XBOX 360 or PS3

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Ambar said:
May I know why everyone thinks why the PS3 is not good for gaming?

No one is saying that the PS3 is better than the Xbox360 for gaming.

What most of us agree on is that, if you have a powerful PC, an Xbox360 might not be the first choice as most of the XboX 360 games come to the PC. (Take Splinter Cell Conviction for an example. It's coming only for XboX360 and PC, not PS3 and the PC version will almost definitely be cheaper.)

As for PS3 Exclusives (not on XboX360 or PC), here are a few I can think of, off the top of my head.

Uncharted 1

Resistance 1,2

Metal Gear Solid 4

Killzone 2

Little Big Planet

Ratchet and Clank Future (Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty)


Valkiria Chronicles

Demon Souls




God of War 3


Heavy Rain!!

Ratchet and Clank Future (A Crack in Time)

Unchartered 2

GT 5

Yakuza 3

These are games that will never move to the PC.
for me it will be all ways


pc is all ways best in india u get all the games for around 600 to 1200

xbox360 it has lot of games cheaper than ps3(both console and games too) and up coming Project Natal for xbox 360
check this link for more on Project Natal
YouTube - Project Natal

ps3 is a good hardware i wanted it but its to costly ,all the new games cost 2000 to 3500

wii is pue fun its good but in India it 19k which is very high for will
if u r getting it from us u can defiantly get it
In my opinion PS3 will be a better choice, as it has awesome games line up for the year 2009 and 2010. But if u r looking for Natal project then u shuld consider XBOX360
people say bad things about x360...but i tell u..its awesome specially xbox live....u can download every latest games demo for game trailers for free...and play multiplayer online games...its awesome...wii is not for hardcore gamers....its a family doesnt have good graphics and neither the processing is comparable to 360 and ps3.
when it comes to ps3 and x360..both are same graphics wise,performance wise(google it if u dont believe me..the graphic chipset is same in performance...360 has got a ati one and ps3 has got a nvidia one)(360 has got 3 cores which is equal to the 6 cores of ps3)(in real ps3 has got 8 cores in which 2 are disabled).the only thing ps3 goes ahead is in bluray...but its a draw back also...the bluray discs are very very costly...
the x360 has lots of games compared to ps3..
at this point of time you could go with ps3 because of the exclusive titles..
people who dont a x360 stop saying about it..

bottom line..
both consoles are for hardcore gaming..
if u wnt to play online,download loads of stuff,play lots and lots of games go for x360
if u have the money to but costly games and want to watch movies go for ps3
ragzdiablo said:
people say bad things about x360...but i tell u..its awesome specially xbox live....u can download every latest games demo for game trailers for free...and play multiplayer online games...its awesome...wii is not for hardcore gamers....its a family doesnt have good graphics and neither the processing is comparable to 360 and ps3.

when it comes to ps3 and x360..both are same graphics wise,performance wise(google it if u dont believe me..the graphic chipset is same in performance...360 has got a ati one and ps3 has got a nvidia one)(360 has got 3 cores which is equal to the 6 cores of ps3)(in real ps3 has got 8 cores in which 2 are disabled).the only thing ps3 goes ahead is in bluray...but its a draw back also...the bluray discs are very very costly...

the x360 has lots of games compared to ps3..

at this point of time you could go with ps3 because of the exclusive titles..

people who dont a x360 stop saying about it..

bottom line..

both consoles are for hardcore gaming..

if u wnt to play online,download loads of stuff,play lots and lots of games go for x360

if u have the money to but costly games and want to watch movies go for ps3

1. PS3 has a lot more graphics quality potential than XBOX 360. Although the GPU potential is similar, the CPU potential is higher with the PS3. This is not evident in the multi-platform games because they do not spend enough time fine tuning for the PS3 as they do with the 360 or PC. Developers can tune the performance and achieve better visuals by off loading parts of work to the CPU. This is evident in the exclusive titles. PS3 exclusives outshine the 360 exclusives.

