TE Marketplace has always been free. Even the rules state that you can only post links with price of stuff available for sale at a lower price. Apart from that, any suggestions regarding price have to be made through PM. Why can't you guys stop bullying sellers and just follow the rules yourself. Are buyers only members of the forum, not the sellers. Everytime a seller posts something, he/she gets bullied over price. If you say, that one shouldn't sell over the price the seller bought it for, then why do buyers always expect depreciation as well. Shouldn't they help out their fellow forum members and buy their used products as their purchased price. But no, people are ready to accept the free market principle of depreciation, but not of appreciation which doesn't happen usually in case of electronics, but it has happened this time for whatever reason. So either accept both principles or none. A seller has the right to price their product at whatever rate they want without getting bullied. You can make price suggestions with valid links in the thread or polite suggestions through PM. These are the rules whether you like them or not.