X1900XTX issues

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My motherboard drivers, like IDE etc are those supplied with motherboard, in short they are very old, do they need to be replaced?

will latest nforce drivers help?
Akshay, I quick-formatted and reinstalled windows and I continued to face a bit of framing and mouse-freeze issues ingame... it has nothing to do with partitioning.

Again, installing games on a different hard drive worked for me - I don't know if it will work for you, BUT, I recommend a fresh windows install to eliminate any software/driver related issues. If the reinstalled *does not* work, then try to get hold of a second hard drive from a friend to verify whether your current HDD is the culprit.
this is getting ridiculous. techboy, no one can tell you what exactly the problem is cause they have not seen your rig yet. and you seem too incompetent to fix it yourself. the best solution as others have suggested would be to ask a TE member (nicely) if they could help you. take ur rig to their place if they are willing to.

till then, dont replace/rma anything. and repeated posts isnt going to help you either
I told you already man, in fact TWICE didn't I? I refuse to answer any more of your questions until you post a scanned image of your latest marksheet from school or college!!! :rofl:
any of you are Delhi members

I have posted screenies which prove I have the card.
Please go through them.
Background: Installing FEAR
With that there is CCC and my system information, where could I find such a pciture, think yourself

I have the card, just help me.

Any one a Delhi member here who can help me, please name a few.
@akshitmohan, please come, please help, please, that way you can see my face as well and get to know whether or not I am kaput boy.
We can meet with my comp dealer if he agrees

Doom 3 is the only game that is fine right now, that too at pretty low settings.
1280X1024 ULTRA 4x aa and 16x AF
I want 1280*1024 ULTRA 4x AAA and 16X HQ AF with this game at least

I haven't tried at those settings?
Should I reformat or overclock in the next 1hr?
@Techboy: Your 3DMark scores are perfectly normal. 9K in 3DM'05 seems to be correct. So bottom line - Your X1900XTX is FINE! Try troubleshooting the rest of your system.

And NO you should not overclock or what not in the next 1 hr! Avoid doing anything without thinking.

@Everyone else: Give the guy a break -

a. He's posted his CCC screenie, that should prove he has the X1900XTX (Whats the big deal if someone has or has not?)

b. Those arent artifacts. He saved the image in .GIF format, resulting in that poor image quality.

c. Yes, he's a confused kid. Please dont bring yourselves down to his level and confuse him anymore. Answer him once, if he doesnt understand - drop it and move along! :)
I am confused or am I not confused?

What do I have to do:

1) Reformat and reinstall drivers
2) No format, only reinstall drivers
3) Reinstall drivers and games
4) All of them
5) Overclock
6) Get TE Delhi member to rescue

which of the 6 is recommeded?
techboy said:
I am confused or am I not confused?

What do I have to do:

1) Reformat and reinstall drivers
2) No format, only reinstall drivers
3) Reinstall drivers and games
4) All of them
5) Overclock
6) Get TE Delhi member to rescue

which of the 6 is recommeded?

I would say reformat and reinstall drivers properly , for today . do not overclock anything ATM .

if the reformat thingy still doesnt solve your problem , ask a TE member who is in Delhi to come to your place and help you
ok on the serious note, dont install any god damn Nvidia chipset drivers for your motherboard. You dont need to.

If you decide to install because of the onboard lan please go to custom install option and only install NV lan and SMBUS( this too is not actiually required) drivers.

Dont install audio and ide drivers.

If you have already installed those i would say uninstall chipset drivers and only install these two.

And please dont tell me you didnt understood any word of what i just typed.
I understood except one, why shouln't I install IDE drivers?

Tried FEAR at 800*600 MED
noticeably better, significantly better
but there is still a great deal of stuttering and this isn't what I expect even from a 7900GT at that setting, is even a 6600GT that bad at that res?

Does the FEAR patch help a great deal?
Because Nvidia IDE drivers are known to cause plenty of issues. And trust me on this. M$ IDE drivers that ship with windows are equally good.
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