Re: The Reset Glitch Hack : A new exploit on Xbox 360 (read: JTAG re-born)
Team Xecuter Announces The Xecuter Coolruner
Source: Team Xecuter Announces The Xecuter Coolruner | Xbox360-Hacks :: Hack your Xbox 360
Annoucing The Maximus Stinger
But wait, there's more:
X360 Glitchip coming late September
Source: X360 Glitchip coming late September - Se7enSins Forums
Team Xecuter Announces The Xecuter Coolruner
In the wake of the reset glitch hack found by GliGli and others, Team Xecuter has announced a new addon for their NAND-X product. Dubbed the Coolrunner, it'll be able to achieve the same results of the glitch hack without having the need to purchase all of the extra equipment such as resistors and all that good stuff.
Ubergeek broke the news as such:
This simple addon has been designed to work out of the box with the Zephyr, Jasper and Trinity(Slim) motherboards - and can also be updated for any future code changes / motherboard revisions.
Simply connect the included Phat or Slim adapter to the Xecuter CoolRunner and away you go.
Easily dump your nand with the Xecuter NAND-X and then install the Xecuter CoolRunner to get instant access to homebrew and beyond !
Easy install for anyone who can solder. The Slim is 7 wires and the Phat is 6 wires.
Production has started so you should expect these to be in stores within the next couple of weeks.
The addon is expected to cost within the range of $15-20. In the meanwhile, make sure you grab yourself a NAND-X before they all go out of stock.
Source: Team Xecuter Announces The Xecuter Coolruner | Xbox360-Hacks :: Hack your Xbox 360
Annoucing The Maximus Stinger
Team Maximus is proud to annouce their offering for making use of the recent discovery of the reset glitch hack released by GliGli.
The Maximus Stinger JTAG Add-on board.
These can be used in conjunction with the Maximus Nand Flasher kits but is not limited to those alone, the Stinger can also be used in conjunction with any other USB Nand flashing devices. While the full feature set for the Maximus Stinger is not yet announced rest assured the entire team is hard at work and production has already started, news on the full feature set will be coming soon and more info can be found on the maximus nandflasher website in the coming days.
Official resellers will start taking pre-orders soon so you will be able to pre-order you Maximus Stinger from your local reseller and get ready for a whole new world of JTAG.
But wait, there's more:
X360 Glitchip coming late September

Via today we get news of a new product to perform the Reset Glitch Hack on xbox360 phats and slims, The Glitchip. As news of this new hack spread through the internets like wildfire on sunday the available boards quickly ran out of stock leaving people that were slow to react high and dry but the french have stepped in to save the day.
The Glitchip promises to be a quick, clean and easy method to preforming the hack with only 7 solder points for the slim and 6 for the phat. This is sure to make the job a little easier for those that were overwhelmed by the schematics released when the hack first went public. Here is a short quote from the official website loosely translated from french:
Glitchip the x360 is a chip created by the company LIBRASOFT already known for his participation in the Xbox 360 scene. (BqI_Reader / 360 Drive Switcher / 360 Waves Patcher / 360 Games Patcher / x360SED ...).
The x360 Glitchip follows the hack done by gligli (the Reset Glitch Hack) which allows to boot unsigned code on the Xbox 360 regardless of the kernel installed, and all revisions of motherboards now existing Slim Included (Except Xenon).
To (very) simple, the chip sends a series of electrical pulses to the processor, in order to destabilize the console and make him believe that a modified CB is authentic (correctly hashed and signed). This fails every time, but it is repeated until success. Once the CB modified / hacked is validated by the console, it has sufficient rights to run unsigned code.
* Posted Image Launch unsigned code on Xbox 360
* Posted Image A single chip for both consoles. Compatible with Xbox 360 and SLIM PHAT
* Posted Image No additional hardware required (Except for a JTAG cable you if the chip was delivered blank)
* Posted Image Compatible regardless of the kernel installed on the Xbox 360
* Posted Image Easy installation (7 welds on a Slim, 6 welds on a Phat)
* Posted Image Opportunity to update the chip via a JTAG cable (not supplied)
* Posted Image Dimensions suitable for easy installation in the Xbox 360 (3cm by 4cm)
* Posted Image The console boots signed a code in a short period of time ranging from 10s to 2 ~ 3 min.
* Posted Image Product 100% French
* Posted Image The x360Glitchip JTAG provides the equivalent of all the Xbox 360 (Xenon Offline). Falcon coming soon.
You can preorder yours now from for only 26 euros or wait for on of your local shops to become a reseller.
Official Site: x360 Glitchip
Source: X360 Glitchip coming late September - Se7enSins Forums