Here's the link to Chinese V40.0 for Redmi 1S. Hope its good enough. Cheers
Either update to v37 or remain with 34, don't update to 36, it's buggy.I have received the phone yesterday.It came with the v34.Its telling me to update to v36.What do i do ? Update it to v36 or wait for a more stable version ?
My house is on a main road and there are lots of dust.Like i have to clean my pc atleast 3 times a day.
Is there anyway to protect the redme1s from dust ?
I'm amazed it has wireless display and it works just fine! Didn't expect that feature in a low-end device.battery seems to be okay too.only drawback I am finding is no shortcut buttons illumination!I was holding the phone upside down the dark and was wondering why i can't hear the other person! The problem was screen had auto rotated to upside down orientation and it took me a while to realize that....only solution for this would to lock rotation.also the charger is 2 amps, that's surprising for a small phone like this-but good nonetheless
If its really important to you, you might want to have the app. (Rooting the Redmi is a piece of cake) tool +
i rried to to root it but because of v37.0 i m not been able to do itin tutioral it said STABLE MIUI version 5 reqiured but now i avae 37.0 wic is not stable
plz help
u done update to v40.0 let me know wat major differnt u fill ?Here's the link to Chinese V40.0 for Redmi 1S. Hope its good enough. Cheers
V37 is stable and follow this guide to have the root...
@jaydipmori , open Security app and you'll find Permission, I was also confused first. Open the spoiler below See the screenshotsAfter reboot go to Security -> Permission and activate Root permission
tre is no permission tab i found
plz need help
just marketing to divert buyer to site
yea bro also u need rename unroot file to to detect@jaydipmori , open Security app and you'll find Permission, I was also confused first. Open the spoiler below See the screenshots
Last time it got me 2 phonesI am sure this time also buyhatke extension will fail