Xbox 360 controller for PC Query

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Any news techie? I'm about to get my NU scheme soon & might as well get PURE.So would be needing the controller.:(
hopefully something by evening. will keep you guys posted. The bad news tho: the 1.3k controllers are most prob parallel imports n not bill and warranty stuff. My contact will prob gimme original stuff, so lets c on pricing.
It will prob be WITH warranty :P

Slight delay as my friend has had to leave for a tour someplace. Back on Fri so updates then.

Sorry for the dealy :( Thats why I didnt want to say anything till I had the information confirmed ...
Oh good! But Friday pakka right? :P

It's getting very very boring without a controller.Even PURE seems to be a pain with keyboard controls.:(
i bought it from chandni chowk, kolkata, 2 months ago lots of computer stores there and this was the cheapest i got after asking like 10 shops !!!, and yea it's with warranty
Can one put two controllers in one PC and play same game as opponents? . if yes what games/titles we can play?

Actually I have two kids and one controller would be one more reason for fights.

So if the price is decent I will go for two controllers:hap2:
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