2. XBOX 360 has lot of games, but most of the good ones are multi-platform. In terms of exclusives, 360 is severely lacking and these days the situation is worsening with PS3 getting a lot good exclusives and the 360 hardly getting any. I spent 35k on my XBOX 360 Elite only to realize that most of the games, I can play in much higher quality on my PC and for cheaper to boot. PS3 on the other hand I use regularly because of the exclusive titles. Just having a large number of games is simply not enough. Its not like you go out and buy every crap game thats released for 1800~2400 bucks. You buy only the good ones and if you have a PC, your choice for games will be severely diminished.

3. As for game trailers and demo's you can do that on a PS3 as well. You can play on-line as well and for free although I would agree that you get a much better experience with Live considering that its a paid service.

So I will just say that 360 is a total waste of money for anyone with a decent gaming PC and even in general I would recommend a PS3 over 360 any day simply because of the exclusives.
Lord Nemesis said:
1. PS3 has a lot more graphics quality potential than XBOX 360. Although the GPU potential is similar, the CPU potential is higher with the PS3. This is not evident in the multi-platform games because they do not spend enough time fine tuning for the PS3 as they do with the 360 or PC. Developers can tune the performance and achieve better visuals by off loading parts of work to the CPU. This is evident in the exclusive titles. PS3 exclusives outshine the 360 exclusives.

2. XBOX 360 has lot of games, but most of the good ones are multi-platform. In terms of exclusives, 360 is severely lacking and these days the situation is worsening with PS3 getting a lot good exclusives and the 360 hardly getting any. I spent 35k on my XBOX 360 Elite only to realize that most of the games, I can play in much higher quality on my PC and for cheaper to boot. PS3 on the other hand I use regularly because of the exclusive titles. Just having a large number of games is simply not enough. Its not like you go out and buy every crap game thats released for 1800~2400 bucks. You buy only the good ones and if you have a PC, your choice for games will be severely diminished.

3. As for game trailers and demo's you can do that on a PS3 as well. You can play on-line as well and for free although I would agree that you get a much better experience with Live considering that its a paid service.

So I will just say that 360 is a total waste of money for anyone with a decent gaming PC and even in general I would recommend a PS3 over 360 any day simply because of the exclusives.
I said that too that 'at this point of time u cud go wid the ps3 coz of the exclusives'..
i agree with u on that..
but that doesnt mean xbox360 is shit..:@:@
i remember when i got my 360 my first games was halo 3 and it is the best games ive ever played..okay 2nd best(cod4 wins):hap2:
and man u forgot that 360 has got its own exclusives...GOW 2..pgr..crackdown,forza(have u seen forza 3 screenshots??plz see them:D),fable2 gaiden,blade..

all these titles are awesome..
sure ps3 is awesome...but 360 is awesome too..!!
why do people say that it sucks..?

@lord nemesis..
awesome rig..
ragzdiablo said:
but that doesnt mean xbox360 is shit..:@:@

i remember when i got my 360 my first games was halo 3 and it is the best games ive ever played..okay 2nd best(cod4 wins):hap2:

and man u forgot that 360 has got its own exclusives...GOW 2..pgr..crackdown,forza(have u seen forza 3 screenshots??plz see them:D),fable2 gaiden,blade..

all these titles are awesome..

sure ps3 is awesome...but 360 is awesome too..!!

why do people say that it sucks..?

No one said that 360 sucks, they are just saying that PS3 is the only way to go right now.

Halo 3 was my first 360 game as well as it made me regret the entire purchase in an instant. Blurry graphics coupled with poor single player campaign made it a poor choice for me. Even if the poor single player campaign is excused in the light that its mainly an on-line centric game, what's with the poor graphics. It was only Mass Effect that salvaged me from regretting my purchase decision.

COD4 tops my list of FPS as well and I have played it start to end more than 20 times and at all difficulty levels, but I did it on PC, not 360.

As for the 360 exclusives, except for the racing sims you mentioned, none of them are true exclusives. GOW is already on PC, so GOW2 will be too, Ninja Gaiden series is on PS3 as well. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is going to be a visually improved version of Ninja Gaiden 2 with a lot of additions. Ninja Blade is comming to the PC if I remember right. Fable 2 has a good chance of comming to the PC. Compare that to the odds of PS3 exclusives like Killzone 2 or God of War 3 making it to the PC or 360.

ragzdiablo said:
@lord nemesis..

awesome rig..

