it?

Removing Kubuntu and installing Mandriva ?

Is mandriva friendly with ATi?
^^You just have to install the same way you did with kubuntu, just define / at kubuntu and /home at the same partition you did with kubuntu and it will format and install a new system.

I am using it from months and it is working flawlessly :)
Great, I have started downloading Mandriva Linux Free 2009 Spring (torrent).

Will pester you people once its done :P
^^Which version :S

Edit : Check this :P Its not mdv though, currently working with catalyst 9.4, will do the update tonite :D

BTW in this distro compiz is fast as hell.
^^Yes. Mandriva is a rpm based distro and has differnt package mangaer.

First set the repo. and then install from add/remove.
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