XBOX 360 or PS3

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Plus 1 @ VaRz.

I sold off my modded 360 few months back because of the same reason as I wasn't able to play online. Coz if I did , then I would've been banned by MS.

I still strongly recommend you going in for the Nintendo Wii..

Is it like possible for you to play them a couple of times or so , if your friend / relative owns one. I found the Wii more fun than the Playstation 3 to be honest! and the modded version of Wii will cost you 16 Grands (INR) current price!
isn't there a soft mad tht alows us to play online with pirated DVDs??
its got something to do with stealth setting
don know for sure as i don own a 360, i just heard abut it
guys both the consoles are good in their own is good for its party system where as ps3 is good for its gfx and is future proof.decide on what kind of services u want and get the required console
compare exclusives for gfx not ported titles.ported titles will obviously look dull on ps3. for instance check oblivion and bioshock they look better on ps3 since most part of the code has been created from scratch
sickizblank said:
Lol. :rofl:

GTA 4: Xbox 360 vs. PS3 - 360 Wins -
Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison - Features at GameSpot


The Xbox 360 had better graphics in almost all the games we examined. The 360's biggest victories were in Madden 07 and Fight Night Round 3, where the differences in texture detail and lighting stood out in our comparison shots. We couldn't capture this in the screenshots, but the Xbox 360 games generally offered better framerates too.

We're going to give the PS3 the benefit of the doubt in this initial round since developers might need more time to figure out how to maximize performance from the Cell and the RSX. If you look at the Xbox 360's first Madden game, Madden 06, you'll notice that it doesn't offer very realistic stadium shadows, either. The trouble with buying a console at launch is that you often have to wait for the second or third generation of games for the system to fulfill its potential. The PS3 didn't beat the 360 in this first comparison, but the games do look fine for first-generation titles. The real graphics battle will likely come next year.

Progamming Easy in PPC based Processor , Game Development for RSX and Cell is tougher .

PS3 has 1 PPC based Processor vs Xbox has 3
but PS3 can create more Tflops performance by 7 SPEs

afaik SPE has still much more potential
max_demon said:
^^ Tecnically Speaking , X360 Has better Gfx .

Incorrect or rather partially correct. The titles that look better on XBOX 360 do so because they were originally made for PC and XBOX 360 which have similar programming bases and then quick ported to PS3 to get the game working without too much effort on optimizing the game for the platform like they did for the PC/XBOX 360. However when it comes to exclusives which were properly optimized for the respective platform, 360 does not really hold a candle to PS3. Just for example consider one very popular exclusive for each platform and compare. Halo 3 and Killzone 2 are popular exclusives on these two platforms and I own both to to make a comparison. Halo 3 looks like crap without even a comparison to any other game. Killzone 2 on the other hand looks pretty good. Of course neither platform can hold a handle when matched up againist a gaming PC in terms of graphics.
achadha7 said:
I am looking to get either the XBOX 360 or the PS 3, Dont know how live gaming will work on my 256K MTNL connection, Can you play online if you have a *MODDED* XBOX 360 with the games from Palika ?

Which console has a bigger lib of games like Call of duty / Black / Halo etc I am not into the fantasy / anime / GOW type os fames

Please help

Also is it better to get the console from singapore of buy it here ?:huh:


one by one, as i have personal experience with the X360.. i won't do a comparison here ..too many PS3 fanboys here with tons of dad's money ;)

1) Playing online with a modded 360 and not getting detected depends on the IXtreme version you have, ie the version of the custom firmware on the 360.

The latest 1.6,1.5 and 1.51 wont get detected on live.

getting the 1.6 is the most safe as it has the 3rd wave video partition (comming with the latest X360 games)support .

2) 360 has a far bigger library than PS3 with greater games rated above 80% and above ,head over to METACRITIC for a detailed game library and scores comparison.

3) I myself bought my console from singapore..the region there is NTSC-j.

(a) Cons:- (i)Games will not be available off the shelf here in india

(i myself never bought a single one!!)

(ii) Warranty not applicable in india

( if you mod it as it is you wont get any warranty anywhere!!

(b) Pros:- (i) The consoles available there are the ones with the latest

JASPER chipset motherboards, the arcades available in india

have the falcon chipsets.Google for advantage and there is

definitely one there!!

(ii) Cost here in india around INR 16000 for arcade, cost in

singapore around INR 11000/-.

4) Not recommended to buy off palika as the consoles there are falcon/older models prone to RROD.

5) Modd the latest console and enjoy the fun
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I prefer ps3 .. It has a few feature i like that i was told x box 360 does not have like wlan, Game Dvd's are cheap as well. It can also play ps 2 games..
those are older sku's which have backward compatibility...i think its pretty hard to find one these days...........
i own a ps3, i wud say dat games like killzone2,gt5 & MGS4 are soo worth it dat u won't regret buying a ps3.
plus u got wifi + blu ray.
i big advantage is u dont have to pay a monthly fee to play online like the xbox360 so dats pretty awesome.
i do agree the games are more expensive than xbox360 but if u got a few frnds who have a ps3 u can always trade so dat works really well.
like i say its ur choice and depends entirely on ur needs.
sickizblank said:
PS3 > Nintendo Wii > Xbox 360 Period.

PS3 - Professional Gaming , with high end graphics.
No mod. out as of now , from what I've heard with a few sources , it is in development. No I don't know exactly what type of mod , but there will be one in the coming future.

Xbox 360 - Waste of money! Get it modded , play online and your screwed! Permanent Ban from XBOX Live and getting updates and everything , due to which you won't even be able to play games which require an update in the future.

dude u have got all ur facts wrong, what do u mean by professional gaming ?
do u even know that most of the multi platform games look better on the X360.

i have been using a modded X360 since 2 yrs and never got banned and PSN sucks when it comes to online, XBL pawns PSN anyday. the number of users on XBL is mind blowing.

i use both the console and both have their Positives and negetives

PS3 is very expensive and the X360 has a decent pricing.
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