Thanks, but my rig is already getting outdated. There are many other drool worthy rigs on this forum if you care to check around. ;)
dude, if you have already planned for a modded console, maybe because you don't feel like spending 2.5k on one game, then forget about the PS3....

the Wii is for fun times games mostly.....360 is somewhere between these two. but someone did say correctly that if you have a good enough pc then most of the games that come to the 360 come on PC as well.

so i guess the first decision to make is whether you will buy all original games;

if yes, PS3 is a good choice

if no, go for the 360 (I would prefer the wii for more of sports games, which is not your preference)
Although i own both consoles , i prefer my 360 over the PS3 .. Xbox Live is awesome .

I personally think you can't go wrong with either of the consoles both have their positives and negatives .
get the PS3 any doubt the x360 has gud collection of exclusive titles but that of PS3 r even better.also most PS3 exclusives dont maked it to either the x360 or pc.
You know what...

I'm really having second thoughts about PS3's support in India. I know even the PSN store has not been put up yet for India. Xbox Live has an Indian store.

Not only that, M$ repair services are better for X360's than PS3's.

So...go for Xbox 360, only if you don't much care about PS3 exclusive franchises like Metal Gear, God Of War, Gran Turismo, etc.
tufel said:
Rick O'Connell: Here We Go Again ;)

lol, just being realistic. I have friends in India with both PS3 and Xbox 360. The 360 ones can play Battlefield 1943, because they have a store and its an online downloadable game only. My Ps3 friends can't, there is a workaround but they can't be bothered with it.

PS3 has better games, though that's a given.
Params7 said:
lol, just being realistic. I have friends in India with both PS3 and Xbox 360. The 360 ones can play Battlefield 1943, because they have a store and its an online downloadable game only. My Ps3 friends can't, there is a workaround but they can't be bothered with it.

PS3 has better games, though that's a given.

That's sort of true , as i said earlier in the thread as well .. PS3 is miles and i mean miles away from the Xbox live experience .
Lord Nemesis said:
1. PS3 has a lot more graphics quality potential than XBOX 360. Although the GPU potential is similar, the CPU potential is higher with the PS3. This is not evident in the multi-platform games because they do not spend enough time fine tuning for the PS3 as they do with the 360 or PC. Developers can tune the performance and achieve better visuals by off loading parts of work to the CPU. This is evident in the exclusive titles. PS3 exclusives outshine the 360 exclusives.

2. XBOX 360 has lot of games, but most of the good ones are multi-platform. In terms of exclusives, 360 is severely lacking and these days the situation is worsening with PS3 getting a lot good exclusives and the 360 hardly getting any. I spent 35k on my XBOX 360 Elite only to realize that most of the games, I can play in much higher quality on my PC and for cheaper to boot. PS3 on the other hand I use regularly because of the exclusive titles. Just having a large number of games is simply not enough. Its not like you go out and buy every crap game thats released for 1800~2400 bucks. You buy only the good ones and if you have a PC, your choice for games will be severely diminished.

3. As for game trailers and demo's you can do that on a PS3 as well. You can play on-line as well and for free although I would agree that you get a much better experience with Live considering that its a paid service.

So I will just say that 360 is a total waste of money for anyone with a decent gaming PC and even in general I would recommend a PS3 over 360 any day simply because of the exclusives.

Can't agree any further!

Good write up! :hap2:

Frankly speaking , half of the 360 exclusives are now made available for PC too. So if you have a good gaming pc as well then the 360 is a complete waste of money.
Params7 said:
lol, just being realistic. I have friends in India with both PS3 and Xbox 360. The 360 ones can play Battlefield 1943, because they have a store and its an online downloadable game only. My Ps3 friends can't, there is a workaround but they can't be bothered with it.

PS3 has better games, though that's a given.

how difficult is it to buy PSN cards from or load up ur account using Entropay??
^^ No point arguing man. This thread will go no where.

We as users know which console is better. Just posting stuff to defend a console won't make it better! Google it and you'll get to know which console is better!
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